2017-10-16 19:48:03 -04:00
import abi from 'ethereumjs-abi';
import { toChecksumAddress } from 'ethereumjs-util';
import Big, { BigNumber } from 'bignumber.js';
import { INode } from 'libs/nodes/INode';
import { FuncParams, FunctionOutputMappings, Output, Input } from './types';
import {
generateCompleteTransaction as makeAndSignTx,
} from 'libs/transaction';
import { ISetConfigForTx } from './index';
export interface IUserSendParams {
to: string;
gasLimit: BigNumber;
value: string;
export type ISendParams = IUserSendParams & ISetConfigForTx;
export default class AbiFunction {
public constant: boolean;
public outputs: Output[];
public inputs: Input[];
private funcParams: FuncParams;
private inputNames: string[];
private inputTypes: string[];
private outputNames: string[];
private outputTypes: string[];
private methodSelector: string;
private name: string;
constructor(abiFunc: any, outputMappings: FunctionOutputMappings) {
Object.assign(this, abiFunc);
public call = async (input, node: INode, to) => {
if (!node || !node.sendCallRequest) {
throw Error(`No node given to ${this.name}`);
const data = this.encodeInput(input);
const returnedData = await node
.catch(e => {
throw Error(`Node call request error at: ${this.name}
Params:${JSON.stringify(input, null, 2)}
const decodedOutput = this.decodeOutput(returnedData);
return decodedOutput;
public send = async (params: ISendParams) => {
const { nodeLib, chainId, wallet, gasLimit, ...userInputs } = params;
if (!nodeLib || !nodeLib.sendRawTx) {
throw Error(`No node given to ${this.name}`);
const data = this.encodeInput(userInputs.input);
const transactionInput: TransactionInput = {
to: userInputs.to,
unit: 'ether',
value: userInputs.value
const { signedTx, rawTx } = await makeAndSignTx(
2017-10-17 00:01:28 -04:00
2017-10-16 19:48:03 -04:00
return { signedTx, rawTx: JSON.parse(rawTx) };
public encodeInput = (suppliedInputs: object = {}) => {
const args = this.processSuppliedArgs(suppliedInputs);
const encodedCall = this.makeEncodedFuncCall(args);
return encodedCall;
public decodeInput = (argString: string) => {
// Remove method selector from data, if present
argString = argString.replace(`0x${this.methodSelector}`, '');
// Convert argdata to a hex buffer for ethereumjs-abi
const argBuffer = new Buffer(argString, 'hex');
// Decode!
const argArr = abi.rawDecode(this.inputTypes, argBuffer);
//TODO: parse checksummed addresses
return argArr.reduce((argObj, currArg, index) => {
const currName = this.inputNames[index];
const currType = this.inputTypes[index];
return {
[currName]: this.parsePostDecodedValue(currType, currArg)
}, {});
public decodeOutput = (argString: string) => {
// Remove method selector from data, if present
argString = argString.replace(`0x${this.methodSelector}`, '');
// Remove 0x prefix
argString = argString.replace('0x', '');
// Convert argdata to a hex buffer for ethereumjs-abi
const argBuffer = new Buffer(argString, 'hex');
// Decode!
const argArr = abi.rawDecode(this.outputTypes, argBuffer);
//TODO: parse checksummed addresses
return argArr.reduce((argObj, currArg, index) => {
const currName = this.outputNames[index];
const currType = this.outputTypes[index];
return {
[currName]: this.parsePostDecodedValue(currType, currArg)
}, {});
private init(outputMappings: FunctionOutputMappings = []) {
this.funcParams = this.makeFuncParams();
//TODO: do this in O(n)
this.inputTypes = this.inputs.map(({ type }) => type);
this.outputTypes = this.outputs.map(({ type }) => type);
this.inputNames = this.inputs.map(({ name }) => name);
this.outputNames = this.outputs.map(
({ name }, i) => outputMappings[i] || name || `${i}`
this.methodSelector = abi
.methodID(this.name, this.inputTypes)
private parsePostDecodedValue = (type: string, value: any) => {
const valueMapping = {
address: val => toChecksumAddress(val.toString(16))
return valueMapping[type]
? valueMapping[type](value)
: this.isBigNumber(value) ? value.toString() : value;
private parsePreEncodedValue = (_: string, value: any) =>
this.isBigNumber(value) ? value.toString() : value;
private isBigNumber = (object: object) =>
object instanceof Big ||
(object &&
object.constructor &&
(object.constructor.name === 'BigNumber' ||
object.constructor.name === 'BN'));
private makeFuncParams = () =>
this.inputs.reduce((accumulator, currInput) => {
const { name, type } = currInput;
const inputHandler = inputToParse =>
//TODO: introduce typechecking and typecasting mapping for inputs
({ name, type, value: this.parsePreEncodedValue(type, inputToParse) });
return {
[name]: { processInput: inputHandler, type, name }
}, {});
private makeEncodedFuncCall = (args: string[]) => {
const encodedArgs = abi.rawEncode(this.inputTypes, args).toString('hex');
return `0x${this.methodSelector}${encodedArgs}`;
private processSuppliedArgs = (suppliedArgs: object) =>
this.inputNames.map(name => {
const type = this.funcParams[name].type;
//TODO: parse args based on type
if (!suppliedArgs[name]) {
throw Error(
`Expected argument "${name}" of type "${type}" missing, suppliedArgs: ${JSON.stringify(
const value = suppliedArgs[name];
const processedArg = this.funcParams[name].processInput(value);
return processedArg.value;