2017-09-24 19:06:28 -07:00
import {
2017-11-09 22:30:20 -05:00
2017-09-24 19:06:28 -07:00
} from 'actions/wallet';
import isEmpty from 'lodash/isEmpty';
import map from 'lodash/map';
2017-06-30 03:03:11 +04:00
import React, { Component } from 'react';
2017-09-24 19:06:28 -07:00
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { Dispatch } from 'redux';
2017-06-30 03:03:11 +04:00
import translate from 'translations';
import KeystoreDecrypt from './Keystore';
import LedgerNanoSDecrypt from './LedgerNano';
2017-09-24 19:06:28 -07:00
import MnemonicDecrypt from './Mnemonic';
import PrivateKeyDecrypt, { PrivateKeyValue } from './PrivateKey';
2017-06-30 03:03:11 +04:00
import TrezorDecrypt from './Trezor';
import ViewOnlyDecrypt from './ViewOnly';
2017-10-10 22:04:49 -07:00
import { AppState } from 'reducers';
2017-11-09 22:30:20 -05:00
import Web3Decrypt from './Web3';
2017-11-21 13:33:20 -05:00
import Help from 'components/ui/Help';
2017-12-06 18:04:57 -05:00
import { knowledgeBaseURL } from 'config/data';
2017-06-30 03:03:11 +04:00
const WALLETS = {
2017-11-21 18:32:20 -06:00
web3: {
lid: 'x_MetaMask',
component: Web3Decrypt,
2017-09-15 15:29:38 -04:00
initialParams: {},
2017-11-21 18:32:20 -06:00
unlock: unlockWeb3,
2017-12-06 18:04:57 -05:00
helpLink: `${knowledgeBaseURL}/migration/moving-from-private-key-to-metamask`
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
'ledger-nano-s': {
lid: 'x_Ledger',
2017-08-25 03:37:36 -04:00
component: LedgerNanoSDecrypt,
2017-10-05 19:29:14 -04:00
initialParams: {},
unlock: setWallet,
2017-11-21 13:33:20 -05:00
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
trezor: {
lid: 'x_Trezor',
2017-08-25 03:37:36 -04:00
component: TrezorDecrypt,
2017-08-28 13:43:57 -04:00
initialParams: {},
2017-09-24 19:06:28 -07:00
unlock: setWallet,
2017-11-21 13:33:20 -05:00
helpLink: 'https://doc.satoshilabs.com/trezor-apps/mew.html'
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
2017-11-21 18:32:20 -06:00
'keystore-file': {
lid: 'x_Keystore2',
component: KeystoreDecrypt,
initialParams: {
file: '',
password: ''
unlock: unlockKeystore,
2017-12-06 18:04:57 -05:00
helpLink: `${
2017-11-21 18:32:20 -06:00
'mnemonic-phrase': {
lid: 'x_Mnemonic',
component: MnemonicDecrypt,
2017-11-09 22:30:20 -05:00
initialParams: {},
2017-11-21 18:32:20 -06:00
unlock: unlockMnemonic,
2017-12-06 18:04:57 -05:00
helpLink: `${
2017-11-21 18:32:20 -06:00
'private-key': {
lid: 'x_PrivKey2',
component: PrivateKeyDecrypt,
initialParams: {
key: '',
password: ''
unlock: unlockPrivateKey,
2017-12-06 18:04:57 -05:00
helpLink: `${
2017-11-09 22:30:20 -05:00
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
'view-only': {
lid: 'View with Address Only',
2017-08-25 03:37:36 -04:00
component: ViewOnlyDecrypt,
2017-11-29 15:14:57 -08:00
initialParams: {},
unlock: setWallet,
2017-11-21 13:33:20 -05:00
helpLink: ''
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
2017-06-30 03:03:11 +04:00
type UnlockParams = {} | PrivateKeyValue;
2017-09-24 19:06:28 -07:00
interface Props {
2017-12-06 18:04:57 -05:00
dispatch: Dispatch<UnlockKeystoreAction | UnlockMnemonicAction | UnlockPrivateKeyAction>;
2017-10-10 22:04:49 -07:00
offline: boolean;
2017-11-29 15:14:57 -08:00
allowReadOnly?: boolean;
2017-09-24 19:06:28 -07:00
2017-06-30 03:03:11 +04:00
2017-09-24 19:06:28 -07:00
interface State {
selectedWalletKey: string;
value: UnlockParams;
export class WalletDecrypt extends Component<Props, State> {
public state: State = {
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
selectedWalletKey: 'keystore-file',
value: WALLETS['keystore-file'].initialParams
2017-09-24 19:06:28 -07:00
public getDecryptionComponent() {
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
const { selectedWalletKey, value } = this.state;
const selectedWallet = WALLETS[selectedWalletKey];
if (!selectedWallet) {
return null;
2017-06-30 03:03:11 +04:00
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
return (
2017-12-06 18:04:57 -05:00
<selectedWallet.component value={value} onChange={this.onChange} onUnlock={this.onUnlock} />
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
2017-10-10 22:04:49 -07:00
public isOnlineRequiredWalletAndOffline(selectedWalletKey) {
const onlineRequiredWallets = ['trezor', 'ledger-nano-s'];
2017-12-06 18:04:57 -05:00
return this.props.offline && onlineRequiredWallets.includes(selectedWalletKey);
2017-10-10 22:04:49 -07:00
2017-09-24 19:06:28 -07:00
public buildWalletOptions() {
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
return map(WALLETS, (wallet, key) => {
2017-11-21 13:33:20 -05:00
const { helpLink } = wallet;
2017-11-29 15:14:57 -08:00
const isSelected = this.state.selectedWalletKey === key;
const isDisabled =
this.isOnlineRequiredWalletAndOffline(key) ||
(!this.props.allowReadOnly && wallet.component === ViewOnlyDecrypt);
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
return (
<label className="radio" key={key}>
2017-11-29 15:14:57 -08:00
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
2017-10-05 19:29:14 -04:00
<span id={`${key}-label`}>{translate(wallet.lid)}</span>
2017-11-21 13:33:20 -05:00
{helpLink ? <Help link={helpLink} /> : null}
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
2017-12-06 18:04:57 -05:00
public handleDecryptionChoiceChange = (event: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
2017-09-24 19:06:28 -07:00
const wallet = WALLETS[(event.target as HTMLInputElement).value];
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
if (!wallet) {
2017-06-30 03:03:11 +04:00
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
2017-09-24 19:06:28 -07:00
selectedWalletKey: (event.target as HTMLInputElement).value,
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
value: wallet.initialParams
2017-09-24 19:06:28 -07:00
public render() {
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
const decryptionComponent = this.getDecryptionComponent();
return (
v3 Style Import (#151)
* Convert bootstrap to sass instead of checked in and less
* Darken body, adjust header.
* First pass at tab styles, each tab will need a lot of individual love tho.
* Update footer to main site content, improve responsiveness.
* Missing key added.
* Fix dropdowns.
* Convert GenerateWallet HTML over, still needs styling.
* Send form.
* Current rates styled.
* CurrencySwap form styles.
* SwapInfoHeader styled.
* Finish up swap restyling, minor usability improvements for mobile.
* Fix up notifications / alert customizations
* Import v3 variables.
* Fix notification spacing.
* Align input height base with buttons.
* Revert height base, add additional bootstrap overrides.
* Grid overrides.
* Move overrides to their own folder. Adjust naming.
* Fix inconsistencies.
* Style generate wallet pt 1.
* Style generate wallet pt 2
* Style generate wallet pt 3
* Fix swap
* Added some missing overries, fixed the fallout.
* Remove header text, indicate alpha version.
* Fix radio / checkbox weights.
* Bind => arrow
* Convert simpledropdown to proper form select, instead of weirdly implemented nonfuncitoning dropdown.
* Fix token balances buttons, footr icons.
2017-09-05 15:52:01 -04:00
<article className="Tab-content-pane row">
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
<section className="col-md-4 col-sm-6">
2017-10-05 19:29:14 -04:00
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
2017-10-05 19:29:14 -04:00
{!!(this.state.value as PrivateKeyValue).valid && (
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
<section className="col-md-4 col-sm-6">
2017-10-05 19:29:14 -04:00
<h4 id="uploadbtntxt-wallet">{translate('ADD_Label_6')}</h4>
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
<div className="form-group">
2017-09-24 19:06:28 -07:00
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
className="btn btn-primary btn-block"
2017-10-05 19:29:14 -04:00
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
2017-09-24 19:06:28 -07:00
public onChange = (value: UnlockParams) => {
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
this.setState({ value });
2017-09-24 19:06:28 -07:00
public onUnlock = (payload: any) => {
2017-09-11 20:29:07 -05:00
// some components (TrezorDecrypt) don't take an onChange prop, and thus this.state.value will remain unpopulated.
// in this case, we can expect the payload to contain the unlocked wallet info.
2017-12-06 18:04:57 -05:00
const unlockValue = this.state.value && !isEmpty(this.state.value) ? this.state.value : payload;
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
2017-06-30 03:03:11 +04:00
2017-10-10 22:04:49 -07:00
function mapStateToProps(state: AppState) {
return {
offline: state.config.offline
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(WalletDecrypt);