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synced 2025-03-02 19:50:38 +00:00
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320 lines
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import { SagaIterator, delay, Task } from 'redux-saga';
import { apply, call, fork, put, select, takeEvery, take, cancel } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { translateRaw } from 'translations';
import { INode } from 'libs/nodes/INode';
import { Wei } from 'libs/units';
import { Token } from 'types/network';
import {
} from 'libs/wallet';
import { loadWalletConfig, saveWalletConfig } from 'utils/localStorage';
import { AppState } from 'features/reducers';
import * as derivedSelectors from 'features/selectors';
import * as configMetaTypes from 'features/config/meta/types';
import * as configMetaSelectors from 'features/config/meta/selectors';
import * as configNodesSelectors from 'features/config/nodes/selectors';
import * as configSelectors from 'features/config/selectors';
import { notificationsActions } from 'features/notifications';
import { customTokensTypes, customTokensSelectors } from 'features/customTokens';
import * as types from './types';
import * as actions from './actions';
import * as selectors from './selectors';
export function* getTokenBalancesSaga(wallet: IWallet, tokens: Token[]) {
const node: INode = yield select(configNodesSelectors.getNodeLib);
const address: string = yield apply(wallet, wallet.getAddressString);
const tokenBalances: types.TokenBalance[] = yield apply(node, node.getTokenBalances, [
return tokens.reduce<{ [TokenSymbol: string]: types.TokenBalance }>((acc, t, i) => {
acc[t.symbol] = tokenBalances[i];
return acc;
}, {});
// Return an array of the tokens that meet any of the following conditions:
// 1. Non-zero balance
// 2. It was in the previous wallet's config
// 3. It's a custom token that the user added
export function* filterScannedTokenBalances(wallet: IWallet, balances: types.TokenBalanceLookup) {
const customTokens: AppState['customTokens'] = yield select(
const oldConfig: WalletConfig = yield call(loadWalletConfig, wallet);
return Object.keys(balances).filter(symbol => {
if (balances[symbol] && !balances[symbol].balance.isZero()) {
return true;
if (oldConfig.tokens && oldConfig.tokens.includes(symbol)) {
return true;
if (customTokens.find(token => token.symbol === symbol)) {
return true;
export function* updateAccountBalance(): SagaIterator {
try {
const isOffline = yield select(configMetaSelectors.getOffline);
if (isOffline) {
yield put(actions.setBalancePending());
const wallet: null | IWallet = yield select(selectors.getWalletInst);
if (!wallet) {
const node: INode = yield select(configNodesSelectors.getNodeLib);
const address: string = yield apply(wallet, wallet.getAddressString);
// network request
const balance: Wei = yield apply(node, node.getBalance, [address]);
yield put(actions.setBalanceFullfilled(balance));
} catch (error) {
yield put(actions.setBalanceRejected());
export function* retryTokenBalances(): SagaIterator {
const tokens: types.MergedToken[] = yield select(derivedSelectors.getWalletConfigTokens);
if (tokens && tokens.length) {
yield call(updateTokenBalances);
} else {
const wallet: null | IWallet = yield select(selectors.getWalletInst);
if (wallet) {
yield call(scanWalletForTokensSaga, wallet);
export function* updateTokenBalances(): SagaIterator {
try {
const isOffline = yield select(configMetaSelectors.getOffline);
if (isOffline) {
const wallet: null | IWallet = yield select(selectors.getWalletInst);
const tokens: types.MergedToken[] = yield select(derivedSelectors.getWalletConfigTokens);
if (!wallet || !tokens.length) {
yield put(actions.setTokenBalancesPending());
const tokenBalances: types.TokenBalanceLookup = yield call(
yield put(actions.setTokenBalancesFulfilled(tokenBalances));
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to get token balances', error);
yield put(actions.setTokenBalancesRejected());
export function* updateTokenBalance(action: types.SetTokenBalancePendingAction): SagaIterator {
try {
const isOffline = yield select(configMetaSelectors.getOffline);
if (isOffline) {
const wallet: null | IWallet = yield select(selectors.getWalletInst);
const { tokenSymbol } = action.payload;
const allTokens: Token[] = yield select(configSelectors.getAllTokens);
const token = allTokens.find(t => t.symbol === tokenSymbol);
if (!wallet) {
if (!token) {
throw Error('Token not found');
const tokenBalances: types.TokenBalanceLookup = yield call(getTokenBalancesSaga, wallet, [
yield put(actions.setTokenBalanceFulfilled(tokenBalances));
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to get token balance', error);
yield put(actions.setTokenBalanceRejected());
export function* handleScanWalletAction(action: types.ScanWalletForTokensAction): SagaIterator {
yield call(scanWalletForTokensSaga, action.payload);
export function* scanWalletForTokensSaga(wallet: IWallet): SagaIterator {
try {
const isOffline = yield select(configMetaSelectors.getOffline);
if (isOffline) {
const tokens: types.MergedToken[] = yield select(derivedSelectors.getTokens);
yield put(actions.setTokenBalancesPending());
// Fetch all token balances, save ones we want to the config
const balances: types.TokenBalanceLookup = yield call(getTokenBalancesSaga, wallet, tokens);
const tokensToSave: string[] = yield call(filterScannedTokenBalances, wallet, balances);
const config: WalletConfig = yield call(saveWalletConfig, wallet, { tokens: tokensToSave });
yield put(actions.setWalletConfig(config));
yield put(actions.setTokenBalancesFulfilled(balances));
} catch (err) {
console.error('Failed to scan for tokens', err);
yield put(actions.setTokenBalancesRejected());
export function* handleSetWalletTokens(action: types.SetWalletTokensAction): SagaIterator {
const wallet: null | IWallet = yield select(selectors.getWalletInst);
if (!wallet) {
const config: WalletConfig = yield call(saveWalletConfig, wallet, { tokens: action.payload });
yield put(actions.setWalletConfig(config));
export function* updateBalances(): SagaIterator {
const updateAccount = yield fork(updateAccountBalance);
const updateToken = yield fork(updateTokenBalances);
yield take(types.WalletActions.SET);
yield cancel(updateAccount);
yield cancel(updateToken);
export function* handleNewWallet(): SagaIterator {
yield call(updateWalletConfig);
yield fork(updateBalances);
export function* updateWalletConfig(): SagaIterator {
const wallet: null | IWallet = yield select(selectors.getWalletInst);
if (!wallet) {
const config: WalletConfig = yield call(loadWalletConfig, wallet);
yield put(actions.setWalletConfig(config));
export function* unlockPrivateKeySaga(action: types.UnlockPrivateKeyAction): SagaIterator {
let wallet: IWallet | null = null;
const { key, password } = action.payload;
try {
wallet = getPrivKeyWallet(key, password);
} catch (e) {
yield put(notificationsActions.showNotification('danger', translateRaw('INVALID_PKEY')));
yield put(actions.setWallet(wallet));
export function* startLoadingSpinner(): SagaIterator {
yield call(delay, 400);
yield put(actions.setWalletPending(true));
export function* stopLoadingSpinner(loadingFork: Task | null): SagaIterator {
if (loadingFork !== null && loadingFork !== undefined) {
yield cancel(loadingFork);
yield put(actions.setWalletPending(false));
export function* unlockKeystoreSaga(action: types.UnlockKeystoreAction): SagaIterator {
const { file, password } = action.payload;
let wallet: null | IWallet = null;
let spinnerTask: null | Task = null;
try {
if (determineKeystoreType(file) === KeystoreTypes.utc) {
spinnerTask = yield fork(startLoadingSpinner);
wallet = signWrapper(yield call(getUtcWallet, file, password));
} else {
wallet = getKeystoreWallet(file, password);
} catch (e) {
yield call(stopLoadingSpinner, spinnerTask);
if (
password === '' &&
e.message === 'Private key does not satisfy the curve requirements (ie. it is invalid)'
) {
yield put(actions.setPasswordPrompt());
} else {
yield put(notificationsActions.showNotification('danger', translateRaw('ERROR_6')));
// TODO: provide a more descriptive error than the two 'ERROR_6' (invalid pass) messages above
yield call(stopLoadingSpinner, spinnerTask);
yield put(actions.setWallet(wallet));
export function* unlockMnemonicSaga(action: types.UnlockMnemonicAction): SagaIterator {
let wallet;
const { phrase, pass, path, address } = action.payload;
try {
wallet = MnemonicWallet(phrase, pass, path, address);
} catch (err) {
// TODO: use better error than 'ERROR_14' (wallet not found)
yield put(notificationsActions.showNotification('danger', translateRaw('ERROR_14')));
yield put(actions.setWallet(wallet));
export function* handleCustomTokenAdd(
action: customTokensTypes.AddCustomTokenAction
): SagaIterator {
// Add the custom token to our current wallet's config
const wallet: null | IWallet = yield select(selectors.getWalletInst);
if (!wallet) {
const oldConfig: WalletConfig = yield call(loadWalletConfig, wallet);
const config: WalletConfig = yield call(saveWalletConfig, wallet, {
tokens: [...(oldConfig.tokens || []), action.payload.symbol]
yield put(actions.setWalletConfig(config));
// Update token balances
yield fork(updateTokenBalances);
export function* walletSaga(): SagaIterator {
yield [
takeEvery(types.WalletActions.UNLOCK_PRIVATE_KEY, unlockPrivateKeySaga),
takeEvery(types.WalletActions.UNLOCK_KEYSTORE, unlockKeystoreSaga),
takeEvery(types.WalletActions.UNLOCK_MNEMONIC, unlockMnemonicSaga),
takeEvery(types.WalletActions.SET, handleNewWallet),
takeEvery(types.WalletActions.SCAN_WALLET_FOR_TOKENS, handleScanWalletAction),
takeEvery(types.WalletActions.SET_WALLET_TOKENS, handleSetWalletTokens),
takeEvery(types.WalletActions.SET_TOKEN_BALANCE_PENDING, updateTokenBalance),
takeEvery(types.WalletActions.REFRESH_ACCOUNT_BALANCE, updateAccountBalance),
takeEvery(types.WalletActions.REFRESH_TOKEN_BALANCES, retryTokenBalances),
// Foreign actions
takeEvery(configMetaTypes.CONFIG_META.TOGGLE_OFFLINE, updateBalances),
takeEvery(customTokensTypes.CustomTokensActions.ADD, handleCustomTokenAdd)