"X_PASSWORDDESC":"This password * encrypts * your private key. This does not act as a seed to generate your keys. **You will need this password + your keystore file to unlock your wallet.**",
"TX_NOTFOUND_1":"This TX cannot be found in the TX Pool of the node you are connected to.",
"TX_NOTFOUND_2":"If you just sent the transaction, wait 30 seconds then try again. ",
"TX_NOTFOUND_3":"It could still be in the TX Pool of a different node, waiting to be mined.",
"TX_NOTFOUND_4":"Please use the dropdown in the top-right & select a different ETH node (e.g. `ETH (Etherscan.io)` or `ETH (Infura.io)` or `ETH (MyCrypto)`) and check again.",
"TX_NOTFOUND_5":"Make sure you copied the Transaction Hash correctly",
"X_KEYSTOREDESC":"This Keystore file matches the format used by Mist so you can easily import it in the future. It is the recommended file to download and back up. ",
"X_PRINTDESC":"ProTip: Click print and save this as a PDF, even if you do not own a printer! ",
"X_PRIVKEY":"Private Key (unencrypted) ",
"X_PRIVKEY2":"Private Key",
"X_PRIVKEYDESC":"This is the unencrypted text version of your private key, meaning no password is necessary. If someone were to find your unencrypted private key, they could access your wallet without a password. For this reason, encrypted versions are typically recommended. ",
"CX_WARNING_1":"Make sure you have **external backups** of any wallets you store here. Many things could happen that would cause you to lose the data in this Chrome Extension, including uninstalling and reinstalling the extension. This extension is a way to easily access your wallets, **not** a way to back them up. ",
"SIDEBAR_ACCOUNTADDR":"Account Address ",
"SIDEBAR_ACCOUNTBAL":"Account Balance ",
"SIDEBAR_TOKENBAL":"Token Balances ",
"SIDEBAR_EQUIV":"Equivalent Values ",
"SIDEBAR_TRANSHISTORY":"Transaction History ",
"SIDEBAR_DONATION":"MyCrypto is a free, open-source service dedicated to your privacy and security. The more donations we receive, the more time we spend creating new features, listening to your feedback, and giving you what you want. We are just two people trying to change the world. Help us? ",
"SIDEBAR_DISPLAY_ADDR":"Display address on $wallet",
"DECRYPT_ACCESS":"How would you like to access your wallet? ",
"MYWAL_CONTENT_1":"Warning! You are about to remove your wallet ",
"MYWAL_CONTENT_3":"If you want to use this wallet with your MyCrypto CX in the future, you will need to manually re-add it using the private key/JSON and password. ",
"GEN_DESC":"If you want to generate multiple wallets, you can do so here ",
"GEN_LABEL_1":"Enter a password",
"GEN_PLACEHOLDER_1":"Do NOT forget to save this! ",
"GEN_SUCCESSMSG":"Success! Your wallet has been generated. ",
"GEN_LABEL_2":"Save your `Keystore` File. ",
"GEN_LABEL_3":"Save Your Address. ",
"GEN_ARIA_1":"Enter a strong password (at least 9 characters)",
"GEN_ARIA_2":"make password visible",
"BULK_LABEL_1":"Number of Wallets To Generate ",
"BULK_LABEL_2":"Generate Wallets ",
"BULK_SUCCESSMSG":"Success! Your wallets have been generated. ",
"SEND_ADDR":"To Address",
"SEND_AMOUNT":"Amount to Send ",
"SEND_CUSTOM":"Add Custom Token",
"SCAN_TOKENS":"Scan For Tokens",
"SCAN_TOKENS_FAIL":"Failed to fetch token values",
"SCHEDULING_DESCRIPTION":"This allows you to schedule a transaction for sending at a later time. Due to unforeseen circumstances (like the state of the network), we cannot 100% guarantee that your transaction is sent in the time period you specify.",
"SCHEDULE_BLOCK":"Block Number ",
"SCHEDULE_DEPOSIT":"Require Deposit (optional) ",
"SCHEDULE_DEPOSIT_TOOLTIP":"Require TimeNode to deposit a given amount of ETH in order to gain an exclusive time window for execution.",
"SCHEDULE_TIMEBOUNTY_TOOLTIP":"The amount of ETH you wish to offer to TimeNodes in exchange for execution. The higher the Time Bounty, the likelier your transaction will get executed. ",
"SCHEDULE_CHECK":"Check on Chronos ",
"SCHEDULE_SCHEDULE":"Schedule transaction ",
"SCHEDULE_GAS_PRICE":"Future Gas Price",
"SCHEDULE_GAS_LIMIT":"Future Gas Limit",
"SCHEDULE_WINDOW_SIZE_TOOLTIP_TIME":"Range of minutes during which the transaction may be executed. ",
"SCHEDULE_WINDOW_SIZE_TOOLTIP_BLOCK":"Range of blocks during which the transaction may be executed. ",
"SENDMODAL_CONTENT_3":"Are you sure you want to do this? ",
"SENDMODAL_CONTENT_4":"NOTE: If you encounter an error, you most likely need to add ether to your account to cover the gas cost of sending tokens. Gas is paid in ether. ",
"TOKEN_ADDR":"Address ",
"TOKEN_SYMBOL":"Token Symbol ",
"TOKEN_DEC":"Decimals ",
"TOKEN_SHOW":"Show All Tokens ",
"TOKEN_HIDE":"Hide Tokens ",
"TRANS_DATA":"Data ",
"TRANS_GAS":"Gas Limit ",
"TRANS_SENDINFO":"A standard transaction using 21000 gas will cost 0.000441 ETH. We use a slightly-above-minimum gas price of 0.000000021 ETH to ensure it gets mined quickly. We do not take a transaction fee. ",
"OFFLINE_DESC":"Generating offline transactions can be done in three steps. You will complete steps 1 and 3 on an online computer, and step 2 on an offline/airgapped computer. This ensures your private keys do not touch an internet-connected device. ",
"OFFLLINE_STEP1_TITLE":"Step 1: Generate Information (Online Computer) ",
"OFFLINE_STEP1_BUTTON":"Generate Information ",
"OFFLINE_STEP1_LABEL_1":"From Address ",
"OFFLINE_STEP1_LABEL_2":"Note: This is the FROM address, not the TO address. Nonce is generated from the originating account. If using an airgapped computer, it would be the address of the cold-storage account. ",
"OFFLINE_STEP2_LABEL_2":"Value / Amount to Send ",
"OFFLINE_STEP2_LABEL_3":"Gas Price ",
"OFFLINE_STEP2_LABEL_3B":"This was displayed in Step 1 on your online computer. ",
"OFFLINE_STEP2_LABEL_4":"Gas Limit ",
"OFFLINE_STEP2_LABEL_4B":"21000 is the default gas limit. When you send contracts or add'l data, this may need to be different. Any unused gas will be returned to you. ",
"OFFLINE_STEP2_LABEL_5B":"This was displayed in Step 1 on your online computer. ",
"OFFLINE_STEP2_LABEL_6B":"This is optional. Data is often used when you send transactions to contracts. ",
"OFFLINE_STEP2_LABEL_7":"Enter / Select your Private Key / JSON. ",
"NODE_WARNING":"Your node must be HTTPS in order to connect to it via MyCrypto.com. You can [download the MyCrypto repo & run it locally](https://download.mycrypto.com/) to connect to any node. Or, get free SSL certificate via [LetsEncrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/)",
"SWAP_PROGRESS_2":"Waiting for your $origin_id...",
"SWAP_PROGRESS_3":"$origin_id Received! ",
"SWAP_PROGRESS_4":"Sending your $destination_id ",
"SWAP_PROGRESS_CONFIRMATIONS":"Waiting for $number_confirmations confirmations...",
"SWAP_PROGRESS_5":"Order Complete ",
"SWAP_ORDER_CTA":"Please send ",
"SWAP_UNLOCK":"Unlock your wallet to send ETH or Tokens directly from this page. ",
"MSG_MESSAGE":"Message ",
"MSG_DATE":"Date ",
"MSG_SIGNATURE":"Signature ",
"MSG_VERIFY":"Verify Message ",
"MSG_INFO1":"Include the current date so the signature cannot be reused on a different date. ",
"MSG_INFO2":"Include your nickname and where you use the nickname so someone else cannot use it. ",
"MSG_INFO3":"Include a specific reason for the message so it cannot be reused for a different purpose. ",
"VIEWWALLET_SUBTITLE":"This allows you to download different versions of private keys and re-print your paper wallet. You may want to do this in order to [import your account into Geth/Mist](https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/465/how-to-import-a-plain-private-key-into-geth/). If you want to check your balance, we recommend using a blockchain explorer like [etherscan.io](https://etherscan.io/). ",
"VIEWWALLET_SUBTITLE_SHORT":"This allows you to download different versions of private keys and re-print your paper wallet. ",
"VIEWWALLET_SUCCESSMSG":"Success! Here are your wallet details. ",
"ERROR_9":"Please enter a valid data value (Must be hex.) ",
"ERROR_10":"Please enter a valid gas price. (Must be integer. Try 20 GWEI / 20000000000 WEI.) ",
"ERROR_11":"Please enter a valid nonce (Must be integer.) ",
"ERROR_12":"Invalid signed transaction. ",
"ERROR_13":"A wallet with this nickname already exists. ",
"ERROR_14":"Wallet not found. ",
"ERROR_15":"Whoops. It doesn't look like a proposal with this ID exists yet or there is an error reading this proposal. ",
"ERROR_16":"A wallet with this address already exists in storage. Please check your wallets page. ",
"ERROR_17":"Account you are sending from does not have enough funds. If sending tokens, you must have 0.01 ETH in your account to cover the cost of gas. ",
"ERROR_18":"All gas would be used on this transaction. This means you have already voted on this proposal or the debate period has ended.",
"ERROR_19":"Please enter a valid symbol",
"ERROR_20":"Not a valid ERC-20 token",
"ERROR_21":"Could not estimate gas. There are not enough funds in the account, or the receiving contract address would throw an error. Feel free to manually set the gas and proceed. The error message upon sending may be more informative.",
"ERROR_22":"Please enter a valid node name",
"ERROR_23":"Please enter a valid URL. If you are on https, your URL must be https",
"ERROR_24":"Please enter a valid port. ",
"ERROR_25":"Please enter a valid chain ID. ",
"ERROR_26":"Please enter a valid ABI. ",
"ERROR_27":"Minimum amount: 0.01. Max amount: ",
"ERROR_29":"Please enter a valid user and password. ",
"ERROR_30":"Please enter a valid name (7+ characters, limited punctuation) ",
"ERROR_31":"Please enter a valid secret phrase. ",
"ERROR_32":"Could not connect to the node. Refresh your page, try a different node (upper right corner), check your firewall settings. If custom node, check your configs.",
"ERROR_33":"The wallet you have unlocked does not match the owner's address. ",
"ERROR_34":"The name you are attempting to reveal does not match the name you have entered. ",
"SUCCESS_3":"Your TX has been broadcast to the network. It is waiting to be mined & confirmed. During ICOs, it may take 3+ hours to confirm. Use the Verify & Check buttons below to see. TX Hash: ",
"SUCCESS_4":"Your wallet was successfully added ",
"WARN_SEND_LINK":"You arrived via a link that has the address, value, gas, data fields, or transaction type (send mode) filled in for you. You can change any information before sending. Unlock your wallet to get started. ",
"GETH_BALANCE":"Insufficient balance ",
"GETH_GASLIMIT":"Exceeds block gas limit ",
"ONBOARD_WELCOME_TITLE":"Welcome to MyCrypto.com",
"ONBOARD_WELCOME_CONTENT__1":"Please take some time to understand this for your own safety. 🙏",
"ONBOARD_WELCOME_CONTENT__2":"Your funds will be stolen if you do not heed these warnings.",
"ONBOARD_WELCOME_CONTENT__3":"We know this click-through stuff is annoying. We are sorry.",
"ONBOARD_WELCOME_CONTENT__4":"What is MyCrypto? ",
"ONBOARD_WELCOME_CONTENT__5":"MyCrypto is a free, open-source, client-side interface.",
"ONBOARD_WELCOME_CONTENT__6":"We allow you to interact directly with the blockchain while remaining in full control of your keys & your funds.",
"ONBOARD_WELCOME_CONTENT__7":"**You** and **only you** are responsible for your security.",
"ONBOARD_WELCOME_CONTENT__8":"We cannot recover your funds or freeze your account if you visit a phishing site or lose your private key.",
"ONBOARD_BANK_TITLE":"MyCrypto is not a Bank",
"ONBOARD_BANK_CONTENT__1":"When you open an account with a bank or exchange, they create an account for you in their system.",
"ONBOARD_BANK_CONTENT__2":"The bank keeps track of your personal information, account passwords, balances, transactions and ultimately your money.",
"ONBOARD_BANK_CONTENT__3":"The bank charge fees to manage your account and provide services, like refunding transactions when your card gets stolen.",
"ONBOARD_BANK_CONTENT__4":"The bank allows you to write a check or charge your debit card to send money, go online to check your balance, reset your password, and get a new debit card if you lose it.",
"ONBOARD_BANK_CONTENT__5":"You have an account *with the bank or exchange* and they decide how much money you can send, where you can send it, and how long to hold on a suspicious deposit. All for a fee.",
"ONBOARD_INTERFACE_TITLE":"MyCrypto is an Interface",
"ONBOARD_INTERFACE_CONTENT__1":"When you create an account on MyCrypto you are generating a cryptographic set of numbers: your private key and your public key (address).",
"ONBOARD_INTERFACE_CONTENT__2":"The handling of your keys happens entirely on your computer, inside your browser.",
"ONBOARD_INTERFACE_CONTENT__3":"We never transmit, receive or store your private key, password, or other account information.",
"ONBOARD_INTERFACE_CONTENT__4":"We do not charge a transaction fee.",
"ONBOARD_INTERFACE_CONTENT__5":"You are simply using our **interface** to interact **directly with the blockchain**.",
"ONBOARD_INTERFACE_CONTENT__6":"If you send your *public key (address)* to someone, they can send you ETH or tokens. 👍",
"ONBOARD_INTERFACE_CONTENT__7":"If you send your *private key* to someone, they now have full control of your account. 👎",
"ONBOARD_BANK_TITLE__ALT":"MyCrypto isn't a Bank",
"ONBOARD_BLOCKCHAIN_SKIP":"I already know what a blockchain is...",
"ONBOARD_BLOCKCHAIN_TITLE":"Wait, WTF is a Blockchain?",
"ONBOARD_BLOCKCHAIN_CONTENT__1":"The blockchain is like a huge, global, decentralized spreadsheet.",
"ONBOARD_BLOCKCHAIN_CONTENT__2":"It keeps track of who sent how many coins to whom, and what the balance of every account is.",
"ONBOARD_BLOCKCHAIN_CONTENT__3":"It is stored and maintained by thousands of people (miners) across the globe who have special computers.",
"ONBOARD_BLOCKCHAIN_CONTENT__4":"The blocks in the blockchain are made up of all the individual transactions sent from MyCrypto, MetaMask, Exodus, Mist, Geth, Parity, and everywhere else.",
"ONBOARD_BLOCKCHAIN_CONTENT__5":"When you see your balance on MyCrypto.com or view your transactions on [etherscan.io](https://etherscan.io), you are seeing data on the blockchain, not in our personal systems.",
"ONBOARD_BLOCKCHAIN_CONTENT__6":"Again: **we are not a bank**.",
"ONBOARD_INTERFACE_TITLE__ALT":"MyCrypto is an Interface",
"ONBOARD_WHY_TITLE":"Why are you making me read all this?",
"ONBOARD_WHY_CONTENT__1":"Because we need you to understand that we **cannot**...",
"ONBOARD_WHY_CONTENT__2":"Access your account or send your funds for you.",
"ONBOARD_WHY_CONTENT__3":"Recover or change your private key.",
"ONBOARD_WHY_CONTENT__4":"Recover or reset your password.",
"ONBOARD_WHY_CONTENT__5":"Reverse, cancel, or refund transactions.",
"ONBOARD_WHY_CONTENT__6":"Freeze accounts.",
"ONBOARD_WHY_CONTENT__7":"**You** and **only you** are responsible for your security.",
"ONBOARD_WHY_CONTENT__8":"Be diligent to keep your private key and password safe. Your private key is sometimes called your mnemonic phrase, keystore file, UTC file, JSON file, wallet file.",
"ONBOARD_WHY_CONTENT__9":"If you lose your private key or password, no one can recover it.",
"ONBOARD_WHY_CONTENT__10":"If you enter your private key on a phishing website, you will have **all your funds taken**.",
"ONBOARD_POINT_TITLE__ALT":"What's the Point of MyCrypto then?",
"ONBOARD_WHYMYC_TITLE":"If MyCrypto can't do those things, what's the point?",
"ONBOARD_WHYMYC_CONTENT__1":"Because that is the point of decentralization and the blockchain.",
"ONBOARD_WHYMYC_CONTENT__2":"You don't have to rely on your bank, government, or anyone else when you want to move your funds.",
"ONBOARD_WHYMYC_CONTENT__3":"You don't have to rely on the security of an exchange or bank to keep your funds safe.",
"ONBOARD_WHYMYC_CONTENT__4":"If you don't find these things valuable, ask yourself why you think the blockchain and cryptocurrencies are valuable. 😉",
"ONBOARD_WHYMYC_CONTENT__5":"If you don't like the sound of this, consider using [Coinbase](https://www.coinbase.com/) or [Blockchain.info](https://blockchain.info/wallet/#/signup). They have more familiar accounts with usernames & passwords.",
"ONBOARD_WHYMYC_CONTENT__6":"If you are scared but want to use MyCrypto, [get a hardware wallet](https://support.mycrypto.com/hardware-wallets/hardware-wallet-recommendations.html)! These keep your keys secure.",
"ONBOARD_SECURE_TITLE":"How To Protect Yourself & Your Funds",
"ONBOARD_SECURE_1_TITLE":"How To Protect Yourself from Phishers",
"ONBOARD_SECURE_1_CONTENT__1":"Phishers send you a message with a link to a website that looks just like MyCrypto, EtherDelta, Paypal, or your bank, but is not the real website. They steal your information and then steal your money.",
"ONBOARD_SECURE_1_CONTENT__2":"Install [EAL](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/etheraddresslookup/pdknmigbbbhmllnmgdfalmedcmcefdfn) or [MetaMask](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/metamask/nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn) or [Cryptonite by Metacert](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cryptonite-by-metacert/keghdcpemohlojlglbiegihkljkgnige) to block malicious websites.",
"ONBOARD_SECURE_1_CONTENT__3":"Always check the URL: `https://www.mycrypto.com`.",
"ONBOARD_SECURE_1_CONTENT__4":"Always make sure the URL bar has `MyCrypto, Inc (US)` in green.",
"ONBOARD_SECURE_1_CONTENT__5":"Do not trust messages or links sent to you randomly via email, Slack, Reddit, Twitter, etc.",
"ONBOARD_SECURE_1_CONTENT__6":"Always navigate directly to a site before you enter information. Do not enter information after clicking a link from a message or email.",
"ONBOARD_SECURE_1_CONTENT__7":"[Install an AdBlocker](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm?hl=en) and do not click ads on your search engine (e.g. Google).",
"ONBOARD_POINT_TITLE__ALT_2":"What's the point?",
"ONBOARD_SECURE_2_TITLE":"How To Protect Yourself from Scams",
"ONBOARD_SECURE_2_CONTENT__1":"People will try to get you to give them money in return for nothing.",
"ONBOARD_SECURE_2_CONTENT__2":"If it is too good to be true, it probably is.",
"ONBOARD_SECURE_2_CONTENT__3":"Research before sending money to someone or some project. Look for information on a variety of websites and forums. Be wary.",
"ONBOARD_SECURE_2_CONTENT__4":"Ask questions when you don't understand something or it doesn't seem right.",
"ONBOARD_SECURE_2_CONTENT__5":"Don't let fear, FUD, or FOMO win over common sense. If something is very urgent, ask yourself \"why?\". It may be to create FOMO or prevent you from doing research.",
"ONBOARD_SECURE_3_TITLE__ALT":"Phuck Phishers",
"ONBOARD_SECURE_3_TITLE":"How To Protect Yourself from Loss",
"ONBOARD_SECURE_3_CONTENT__1":"If you lose your private key or password, it is gone forever. Don't lose it.",
"ONBOARD_SECURE_3_CONTENT__2":"Make a backup of your private key and password. Do NOT just store it on your computer. Print it out on a piece of paper or save it to a USB drive.",
"ONBOARD_SECURE_3_CONTENT__3":"Store this paper or USB drive in a different physical location. A backup is not useful if it is destroyed by a fire or flood along with your laptop.",
"ONBOARD_SECURE_3_CONTENT__4":"Do not store your private key in Dropbox, Google Drive, or other cloud storage. If that account is compromised, your funds will be stolen.",
"ONBOARD_SECURE_3_CONTENT__5":"If you have more than 1-week's worth of pay worth of cryptocurrency, get a hardware wallet. No excuses. It's worth it. I promise.",
"GENERATE_WALLET_WARNING":"Managing your own keys can be risky and a single mistake can lead to irrecoverable loss. If you are new to cryptocurrencies, we strongly recommend using [MetaMask]($metamask_link) or purchasing a [Ledger]($ledger_link) or [TREZOR]($trezor_link) hardware wallet.",
"GENERATE_WALLET_HELPLINK_1":"Learn more about different wallet types & staying secure",
"PREFOOTER_WARNING":"MyCrypto.com does not hold your keys for you. We cannot access accounts, recover keys, reset passwords, nor reverse transactions. Protect your keys & always check that you are on the correct URL.",
"PREFOOTER_SECURITY_WARNING":"You are responsible for your security.",
"FOOTER_ABOUT":"MyCrypto is an open-source, client-side tool for generating ether wallets, handling ERC-20 tokens, and interacting with the blockchain more easily. Developed by and for the community since 2015, we’re focused on building awesome products that put the power in people’s hands.",
"LEDGER_TIP":"Make sure your Ledger is unlocked, you've selected the **$network** app on the device, and browser support is **$browserSupportState**.",
"GENERATE_KEYSTORE_FAILED":"Keystore generation failed or was invalid. In order to prevent loss of funds, we cannot provide you with a keystore file that may be corrupted. Refresh the page or use a different browser, and try again.",
"INSECURE_WALLET_TYPE_TITLE":"$wallet_type wallets are disabled online",
"INSECURE_WALLET_TYPE_DESC":"Entering your $wallet_type on any website is dangerous. If MyCrypto.com was compromised, or you accidentally visited a phishing website, you could lose your funds. Because of that, we have disabled the use of $wallet_type wallets through the website. In order to access your account, please download MyCrypto and run it locally.",
"INSECURE_WALLET_GO_BACK":"Go back to wallet selection",
"SWAP_TIME_LIMIT_WARNING":"Orders that take too long will have to be processed manually and may delay the amount of time it takes to receive your coins.",
"SWAP_RECOMMENDED_TX_FEES":"[Please use the recommended TX fees]($link)",
"ENS_DESCRIPTION":"The [Ethereum Name Service]($ens_docs) (ENS) is a distributed, open, and extensible naming system based on the Ethereum blockchain. Once you have a name, you can tell your friends to send ETH to `ensdomain.eth` instead of `$example_donation_addr...`",
"ENS_INVALID_INPUT":"Must be at least 7 characters, no special characters",
"ENS_DOMAIN_OWNED":"**$name** is already owned",
"ENS_DOMAIN_AUCTION":"An auction has started for **$name**",
"ENS_DOMAIN_FORBIDDEN":"**$name** is forbidden",
"ENS_DOMAIN_OPEN":"**$name** is available",
"ENS_DOMAIN_REVEAL":"It's time to reveal the bids for **$name**",
"ENS_DOMAIN_HIGHEST_BID":"The current highest bid is ",
"ENS_DOMAIN_PROMPT_REVEAL":"**[Reveal your bid now.]($link)**",
"SIGN_MSG_PLACEHOLDER":"This message you're signing proves you own the address you say you do.",
"CHECK_TX_STATUS_DESCRIPTION_1":"Enter your Transaction Hash to check on its status. ",
"CHECK_TX_STATUS_DESCRIPTION_2":"If you don’t know your Transaction Hash, you can look it up on [$block_explorer]($block_explorer_link) by looking up your address.",
"CHECK_TX_STATUS_DESCRIPTION_MULTIPLE":"If you don’t know your Transaction Hash, you can look it up on [$block_explorer]($block_explorer_link) or [$block_explorer_2]($block_explorer_link_2) by looking up your address.",
"RECENT_TX_NETWORK_EXPLORER":"an explorer for the $network_name network",
"RECENT_TX_HELP":"Only recent transactions sent from this address via MyCrypto on the $network network are listed here. If you don't see your transaction, you can view all of them on $explorer.",
"NO_RECENT_TX_FOUND":"No recent MyCrypto transactions found, try checking on $explorer.",
"BACK_TO_RECENT_TXS":"Back to Recent Transactions",
"SIGN_MSG_SUCCESS":"Successfully signed message with address $address",
"SIGN_MSG_FAIL":"Error signing message $err",
"INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS":"WARNING: Your ether or token balance isn't high enough to complete this transaction. Please send more funds or switch to a different wallet.",
"NEW_SWAP":"Start New Swap",
"ERROR_GAS_LIMIT_LOW":"Gas limit must be at least $limit for transactions",
"ERROR_GAS_LIMIT_HIGH":"Gas price too high. Please contact support if this was not a mistake.",
"VIEW_ADDR":"View Address",
"X_JSONDESC":"This is the unencrypted, JSON format of your private key. This means you do not need the password but anyone who finds your JSON can access your wallet & Ether without the password. ",
"APP_UPDATE_BODY":"An updated version of the MyCrypto app has just been released! You can upgrade to the new version by downloading it from our GitHub release page.",
"WELCOME_MODAL_BETA":"Thank you for testing the beta! People like you made this launch possible",
"WELCOME_MODAL_INTRO":"Welcome to the all new MyCrypto! We've made some cool new changes to the site that we're excited to show you. Beyond the new and improved look and feel of the site, we've also added a ton of new features:",
"WELCOME_MODAL_FEATURE_MORE":"...and much, much more!",
"WELCOME_MODAL_LINKS":"Help out with any issues you find by [reporting bugs on GitHub](https://github.com/MyCryptoHQ/MyCrypto/issues) or [HackerOne](https://hackerone.com/mycrypto). Need something from the old site, or just miss that clunky feel? We've kept it up as [MyCrypto Legacy](https://legacy.mycrypto.com).",
"ENCLAVE_LEDGER_IN_USE":"Your Ledger is currently in use with another application. Please wait, or close other wallet applications before trying again.",
"LOADING_ENS_ADDRESS":"Loading ENS address...",
"SELECT_WHICH_TOKENS":"Select which tokens you would like to keep track of'",