wanderer f424acf3c2 Merge pull request #3 from wanderer/master
Spelling, Grammar, Initial Structure
2015-10-27 07:44:47 +00:00
2015-10-27 07:30:38 +00:00
2015-10-27 06:00:59 +00:00
2015-10-27 06:03:18 +00:00


The Ethereum Improvement Process. EIPs propose and discribe changes made to Ethereum Protocol.

People wishing to submit EIPs first should propose their idea or document as a PR. After discussion it will be published here. We are fairly liberal with approving EIPs and try not to be too involved in decision making on behalf of the community. Having a EIP here does not make it a formally accepted standard until its status becomes Active. For a EIP to become Active requires the mutual consent of the community. Those proposing changes should consider that ultimately consent may rest with the consensus of the Ethereum users.


First review EIP-1. Then clone the reposistory and add your EIP to it. There is a template EIP here. Then submit a Pull Request to Ethereum's EIP reposistroy.

Current EIPS

Number Title Type Status
1 EIP Purpose and Guidelines Meta Draft
The Ethereum Improvement Proposal repository
HTML 54.7%
Ruby 27.6%
JavaScript 17.4%
CSS 0.3%