#!/bin/bash set -e # halt script on error HTMLPROOFER_OPTIONS="./_site --internal-domains=eips.ethereum.org --check-html --check-opengraph --report-missing-names --log-level=:debug --assume-extension --empty-alt-ignore --timeframe=6w --url-ignore=/EIPS/eip-1,EIPS/eip-1,/EIPS/eip-107,/EIPS/eip-858" if [[ $TASK = 'htmlproofer' ]]; then bundle exec jekyll doctor bundle exec jekyll build bundle exec htmlproofer $HTMLPROOFER_OPTIONS --disable-external # Validate GH Pages DNS setup bundle exec github-pages health-check elif [[ $TASK = 'htmlproofer-external' ]]; then bundle exec jekyll doctor bundle exec jekyll build bundle exec htmlproofer $HTMLPROOFER_OPTIONS --external_only elif [[ $TASK = 'eip-validator' ]]; then if [[ $(find . -maxdepth 1 -name 'eip-*' | wc -l) -ne 1 ]]; then echo "only 'eip-template.md' should be in the root" exit 1 fi eipv EIPS/ --ignore=title_max_length,missing_discussions_to --skip=eip-20-token-standard.md elif [[ $TASK = 'codespell' ]]; then codespell -q4 -I .codespell-whitelist -S ".git,Gemfile.lock,**/*.png,**/*.gif,**/*.jpg,**/*.svg,.codespell-whitelist,vendor,_site,_config.yml,style.css" fi