name: Greetings on: [pull_request, issues] jobs: greeting: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/first-interaction@v1 with: repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} issue-message: 'Since this is your first issue, we kindly remind you to check out [EIP-1]( for guidance.\n\nIf this issue was created as a “discussions-to” for an EIP or to discuss an idea for an EIP, please close it and create a thread at [Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians](' pr-message: 'Since this is your first pull request, we kindly remind you to check out [EIP-1]( for guidance.\n\nIf this issue was created as a “discussions-to” for an EIP or to discuss an idea for an EIP, please close it and create a thread at [Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians]('