mirror of https://github.com/status-im/EIPs.git
Update site description
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,11 +14,10 @@
# You can create any custom variable you would like, and they will be accessible
# You can create any custom variable you would like, and they will be accessible
# in the templates via {{ site.myvariable }}.
# in the templates via {{ site.myvariable }}.
title: Ethereum Improvement Proposals
title: Ethereum Improvement Proposals
email: nick@ethereum.org
description: >-
description: >- # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) describe standards for the Ethereum
Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this
platform, including core protocol specifications, client APIs, and contract
line in _config.yml. It will appear in your document head meta (for
Google search results) and in your feed.xml site description.
url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. http://example.com
url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. http://example.com
twitter_username: ethereum
twitter_username: ethereum
github_username: ethereum
github_username: ethereum
Reference in New Issue