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dApp Components (avatar) & Universal Wallet (#1438)
* Create eip-Wallet_&_shop_standard_for_tokens.md * Rename eip-Wallet_&_shop_standard_for_tokens.md to eip-WalletShopStandard4tokens.md * update pay, refund, prize function update pay, refund, prize function for safe and unsafe sop * Update eip-WalletShopStandard4tokens.md * Update eip-WalletShopStandard4tokens.md * Update and rename eip-WalletShopStandard4tokens.md to eip-1175.md * Update eip-1175.md * Create eip-dApp Components (avatar) & Universal Wallet.md * Update eip-dApp Components (avatar) & Universal Wallet.md * Update eip-dApp Components (avatar) & Universal Wallet.md * Update and rename eip-dApp Components (avatar) & Universal Wallet.md to eip-dApp_Components_(avatar)_&_Universal_Wallet.md * Rename eip-dApp_Components_(avatar)_&_Universal_Wallet.md to eip-avatar_&_universal_wallet.md * Update eip-avatar_&_universal_wallet.md * avatar & universal wallet * Update eip-1438.md * dApp Components (avatar) & Universal Wallet
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
eip: 1438
title: dApp Components (avatar) & Universal Wallet
author: Jet Lim (@Nitro888)
discussions-to: https://ethresear.ch/t/avatar-system-and-universal-wallet-for-ethereum-address/3473
status: Draft
type: Standards Track
category: ERC
created: 2018-09-21
## Simple Summary
Contracts are open source based. And most developers use the public contracts at the start of the project to modify or simply include them. This is project-oriented centralized development and I think it is a waste of resources. Therefore, we propose to make dApp or contracts component-ready for use in other services.
## Abstract
There have been suggestions for modified tokens based on erc20, but since many tokens have already been built on erc20, it is necessary to increase the utilization of already developed erc20 tokens. Therefore, we propose a universal wallet that can use erc20 tokens universally. We also propose a component dApp that allows you to create and save your avatar (& social badge system), and use it immediately in other services. All of the dApps suggested in this document are based on decentralized development and use that anyone can create and participate in.
## Motivation
While many projects are under development in an open source way, they are simply adding and deploy with open sources to their projects. This means that you are developing a centralized service that uses your own dApp-generated information on your own. In order to improve the block chain ecosystem, all resources created by dApp and placed in the public block chain must be reusable in another dApp. This means that you can enhance your service by exchanging the generated information with other dApp. Likewise, ERC20 Tokens require Universal Wallet standards to be easy to use for direct transactions.
### Seeds for improvement of the blockchain ecosystem.
- Synergy - With other dApps and resources.
- Enhanced interface - For ERC20 tokens.
- Easy & Decentralized - Everyone should be able to add to their services easily, without censorship.
#### The following avatar store, badge system, and universal wallet are kind of examples about component dApp.
## Specification
### 1. Avatar
#### 1.1. Avatar Shop
- The avatar store is created after ERC20 currency is set.
- You can customize asset category & viewer script.
#### 1.2. Upload asset & user data
The avatar's information & assets are stored in the event log part of the block chain.
- Assets are SVG format. (compressed with gzip)
- avatar information data is json (compressed with msgpack)
** The avatar assets from [Avataaars](https://github.com/fangpenlin/avataaars) developed by [Fang-Pen Lin](https://twitter.com/fangpenlin), the original avatar is designed by [Pablo Stanley](https://twitter.com/pablostanley).
### 2. Universal Wallet
#### 2.1. ERC20 interface
``` js
contract ERC20Interface {
function totalSupply() public constant returns (uint);
function balanceOf(address tokenOwner) public constant returns (uint balance);
function allowance(address tokenOwner, address spender) public constant returns (uint remaining);
function transfer(address to, uint tokens) public returns (bool success);
function approve(address spender, uint tokens) public returns (bool success);
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint tokens) public returns (bool success);
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint tokens);
event Approval(address indexed tokenOwner, address indexed spender, uint tokens);
#### 2.2. Fixed ERC20 contract for receive approval and execute function in one call
``` js
function approveAndCall(address spender, uint tokens, bytes data) public returns (bool success) {
allowed[msg.sender][spender] = tokens;
emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, tokens);
ApproveAndCallFallBack(spender).receiveApproval(msg.sender, tokens, this, data);
return true;
#### 2.3. And ApproveAndCallFallBack contract for Fixed ERC20.
However, many ERC20 tokens are not prepared.
``` js
contract ApproveAndCallFallBack {
function receiveApproval(address from, uint256 tokens, address token, bytes data) public;
#### 2.4. Universal Wallet
We propose a Universal Wallet to solve this problem.
``` js
contract UniversalWallet is _Base {
constructor(bytes _msgPack) _Base(_msgPack) public {}
function () public payable {}
// erc20 interface
function balanceOf(address _erc20) public constant returns (uint balance) {
return address(this).balance;
return _ERC20Interface(_erc20).balanceOf(this);
function transfer(address _erc20, address _to, uint _tokens) onlyOwner public returns (bool success) {
return _ERC20Interface(_erc20).transfer(_to,_tokens);
return true;
function approve(address _erc20, address _spender, uint _tokens) onlyOwner public returns (bool success) {
require(_erc20 != address(0));
return _ERC20Interface(_erc20).approve(_spender,_tokens);
// pay interface
function pay(address _store, uint _tokens, uint256[] _options) onlyOwner public {
address erc20 = _ApproveAndCallFallBack(_store).erc20();
address spender = _ApproveAndCallFallBack(_store).spender();
if(erc20 == address(0)) {
} else {
function pay(address _store, uint _tokens, bytes _msgPack) onlyOwner public {
address erc20 = _ApproveAndCallFallBack(_store).erc20();
address spender = _ApproveAndCallFallBack(_store).spender();
if(erc20 == address(0)) {
} else {
## Test Cases
- https://www.nitro888.com
- https://github.com/Nitro888/nitro888.github.io
- https://github.com/Nitro888/dApp-Alliance
## Copyright
Copyright and related rights waived via [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/).
@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
eip: 1175
title: Wallet & shop standard for all tokens (erc20)
author: Jet Lim (@Nitro888)
discussions-to: https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/1182
status: Draft
type: Standards Track
category: ERC
created: 2018-06-21
requires: 20
# All tokens go to heaven
## Simple Summary
Make wallets and shops created from certified contracts make erc20 tokens easy to use for commerce.
## Abstract
The mutual trust between the wallet and the shop created by the authenticated contract allows you to pay for and purchase items at a simple process.
## Motivation
New standards with improvements have been released, but the majority of tokens currently being developed are erc20 tokens. So I felt I needed a proposal to use old tokens in commerce.
To use various erc20 tokens for trading, you need a custom contract. However, a single wallet with a variety of tokens, and a mutually trusted store, can make transactions that are simple and efficient. The erc20 token is traded through two calls, `approve (address _spender, uint256 _value)` and `transferFrom (address _from, address _to, uint256 _value)`, but when using the wallet contract, `paySafe (address _shop, uint256 _item)`will be traded only in one call.
And if you only reuse the store interface, you can also trade using `payUnsafe (address _shop, uint256 _item)`.
## Specification
## WalletCenter
### Methods
#### createWallet
Create wallet contract and add to list. Returns the address of new wallet.
``` js
function createWallet() public returns (address _wallet)
#### isWallet
Returns true or false value for test this address is a created by createWallet.
``` js
function isWallet(address _wallet) public constant returns (bool)
#### createShop
Create Shop contract and add to list. Returns the address of new Shop with erc20 token address.
``` js
function createShop(address _erc20) public returns (address _shop)
#### isShop
Returns true or false value for test this address is a created by createWallet.
``` js
function isShop(address _shop) public constant returns (bool)
### Events
#### Wallet
Search for my wallet.
``` js
event Wallet(address indexed _owner, address indexed _wallet)
#### Shop
Search for my shop.
``` js
event Shop(address indexed _owner, address indexed _shop, address indexed _erc20)
## Wallet
Wallet must be created by wallet center.
### Methods
#### balanceOf
Returns the account balance of Wallet.
``` js
function balanceOf(address _erc20) public constant returns (uint256 balance)
#### withdrawal
withdrawal `_value` amount of `_erc20` token to `_owner`.
``` js
function withdrawal(address _erc20, uint256 _value) onlyOwner public returns (bool success)
#### paySafe
Pay for safe shop (created by contract) item with item index `_item`.
``` js
function paySafe(address _shop, uint256 _item) onlyOwner onlyShop(_shop) public payable returns (bool success)
#### payUnsafe
Pay for unsafe shop (did not created by contract) item with item index `_item`.
``` js
function payUnsafe(address _shop, uint256 _item) onlyOwner public payable returns (bool success)
#### payCancel
Cancel pay and refund. (only weekly model)
``` js
function payCancel(address _shop, uint256 _item) onlyOwner public returns (bool success)
#### refund
Refund from shop with item index `_item`.
``` js
function refund(uint256 _item, uint256 _value) public payable returns (bool success)
### Events
#### Pay
``` js
event Pay(address indexed _shop, uint256 indexed _item, uint256 indexed _value)
#### Refund
``` js
event Refund(address indexed _shop, uint256 indexed _item, uint256 indexed _value)
## Shop
Shop is created by wallet center or not. but Shop that created by wallet center is called safe shop.
### Methods
#### balanceOf
Returns the account balance of Shop.
``` js
function balanceOf(address _erc20) public constant returns (uint256 balance)
#### withdrawal
withdrawal `_value` amount of `_erc20` token to `_owner`.
``` js
function withdrawal(address _erc20, uint256 _value) onlyOwner public returns (bool success)
#### pay
Pay from buyer with item index `_item`.
``` js
function pay(uint256 _item) onlyWallet(msg.sender) public payable returns (bool success)
#### refund
refund token to `_to`.
``` js
function refund(address _buyer, uint256 _item, uint256 _value) onlyWallet(_buyer) onlyOwner public payable returns (bool success)
#### resister
Listing item for sell.
``` js
function resister(uint8 _category, uint256 _price, uint256 _stock) onlyOwner public returns (uint256 _itemId)
#### update
Update item state for sell. (change item `_price` or add item `_stock`)
``` js
function update(uint256 _item, uint256 _price, uint256 _stock) onlyOwner public
#### price
Get token address and price from buyer with item index `_item`.
``` js
function price(uint256 _item) public constant returns (address _erc20, uint256 _value)
#### canBuy
`_who` can Buy `_item`.
``` js
function canBuy(address _who, uint256 _item) public constant returns (bool _canBuy)
#### isBuyer
`_who` is buyer of `_item`.
``` js
function isBuyer(address _who, uint256 _item) public constant returns (bool _buyer)
#### info
Set shop information bytes.
``` js
function info(bytes _msgPack)
#### upVote
Up vote for this shop.
``` js
function upVote()
#### dnVote
Down vote for this shop.
``` js
function dnVote()
#### about
Get shop token, up vote and down vote.
``` js
function about() view returns (address _erc20, uint256 _up, uint256 _down)
#### infoItem
Set item information bytes.
``` js
function infoItem(uint256 _item, bytes _msgPack)
#### upVoteItem
Up vote for this item.
``` js
function upVoteItem(uint256 _item)
#### dnVoteItem
Down vote for this item.
``` js
function dnVoteItem(uint256 _item)
#### aboutItem
Get Item price, up vote and down vote.
``` js
function aboutItem(uint256 _item) view returns (uint256 _price, uint256 _up, uint256 _down)
### Events
#### Pay
``` js
event Pay(address indexed _buyer, uint256 indexed _item, uint256 indexed _value)
#### Refund
``` js
event Refund(address indexed _to, uint256 indexed _item, uint256 indexed _value)
#### Item
``` js
event Item(uint256 indexed _item, uint256 _price)
#### Info
``` js
event Info(bytes _msgPack)
#### InfoItem
``` js
event InfoItem(uint256 indexed _item, bytes _msgPack)
## Implementation
Sample token contract address is [0x393dd70ce2ae7b30501aec94727968c517f90d52](https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x393dd70ce2ae7b30501aec94727968c517f90d52)
WalletCenter contract address is [0x1fe0862a4a8287d6c23904d61f02507b5044ea31](https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x1fe0862a4a8287d6c23904d61f02507b5044ea31)
WalletCenter create shop contract address is [0x59117730D02Ca3796121b7975796d479A5Fe54B0](https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x59117730D02Ca3796121b7975796d479A5Fe54B0)
WalletCenter create wallet contract address is [0x39da7111844df424e1d0a0226183533dd07bc5c6](https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x39da7111844df424e1d0a0226183533dd07bc5c6)
## Appendix
``` js
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
contract ERC20Interface {
function totalSupply() public constant returns (uint);
function balanceOf(address tokenOwner) public constant returns (uint balance);
function allowance(address tokenOwner, address spender) public constant returns (uint remaining);
function transfer(address to, uint tokens) public returns (bool success);
function approve(address spender, uint tokens) public returns (bool success);
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint tokens) public returns (bool success);
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint tokens);
event Approval(address indexed tokenOwner, address indexed spender, uint tokens);
contract SafeMath {
function safeAdd(uint a, uint b) public pure returns (uint c) {
c = a + b;
require(c >= a);
function safeSub(uint a, uint b) public pure returns (uint c) {
require(b <= a);
c = a - b;
function safeMul(uint a, uint b) public pure returns (uint c) {
c = a * b;
require(a == 0 || c / a == b);
function safeDiv(uint a, uint b) public pure returns (uint c) {
require(b > 0);
c = a / b;
contract _Base {
address internal owner;
address internal walletCenter;
modifier onlyOwner {
require(owner == msg.sender);
modifier onlyWallet(address _addr) {
modifier onlyShop(address _addr) {
function balanceOf(address _erc20) public constant returns (uint256 balance) {
return address(this).balance;
return ERC20Interface(_erc20).balanceOf(this);
function transfer(address _to, address _erc20, uint256 _value) internal returns (bool success) {
return true;
function withdrawal(address _erc20, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
event Pay(address indexed _who, uint256 indexed _item, uint256 indexed _value);
event Refund(address indexed _who, uint256 indexed _item, uint256 indexed _value);
event Prize(address indexed _who, uint256 indexed _item, uint256 indexed _value);
contract _Wallet is _Base {
constructor(address _who) public {
owner = _who;
walletCenter = msg.sender;
function pay(address _shop, uint256 _item) private {
address _erc20;
uint256 _value;
(_erc20,_value) = _Shop(_shop).price(_item);
emit Pay(_shop,_item,_value);
function paySafe(address _shop, uint256 _item) onlyOwner onlyShop(_shop) public payable returns (bool success) {
return true;
function payUnsafe(address _shop, uint256 _item) onlyOwner public payable returns (bool success) {
return true;
function payCancel(address _shop, uint256 _item) onlyOwner public returns (bool success) {
return true;
function refund(address _erc20, uint256 _item, uint256 _value) public payable returns (bool success) {
emit Refund(msg.sender,_item,_value);
return true;
function prize(address _erc20, uint256 _item, uint256 _value) public payable returns (bool success) {
emit Prize(msg.sender,_item,_value);
return true;
function withdrawal(address _erc20, uint256 _value) onlyOwner public returns (bool success) {
return true;
contract _Shop is _Base, SafeMath{
address erc20;
constructor(address _who, address _erc20) public {
owner = _who;
walletCenter = msg.sender;
erc20 = _erc20;
struct item {
uint8 category; // 0 = disable, 1 = non Stock, non Expire, 2 = can Expire (after 1 week), 3 = stackable
uint256 price;
uint256 stockCount;
mapping(address=>uint256) customer;
uint index;
mapping(uint256=>item) items;
function pay(uint256 _item) onlyWallet(msg.sender) public payable returns (bool success) {
require(canBuy(msg.sender, _item));
if(items[_item].category==1 || items[_item].category==2 && now > safeAdd(items[_item].customer[msg.sender], 1 weeks))
items[_item].customer[msg.sender] = now;
else if(items[_item].category==2 && now < safeAdd(items[_item].customer[msg.sender], 1 weeks) )
items[_item].customer[msg.sender] = safeAdd(items[_item].customer[msg.sender], 1 weeks);
else if(items[_item].category==3) {
items[_item].customer[msg.sender] = safeAdd(items[_item].customer[msg.sender],1);
items[_item].stockCount = safeSub(items[_item].stockCount,1);
emit Pay(msg.sender,_item,items[_item].customer[msg.sender]);
return true;
function payCancel(uint256 _item) onlyWallet(msg.sender) public returns (bool success) {
require (items[_item].category==2&&safeAdd(items[_item].customer[msg.sender],2 weeks)>now&&balanceOf(erc20)>=items[_item].price);
items[_item].customer[msg.sender] = safeSub(items[_item].customer[msg.sender],1 weeks);
transfer(msg.sender, erc20, items[_item].price);
emit Refund(msg.sender,_item,items[_item].price);
return true;
function refund(address _to, uint256 _item) onlyWallet(_to) onlyOwner public payable returns (bool success) {
require(isBuyer(_to,_item)&&items[_item].category>0&&(items[_item].customer[_to]>0||(items[_item].category==2&&safeAdd(items[_item].customer[_to],2 weeks)>now)));
items[_item].customer[_to] = 0;
else if(items[_item].category==2)
items[_item].customer[_to] = safeSub(items[_item].customer[_to],1 weeks);
items[_item].customer[_to] = safeSub(items[_item].customer[_to],1);
transfer(_to, erc20, items[_item].price);
emit Refund(_to,_item,items[_item].price);
return true;
event Item(uint256 indexed _item, uint256 _price);
function resister(uint8 _category, uint256 _price, uint256 _stock) onlyOwner public returns (uint256 _itemId) {
items[index] = item(_category,_price,_stock);
index = safeAdd(index,1);
emit Item(index,_price);
return safeSub(index,1);
function update(uint256 _item, uint256 _price, uint256 _stock) onlyOwner public {
uint256 temp = items[_item].price;
items[_item].price = _price;
items[_item].stockCount = safeAdd(items[_item].stockCount,_stock);
emit Item(index,items[_item].price);
function price(uint256 _item) public constant returns (address _erc20, uint256 _value) {
return (erc20,items[_item].price);
function canBuy(address _who, uint256 _item) public constant returns (bool _canBuy) {
return (items[_item].category>0) &&
!(items[_item].category==1&&items[_item].customer[_who]>0) &&
function isBuyer(address _who, uint256 _item) public constant returns (bool _buyer) {
return (items[_item].category==1&&items[_item].customer[_who]>0)||(items[_item].category==2&&safeAdd(items[_item].customer[_who],1 weeks)>now)||(items[_item].category==3&&items[_item].customer[_who]>0);
uint lastWithdrawal;
function withdrawal(address _erc20, uint256 _value) onlyOwner public returns (bool success) {
require(safeAdd(lastWithdrawal,1 weeks)<=now);
lastWithdrawal = now;
return true;
contract WalletCenter {
mapping(address=>bool) public wallet;
event Wallet(address indexed _owner, address indexed _wallet);
function createWallet() public returns (address _wallet) {
_wallet = new _Wallet(msg.sender);
wallet[_wallet] = true;
emit Wallet(msg.sender,_wallet);
return _wallet;
function isWallet(address _wallet) public constant returns (bool) {
return wallet[_wallet];
mapping(address=>bool) public shop;
event Shop(address indexed _owner, address indexed _shop, address indexed _erc20);
function createShop(address _erc20) public returns (address _shop) {
_shop = new _Shop(msg.sender,_erc20);
shop[_shop] = true;
emit Shop(msg.sender,_shop,_erc20);
return _shop;
function isShop(address _shop) public constant returns (bool) {
return shop[_shop];
## Copyright
Copyright and related rights waived via [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/).
Reference in New Issue