diff --git a/EIPS/eip-777.md b/EIPS/eip-777.md
index 72f4e821..7f77b041 100644
--- a/EIPS/eip-777.md
+++ b/EIPS/eip-777.md
@@ -549,8 +549,6 @@ Nonetheless, the rules below MUST be respected when minting for a *recipient*:
- The `data` and `operatorData` MUST be immutable during the entire mint process—hence
the same `data` and `operatorData` MUST be used to call the `tokensReceived` hook and emit the `Minted` event.
-- The `data` field MUST be empty.
The token contract MUST `revert` when minting in any of the following cases:
- The resulting *recipient* balance after the mint is not a multiple of the *granularity* defined by the token contract.
@@ -576,6 +574,10 @@ The token contract MAY mint tokens for multiple *recipients* at once. In this ca
*NOTE*: Minting an amount of zero (`0`) tokens is valid and MUST be treated as a regular mint.
+*NOTE*: While during a send or a burn, the data is provided by the *holder*, it is inapplicable for a mint.
+In this case the data MAY be provided by the token contract or the *operator*,
+for example to ensure a successful minting to a *holder* expecting specific data.
*NOTE*: The `operatorData` field contains information provided by the *operator*—similar
to the data field in a regular ether send transaction.
The `tokensReceived()` hooks MAY use the information to decide if it wish to reject the transaction.
@@ -594,7 +596,7 @@ Indicate the minting of `amount` of tokens to the `to` address by the `operator`
> `operator`: Address which triggered the mint.
> `to`: Recipient of the tokens.
> `amount`: Number of tokens minted.
-> `data`: MUST be empty.
+> `data`: Information provided for the *recipient*.
> `operatorData`: Information provided by the *operator*.
#### **Burning Tokens**