This EIP formalizes an Ethereum Provider JavaScript API for consistency across clients and applications. The provider is designed to be minimal and is intended to be available on `window.ethereum` for cross environment compatibility.
By default, the provider supplied to a new dapp has is a "read-only" provider with no accounts authenticated. See [EIP 1102: Opt-in account exposure](
To create a subscription, call `ethereum.send('eth_subscribe')` or `ethereum.send('shh_subscribe')`. The subscription `result` object will emit through `notification`.
See the [eth subscription methods]( and [shh subscription methods](
The event emits with `code` and `reason`. The code follows the table of [`CloseEvent` status codes](
#### networkChanged
The provider emits `networkChanged` on connect to a new network.
The `send` method **MUST** send a properly formatted [JSON-RPC request](
If the Ethereum JSON-RPC API returns a response object with no error, then the Promise **MUST** resolve with the `response.result` object untouched by the implementing Ethereum Provider.
If the Ethereum JSON-RPC API returns response object that contains an error property then the Promise **MUST** reject with an Error object containing the `response.error.message` as the Error message, `response.error.code` as a code property on the error and `` as a data property on the error.
If the implementing Ethereum Provider is not talking to an external Ethereum JSON-RPC API provider then it **MUST** resolve with an object that matches the JSON-RPC API object as specified in the [Ethereum JSON-RPC documentation](
The provider supplied to a new dapp **MUST** be a "read-only" provider: authenticating no accounts by default, returning a blank array for `eth_accounts`, and rejecting any methods that require an account with Error code `4100`.
If the dapp has been previously authenticated and remembered by the user, then the provider supplied on load **MAY** automatically be enabled with the previously authenticated accounts.
If no accounts are authenticated, the `eth_requestAccounts` method **MUST** ask the user which account(s) they would like to authenticate to the dapp. If the request has been previously granted and remembered, the `eth_requestAccounts` method **MAY** immediately return.
The `eth_requestAccounts` method **MUST** resolve with an array of the account(s) addresses or reject with an `Error`. If the account(s) enabled by the provider change, the `accountsChanged` event **MUST** also emit.
The provider **SHOULD** extend from `EventEmitter` to provide dapps flexibility in listening to events. In place of full `EventEmitter` functionality, the provider **MAY** provide as many methods as it can reasonably provide, but **MUST** provide at least `on`, `emit`, and `removeListener`.
If the network connection closes, the Ethereum Provider **MUST** emit an event named `close` with args `code: Number, reason: String` following the [status codes for `CloseEvent`](
If the network the provider is connected to changes, the provider **MUST** emit an event named `networkChanged` with args `networkId: String` containing the ID of the new network (using the Ethereum JSON-RPC call `net_version`).
If the accounts connected to the Ethereum Provider change at any time, the Ethereum Provider **MUST** send an event with the name `accountsChanged` with args `accounts: Array<String>` containing the accounts' addresses.
If the implementing Ethereum Provider would like to be compatible with `web3.js` prior to `1.0.0-beta38`, it **MUST** provide the method: `sendAsync(payload: Object, callback: (error: any, result: any) => void): void`.
If an Error object is returned, it **MUST** contain a human readable string message describing the error and **SHOULD** populate the `code` and `data` properties on the error object with additional error details.
Appropriate error codes **SHOULD** follow the table of [`CloseEvent` status codes](, along with the following table: