The EVM does not provide subroutines as a primitive. Instead, calls can be synthesized by fetching and pushing the current program counter on the data stack and jumping to the subroutine address; returns can be synthesized by contriving to get the return address back to the top of stack and jumping back to it. Complex calling conventions are then needed to use the same stack for computation and control flow. Code becomes harder to read and write, and tools may need to pattern-match the conventions to identify the use of subroutines. Complex calling conventions like these can be avoided using memory, but regardless, it costs a lot of gas.
Having opcodes to directly support subroutines can eliminate this complexity and cost, just as for other physical and virtual machines going back at least 50 years.
In the Appendix we show example solc output for a simple program that uses over three times as much gas just calling and returning from subroutines as comparable code using these opcodes.
A program may `JUMPSUB` at most 1023 times without an intervening `RETURNSUB`. A program which executes `RETURNSUB` without no prior `BEGINSUB` will `STOP`.
No clients have implemented this proposal as of yet, but there are Draft PRs on the [evmone]( and [geth]( interpreters.
The new operators proposed here are demonstrated by the following pseudocode, which adds a return stack and cases for `BEGINSUB`, `JUMPSUB` and `RETURNSUB` to a simple loop-and-switch interpreter.
Execution of EVM bytecode begins with one value on the return stack—the size of the bytecode. The implicit 0 bytes at and after this offset are EVM `STOP` opcods. So executing a `RETURNSUB` with no prior `JUMPSUB` jumps to the _code_size_ offset on the stack, then executes a `STOP` on the next cycle. A `STOP` or `RETURN` ends the execution of the program.
Program flow analysis frameworks will need to be updated to allow for a new type of branch - `JUMPSUB` - which will cause a jump to a destination which is a `BEGINSUB`, not a `JUMPDEST`.
solc does a good job with the multiply() function, which is a leaf. Non-leaf functions are more awkward to get out of. Calling `fun.test()` will cost _118 gas_, plus 5 for the `mul`.
This is the same code written using `jumpsub` and `returnsub`. Calling `fun.test()` will cost _34 gas_ (plus 5).