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191 lines
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baseURL: http://spiffworkflow.org/
languageCode: en-us
title: SpiffWorkflow
theme: fresh
googleAnalytics: G-3Z83G8WLEK
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# Disables warnings
- taxonomy
- taxonomyTerm
unsafe: true # Allows you to write raw html in your md files
# Open graph allows easy social sharing. If you don't want it you can set it to false or just delete the variable
openGraph: true
- /images/illustrations/flow.png
# Used as meta data; describe your site to make Google Bots happy
description: Homepage for SpiffWorkflow and SpiffArena - open source projects which seek to improve transparency and understanding in organizations through intuitive executable diagrams. These projects are based on the OMG's BPMN and DMN standards.
# Preloader ensures images are loaded before displaying to the user. If you don't want it uncomment to set it to false
# preloader: false
# Logo (from static/images/logos/___)
image: logos/spiffworkflow_logo.png
link: /
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# Main hero title
title: Executable Diagrams
# Hero subtitle (optional)
subtitle: Connect people and software together in a way that makes sense to everyone.
# Button text
buttontext: Get started
# Where the main hero button links to
buttonlink: "/posts/articles/get_started"
# Hero image (from static/images/___)
image: illustrations/flow.svg
# Footer logos (from static/images/logos/clients/___.svg)
- status
- uva
# Customizable navbar. For a dropdown, add a "sublinks" list.
- title: Features
url: /pages/features
- title: Projects
- title: SpiffWorkflow
url: /pages/spiffworkflow
- title: SpiffArena
url: /pages/spiffarena
- title: SpiffEditor
url: /pages/spiffeditor
- title: Articles
- title: Introductory Articles
url: /posts/articles
- title: Deep Dives
url: /posts/deep_dives
- title: Support
url: /pages/support
button: true
# Logo (from /images/logos/___.svg)
logo: spiffworkflow_white
- title: Projects
icon: user
- text: SpiffWorkflow
url: /pages/spiffworkflow
- text: SpiffArena
url: /pages/spiffarena
- text: SpiffEditor
url: /pages/spiffeditor
- title: Articles
icon: envelope
- text: Introductory Articles
url: /posts/articles
- text: Deep Dive Articles
url: /posts/deep_dives
title: Open Source Software
subtitle: It's all open. All of it. The whole enchilada. (Well it would be a tostada then, wouldn't it?)
- title: SpiffWorkflow
icon: spiffworkflow
text: The original lightweight diagram execution library.
url: /pages/spiffworkflow
buttonText: Learn More
- title: SpiffArena
icon: spiffarena
text: A complete platform for managing diagrams.
url: /pages/spiffarena
buttonText: Learn More
- title: SpiffEditor
icon: spiffedit
text: Extensions for the popular BPMN.io diagram editor.
url: /pages/spiffeditor
buttonText: Learn More
title: It's about people
subtitle: We bet the future is not about monitizing people using automated systems. We believe in a future filled with human innovation that is supported by software that increases transparency, understanding, and collaboration.
- title: Create Transparency
text: Only when people understand processes will they contribute to their improvement. Executable diagrams allow people to see what is happening behind the curtains. The benefit of transparency is twofold: it creates empathy ("I didn't know you were handling so much!") and it provides power ("Hey, if we reviewed this earlier it would save everyone a lot of time").
icon: transparency
- title: Automate The Bots
text: No one wants 20 applications telling them what to do all day. In many cases, what we need is a little glue -- a way to pull information from one system and use it in another. The Service Tasks in our diagrams allows us to talk to services, gather information, send that information to other services, getting ourselves out of the loop.
# Icon (from /images/illustrations/icons/___.svg)
icon: bots
- title: Deliver on Schedule
text: Computers make great clock watchers, so let them do it. We need more time by the fireplace for contemplation and less time responding to our endlessly beeping phones with their often pointless interruptions. If we can reduce the noise and think in peace, then perhaps we can do something of merit, of consequence -- something worthy of our precious time.
icon: clock
title: Intuitive Diagrams
subtitle: Diagrams can be intuitive AND executable - removing monotony, adding transparency and opening opportunities for improvement and adaptation.
image: illustrations/school.svg
buttonText: Features
buttonLink: "/pages/features"
title: Join the Innovators
subtitle: We are just getting started. Join these innovators and help us continue to refine and improve this important open source project.
- name: Jarrad Hope
quote: Absolutely amazing work, thank you so very much for pulling off the MVP, it's exactly what I was hoping for and really appreciate working with you guys...
job: CoFounder - Status.im
img: jarrad
- name: Ron Hutchins
quote: You guys are rock stars. I really appreciate your passion and your expertise on this project. I’m very excited too about what we can do with it in the future.
job: VP - IT - UVA
img: ron
section5: true
# Logo (from /images/logos/___)
logo: spiffworkflow_white.svg
# Social Media Title
socialmediatitle: Connect
# Social media links (GitHub, Twitter, etc.). All are optional./
- link: https://discord.gg/F6Kb7HNK7B
icon: comments
- link: https://github.com/sartography
# Icons are from Font Awesome
icon: github
- link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtDHzDfhyvnAb8CFmdwucUA
icon: youtube
- link: https://twitter.com/SpiffWorkflow
icon: twitter
- link: https://spiffworkflow.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
icon: book
bulmalogo: false
title: "Projects"
- text: SpiffArena
link: /pages/spiffarena
- text: SpiffWorkflow
link: /pages/spiffworkflow
- text: SpiffEditor
link: /pages/spiffeditor
title: "Docs"
- text: Get started
link: /posts/articles/get_started
title: "Blog"
- text: Introductory Articles
link: /posts/articles
- text: Deep Dives
link: /posts/deep_dives