subtitle:We offer commercial support for SpiffWorkflow and related projects. We can help you with everything from getting started, to building your first diagram, to integrating SpiffWorkflow into your existing systems.
subtitle:We have combined the most heavily researched standard in the field of Business Process Automation with the most popular programming language in the world(1).
- title:BPMN
text:1000's of articles on the efficacy of BPMN in diverse domains from Health Care(3) to Lagistics(4) to Automotive(5).
- title:Python
text:"\"Python has arguably become the de facto standard for exploratory, interactive, and computation-driven scientific research\"(2)"
citation:"K. J. Millman and M. Aivazis, \"Python for Scientists and Engineers,\" in Computing in Science & Engineering, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 9-12, March-April 2011, doi: 10.1109/MCSE.2011.36."
- ref:3
citation:"PufahlL. et al. \"BPMN in healthcare: Challenges and best practices\", in Information Systems, vol 107, 2922"
- ref:4
citation:"E S Kenne, \"Challenges Facing Port Logistics in Cameroon, Using The Bpmn Model\", International Journal of Latest Research in Humanities and Social Science (IJLRHSS) Volume 04 - Issue 12, 2021, pp. 174-182"
- ref:5
citation:"Fernandes, Jorge, João Reis, Nuno Melão, Leonor Teixeira, and Marlene Amorim. 2021. \"The Role of Industry 4.0 and BPMN in the Arise of Condition-Based and Predictive Maintenance: A Case Study in the Automotive Industry\" Applied Sciences 11, no. 8: 3438."
subtitle:We are open source, releasing much of our software under the LGPLv3. We welcome contributions from the community and are happy to help you get started. We make contributions to the open source community on a daily basis.
subtitle:Build your first diagram in minutes. But don't let the simplicity fool you. SpiffWorkflow is a powerful platform that can handle the most complex of business processes.
quote:I’m proud of our investment in SpiffWorkflow. It’s in line with our mission and core principles of purposeful technology, public good, and openness. I am excited about the future and looking forward to working with you.
quote:You guys are rock stars. I really appreciate your passion and your expertise on this project. I’m very excited too about what we can do with it in the future.
quote:Organizations large and small need SpiffWorkflow! SpiffWorkflow makes it possible to execute adaptable business processes that more than one person, more than one department, can understand.
quote:Spiffworkflow streamlines our execution of BPMN workflows, and its extensibility is a boon for us. The authors’ willingness to respond to our inquiries and feedback further enriches our experience with the library.
job:CTO - Series C Startup
- name:Aleksandra Yarokhovich
quote:Collaborating on the SpiffWorkflow project has been a delight. Passionate team, open to ideas, and a powerful product combining BPMN with Python's agility. Best wishes for its success!