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burnettk 2022-06-20 16:51:32 -04:00
parent 17e741280d
commit aacb626f3c
2 changed files with 1 additions and 111 deletions

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,Month,MS,ID,Component,Feature,Priority,Feature description,,,T-Shirt Size,Min Days,Max Days,Dev Days,Brief description of work required,Jason,Kevin,Dan,Elizabeth,Mike,Total,Jason,Kevin,Dan,Elizabeth,Mike,Total,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
TRUE,1,1,15.1.1,API,Code bases established using Flask Blueprints,A,"Shift general purpose sections of CR-Connect to new Flask Blueprint (including Workflow Processor, Error handing. API Endpoints)",,,L,5.0,10.0,10,,5,5,,,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,
TRUE,1,1,15.1.3,API,Code bases established using Flask Blueprints,A,Generate a new Status.IM backend application with new Flask lib..,,,M,3.0,5.0,10,,5,5,,,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,
TRUE,1,1,7.1.1,API,Deploy Process ,A,The engine offers an API that deploys a set of BPMN process models. It must be possible to include BPMN files in the API request.,,,XS(P),0.4,0.8,1,,0.5,0.5,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ADM-D001,1,A
TRUE,1,1,7.2,API,Deploy Process ,C,"Each business process model is assigned to a process group configured in the model itself, which is a logical identifier.",,,XS,0.5,1.0,1,,0.5,0.5,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ADM-D002,1,C
TRUE,1,1,7.3,API,Deploy Process ,A,"When deploying a new process model version, old process instances are still executed with the old process model version(s).",,,XS,0.5,1.0,1,A BPMN Process Model is deployed and process instances using that model are instantiated. later a new version is deployed. The old instances are still running correctly and with the old process model version.,0.5,0.5,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ADM-D003,1,A
TRUE,1,1,6.1,API,Instantiate Process ,A,"Process Models can be instantiated by API calls to a model-defined endpoint, e.g., the BPMN model defines BudgetApproval as an endpoint which is then exposed via https://localhost:8080/processes/BudgetApproval. Calling this API (no parameters required) will instantiate a process instance of the most current version of this process model.
If the request is authenticated, the processInitiator metadata attribute of the process instance is set to the authenticated user.",,,S,1.0,3.0,3,Renaming of endpoints required - but otherwise complete.,1.5,1.5,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ADM-E001,1,A
TRUE,1,1,15.3.1,BPMN.IO,Data Refactor-Architect,A,,,,XL(P),3.0,6.0,6,This covers the modifications to the BPMN.io open source tooling to allow us valid Data Input and Data Output models with which to work.,,,6,,,6,,,,,,1.8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,
TRUE,1,1,16.1,,,A,Ability to create a BPMN workflow editing tool that allows workflows to be designed visually using functionality similar to drag and drop.,,,S,1.0,3.0,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
TRUE,1,1,16.2,,,A,"Platform should be designed so that the workflow processes can be viewed in various levels of detail. E.g. the ability to zoom in and zoom out to show the correct level of detail.
The process can be viewed and any associated subprocesses can be accessed from the same UI including clicking into the underlying python scripts. ",,,S,1.0,3.0,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
TRUE,2,1,,DEV/OPS,Deployed Docker Container,,,,,,,1,1,,0.5,0.5,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,
FALSE,2,1,,DEV/OPS,Support postgres,,Add support for postgres database server and add to the matrix continuous integration build along with mysql and sqlite,,,,,1,1,,0.5,0.5,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
FALSE,2,1,15.1.5,API,Static analysis,A,Get static analysis passing after moving code from cr-connect,,,,,1,3,,1,1,,,,2,,,,,,0.5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
TRUE,2,1,8.1,UI,List Process Instances ,A,"A list of all process instances is shown to the user in a paginated way. The user can configure how many process instances are shown at once (max. 100 per page). By default, process instance ID, process model name, process instance start date & end date, process state, and process group are displayed in a table ordered descending by start date with 50 process instances on the page.",,,M,3.0,5.0,5,"We display this very differently for our current project, organizing process instances into categories, and restricing the system to one process instance per process model for any given ""Study"" - We'll need to drastically alter this structure. But that will come in a different ticket.",2.5,2.5,,,,5,,,,,,2.1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ADM-M001,2,A
FALSE,2,1,8.3,UI,Search Process Instances ,A,"The user can search for process instances matching engine-native and process-specific metadata. Following operators are supported: =, !=, <, >, <=, >=, contains. (only engine-native metadata)",,,S,1.0,3.0,4,This is not currently implemented.,2,2,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ADM-M003,2,A
FALSE,2,1,15.7,UI,Acceptance testing framework,A,Write a framework for browser-based acceptance testing to ensure stabliity and prevent regressions in functionality,,,,,2,2,NOTE: this does not reference another sheet.,1,1,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,
TRUE,2,1,9.12,API,Delete Process Instance,A,The user can delete the process instance and all associated metadata etc. with it.,,,XS,0.5,1.0,1,This is possible.,0.5,0.5,,,,1,,,,,,0.6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ADM-S012,2,A
TRUE,2,1,9.13,UI,List Process Models / Groups ,A,The user can list all deployed Process Models.,,,M,3.0,5.0,5,"Is this a duplicate of 8.1? No, seems this is the one that refers to process groups rather than process instances.",2.5,2.5,,,,5,,,,,,0.5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ADM-S013,2,A
TRUE,2,1,7.7,API,Process Model CRUD ,C,"A user can choose to un-deploy a process model. The engine must check that there are no process instances referencing this model prior to its deletion. If any process instance exists in any state, the un-deployment must not be done.",,,S,1.0,3.0,2,"Deploy a Process Model and un-deploy it. Process Model is not visible in the system anymore.
Deploy a Process Model, start an instance, terminate this instance. Un-deploy this process model. Un-deployment fails.",1,1,,,,2,,,,,,1.7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ADM-D007,2,C
TRUE,2,1,7 .9.1,API,Process Group CRUD ,,"This isn't covered in the requirements, but we've found a general need to be abie to manage groups - edit them with descrptions, names, and unique ids, reorder them and such. What about https://www.npmjs.com/package/diagram-js-code-editor ?",,,,,2,2,,0.5,0.5,,,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,
TRUE,2,1,7.9.2,API,Process Instance Pagination ,,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,
TRUE,2,1,7.9.3,API,Process Model Pagination ,,,,,,,1,1,,0.5,0.5,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
TRUE,2,1,7.9.4,UI,Process Model & Group UI,,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,
TRUE,2,1,7.9.5,UI,Support editing DMN,,,,,,,1,1,,0.5,0.5,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
FALSE,2,1,6.2,API,"Process Instance, Model and Model Group instantiation to API.",A,"Process Models can be instantiated by API calls to a model-defined endpoint, e.g., the BPMN model defines BudgetApproval as an endpoint which is then exposed via https://localhost:8080/processes/BudgetApproval. Calling this API with respective parameters, which will mapped to the incoming message of the message start event, will instantiate a process instance of the most current version of this process model.
If the request is authenticated, the processInitiator metadata attribute of the process instance is set to the authenticated user.
",,,S,1.0,3.0,3,"We have this endpoint, we need to ability to fire the message rather than start the default process.",,,,3.0,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ADM-E002,2,A
FALSE,2,1,7.6.1,API,Error Handling and Resolution,A,"Allow for configuring uncaught error-behavior, i.e., if a task fails or any expression could not be evaluated, and no matching error event is found. Options are:
- fault (BPMN standard compliant),
- fault+notify
Notifications are done via sending emails to configurable email addresses.",,,S,1.0,3.0,2,"Depoy a BPMN model without process instance fault behavior configuration and a script task that throws an exception. Instantiate the model and verify that its end state is faulted.
Depoy a BPMN model with process instance fault behavior set to fault and a script task that throws an exception. Instantiate the model and verify that its end state is faulted.
Depoy a BPMN model with process instance fault+notify behavior set to fault and a script task that throws an exception. Instantiate the model and verify that its end state is faulted, and a notification email is sent.",0.5,0.5,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ADM-D005a,2,A
FALSE,2,1,7.6.2,API,Error Handling and Resolution,C,"Allow for configuring uncaught error-behavior, i.e., if a task fails or any expression could not be evaluated, and no matching error event is found. Options are:
- suspend,
- suspend+notify
Notifications are done via sending emails to configurable email addresses.",,,S,1.0,3.0,2,"Depoy a BPMN model with process instance fault behavior set to suspend and a script task that throws an exception. Instantiate the model and verify that its state is suspended.
Depoy a BPMN model with process instance suspend+notify behavior set to fault and a script task that throws an exception. Instantiate the model and verify that it is suspended, and a notification email is sent.",0.5,0.5,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ADM-D005b,2,C
FALSE,2,1,12.1,,Event logging,C,"To better demonstrate the event log, an excerpt could look like this for executing a receive task and a service task:",,,S,1.0,3.0,3,We basically have this already.,1.5,1.5,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,C
FALSE,2,1,15.2.4,UI,Web UI,A,Create a new Status.IM web application for UI Specific components.,,,M,3.0,5.0,5,,2.5,2.5,,,,5,,,,,,4.5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
TRUE,2,1,15.6,UI,Script editing,A,Add ability to edit inline script for tasks in new bpmn-js,,,M,1.0,4.0,3,,1.5,1.5,,,,3,,,,,,2.7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,A
FALSE,2,1,15.3.2,SPIFF,Data Refactor-implement,A,,,,XL(P),7.0,14.0,12,Proper support for Data Input and Data Output mappings.,,,7.2,4.8,,12,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
FALSE,3,2,15.2.2,,"BPMN Editor, Form Viewer refactor to core library.",A,"Shift BPMN Editors, Form Viewers, etc.. back into the core library.",,,L,5.0,10.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,A
FALSE,3,2,15.4,,"Ability to cluster and distribute system to support larger, failure tolerant systems. (Document only!)",A,"We should budget time to assure we can effectively cluster and distribute the system to support larger, failure tolerant systems.",,,M,3.0,5.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#N/A,1,A
FALSE,3,2,10.2,,Roles and Permissions,A,"All interactions via the API must be authorized. By default, an administrator group is authorized for all activities only. The portal should hide options for which the user has no permissions.",,,S,1.0,3.0,2,We have a well ecapsulated permission system for the API that can be easily modified and extended.,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#N/A,1,A
FALSE,3,2,10.3,,Roles and Permissions,A,Permissions can be assigned to process instances at run-time. Each process instance has a logical user “processInitiator” which may be assigned permissions for a process instance.,,,S,1.0,3.0,2,This is currently implemented. Process intances have a natural owner. ,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#REF!,#REF!,#REF!
FALSE,3,2,10.4,,Roles and Permissions,A,"Permissions can be assigned to the Process Models, which are inherited to all Process Instances, e.g., administering includes termination and changing is allowed for all Process Instances of that Process Model.",,,M,3.0,5.0,4,"We don't currently have a concept of assigning control of a process model to a specific user, nore the concept of inheritance.",2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#N/A,2,A
FALSE,3,2,10.6,,Roles and Permissions,A,"If enabled on the server, users can register “anonymously” without requiring administrative intervention and are assigned the “anonymous” group. The server will challenge the client to sign a message to establish ownership of public key, a.k.a. Web3 Sign-In. For a code example see https://pypi.org/project/django-web3-auth/",,,M,3.0,5.0,4,Integration point - I'm wondering if we want to handle gorups here? Rathr than internally as in 10.1?,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#N/A,3,A
FALSE,3,2,7.1.2,API,Deploy Process ,C,The API must be secured via permissions. It must be possible to enter a URL to upload a model in addition to the full xml file previously implemented.,,,XS(P),0.1,0.3,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ADM-P002,3,A
FALSE,3,2,9.1,,Inspect Process Instance,A,User inspects a process instance (process instance model view with activity states and highlight active activities) by clicking on process instance in table view.,,,S,1.0,3.0,3,"We have a basic ""Navigation"" system that can return the current tasks/activities ",,,0.75,2.25,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ADM-P003,3,A
FALSE,3,2,15.2.3,,,A,Start supporting forms,,,M,3.0,5.0,5,,2.25,,2.75,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#N/A,3,A
FALSE,3,2,,,Messages (avoiding spaghetti),,Improve the way we handle messages across workflows. ,,,L,5.0,10.0,10,,,,2.5,7.5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#N/A,3,A
FALSE,3,2,,,Navigation,,Ability to navigate back / view previous steps in a workflow without resetting.,,,S,1.0,3.0,3,,1.5,1.5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#N/A,3,C
FALSE,3,2,,,Context (The Study Problem),,How do we define the context in which workflows execute - and isolate them to this context.,,,M,3.0,5.0,5,,2.5,2.5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,A
FALSE,3,2,,,User Forms,,Even a rudamentary form system based on forms.io is going to have some complexity - form builders may represent 20 to 50% of our effort in CR-Connect.,,,L,5.0,10.0,10,,5,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,A
FALSE,4,2,,,Service Tasks,,SpiffWorkflow doesn't currently support the Service Task - and will likely become critical for Status - and its more heavy service oriented systems.,,,L,5.0,10.0,10,,,,2.5,7.5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#N/A,3,
FALSE,4,2,,,Custom Property Panel,,"Camunda's recent releases have re-vamped their panels in BPMN.io, making them almost useless to us. We need our own (much simpler panels) which we can control and maintain.",,,L,5.0,10.0,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#N/A,4,
FALSE,4,2,9.2,,Process instance variabe data UI Enhancements.,A,User can show variable data of this process instance.,,,M,3.0,5.0,,"This is available, but we need to improve the data model / scope - so this will need some updates.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,
FALSE,4,2,15.5,,Enhanced script task execution security.,A,We have investigated and created prototypes of more secure execution environments for running the script tasks. We might look at executing all script tasks in an external and restricuted environment.,,,M,3.0,5.0,,Move to Milesone 6 on 06/06. Estimated as 8 Dev Days at that time.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,A
FALSE,4,2,,,User Data views,,Viewing data stores and task data in the user interface,,,L,5.0,10.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#N/A,4,
FALSE,4,2,6.4,SPIFF,Event Logging,A,"Whenever a process instance changes (e.g., activity state changed, variable data updated, …) each change is logged as an event with timestamp, event type, affected object and actor (engine for automated tasks or human actor in case of user tasks).",,,S,1.0,3.0,3,"Moving logging into Spiff would give us greater granularity, and allow for a much needed refactor of how we handle logging.",,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#N/A,4,A
FALSE,4,2,15.1.4,API,Flask Blueprints,A,Move validation and testing down into SpiffWorkflow.,,,L,5.0,10.0,10,"We need to allow extending this validation in custom code to allow for custom task types, alternate user tasks, etc...",,,2,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#N/A,4,A
FALSE,5,3,7.4,,Unit test framework to test Script Tasks without executing process.,A,"Write a unit test framework extension to test scripts in script tasks without executing the process. Specify script task by XPath expression (e.g., //scriptTask[@id=’….])",,,XL,10.0,20.0,,Unit Tests can be written and executed in Python without instantiating the BPMN process model.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#N/A,5,A
FALSE,5,3,7.5,,Server-side configurationof BPMN models.,A,"Allow server-side configuration by providing a key-value lookup table for staging (e.g., service endpoint mappings, timeouts) that can be queried from Python code (and later in task configurations). Provide a GUI, an API, and a file import and export to manage these values.
When deploying a process model, it is checked whether all required configuration values are configured on the server. If not, deployment is aborted.",,,M,3.0,5.0,,"Deploy a BPMN model referencing a configuration value. Execute it and verify that the value is picked up correctly.
Deploy a BPMN model referencing an inexistent configuration value. Deployment fails.
FALSE,5,3,9.5,,Process Instance termination.,A,The user can terminate a process instance which is moved to terminated state. This feature should be accessible via the process instance list as well as in the process instance detail view.,,,XS,0.5,1.0,,A natural part of the above.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#N/A,5,A
FALSE,5,3,9.7,,Process Instance event log UI.,A,"User looks at event log of process instance (click on any timestamp will show process diagram with completed/active/ready activities as at that point in time). In the list of all Process Models, the user can click on a model and open its BPMN representation.",,,L,5.0,10.0,,"Definitely doable, we currently hide the diagrams completely from end users, so need to implement this. Budgeting time to assure we can generate the SVG on the backend, color code it, and get the UI right.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,A
FALSE,5,3,9.3,,Allow user to pause and resume Process Instance.,C,User suspends/pauses a process instance. All execution of this process instance is suspended. No messages can be received and no events be triggered until the process instance is resumed.,,,S,1.0,3.0,,"We have something similar but at the wrong level of granularity, so this requires some effort.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#N/A,5,C
FALSE,5,3,9.4,,Aloow user to pause and resume Process Instance.,C,User resumes process instance. All activities available for execution will be executed and all receive events become active again.,,,XS,0.5,1.0,,A natural part of the above.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#N/A,5,C
FALSE,5,3,9.6,,Allow user to change Process Instance data.,C,"User changes process instance data (i.e., variable data).",,,M,3.0,5.0,,Nothing like this exists presently.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#N/A,5,C
FALSE,5,3,9.8,,Allow user to rewind Process Instnance.,C,User rewinds process instance to previous state/timestamp. The timestamp in the past is selected first in the event log. The active item is the jump point to which to rewind to. The instance is restored to this point in time by replaying the event log from start to the selected timestamp.,,,M,3.0,5.0,," have the ability to jump back in time to any completed task WITHOUT re-executing any tasks. But I can see use cases for rewinding and replaying, particularly in debugging. So Im going to estimate this update, but wanted to clarify that some of this is already done.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#N/A,5,C
FALSE,5,3,11.2,,Report Wizard.,A,"The user can open a defined report, which is then displayed with the data being calculated and shown in this report.",,,S,1.0,3.0,,"Seems like this will fall out of the previous effort, but has it's own concerns.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#N/A,5,A
FALSE,6,3,11.1,,Report Wizard.,A,"Users can create a report by using a Wizard (for table- and crosstable-style reports) based on process instance metadata. Operations supported by this wizard is:
- Selection of columns by mapping metadata attributes to them
- Filtering records based on metadata
- Aggregation of metadata fields (e.g., min, max, sum, mean, median, count)",,,XL,10.0,20.0,,"This feels very large - I think it connects into our data storage, and requires a strong data model. We should definitely capitalize on some existing report builder and not re-invent the wheel here.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#N/A,6,A
FALSE,6,3,6.5,,Process Model metadata,C,"A process model can define custom metadata that is implemented as a JSON Path on the process instance data. This extracted data should be stored in a dedicated table after each data update for quick access in searches and reports. Metadata can be of different data types. Initially string, datetime, and number should be supported.",,,L,5.0,10.0,,This feels like a part of a larger data refactoring effort. I love the JSON Path idea.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#N/A,6,C
FALSE,6,3,7.8,,Process Instance retention time,C,"Set retention time for process instances as part of the BPMN model. The retention time must be evaluated upon deployment. The retention time indicates after which time after completion (states completed, faulted, or terminated) the process instance is automatically removed by the engine.",,,M,3.0,5.0,,Deploy a process model with retention set to 5 minutes. Start and complete a process instance. The process instance is automatically deleted after 5 minutes.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#N/A,6,C
FALSE,6,3,9.9,,Manual execution of BPMN activity or event-based gateway while process is suspended.,C,"User manually completes/skips an BPMN activity, which is eligible for execution when the process is in suspended state.",,,M,3.0,5.0,,Don't have the ability to do this presently.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,C
FALSE,6,3,9.11,,Manual execution of BPMN activity or event-based gateway while process is suspended.,C,"When the process instance is suspended and a BPMN event-based gateway is ready, the user can decide which following event “occurs” to proceed with the process instance.",,,M,3.0,5.0,,"Many of these items are Medium because they will need to change in SpiffWorkflow and then work their way up throug the API and user interface, so they touch a lot of code.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,
FALSE,6,3,,,Error Handling,,"Session Timeouts, Thoughtful error codes from API.",,,L,5.0,10.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
FALSE,7,4,10.8,,,A,Permissions can be assigned low levels of the workflow such as permission to action only certain steps in the process.,,,M,3.0,5.0,,"Estimate assumes lane level, XL if task level",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
FALSE,7,4,10.1,,Roles and Permissions,A,"The engine has a user database, which manages information necessary for identifying users, and their group assignments. It is required that users can be added and deleted, and group assignments be made or revoked.",,,L,5.0,10.0,7,"current system relies heavily on UVA's shibboleth/LDAP systems. This is a significant refactor. Perhaps we focus on Keycloke integration to start, and expand out from there, to avoid lots of custom UI code for user management.",3.5,3.5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
FALSE,7,4,10.5,,Roles and Permissions,A,"Permissions can be assigned to the Process Groups, which are inherited to all Process Models and consequently to all Process Instances, e.g., administering includes termination and changing is allowed for all Process Instances of Process Models that are contained in this Process Group.",,,S,1.0,3.0,2,I think this and 10.4 would be completed simultaniously.,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
FALSE,7,4,10.7,,Roles and Permissions,A,The user management can be configured to be integrated with Keycloak (see keycloak.org).,,,S,1.0,3.0,2,"Leaving this small, as I expect it to be coverted in large part by 10.1",2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
FALSE,7,4,6.3,,Timer Start Event ,C,"Process Models of the latest process model version starting with a timer start event are instantiated whenever the timer event definition is reached.
The processInitiator metadata attribute is set to a “system” user.
",,,M,3.0,5.0,,"We support timer events, but will need to modify our system to handle starting a workflow that contains a timer as a start event.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
FALSE,7,4,8.2,,"Process list UI confirguration from metadata, save as a perspective and load again later or delete.",C,"The user can configure which columns are to be shown in the process list. He/she may select from any engine-native and business process-specific metadata available in the system. Upon confirmation, the selected metadata is displayed in columns in the specified order as a table.",,,M,3.0,5.0,,This is not currently implemented.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
FALSE,7,4,8.4,,"Process list UI confirguration from metadata, save as a perspective and load again later or delete.",C,The user can save the filters/search criteria and the selected metadata columns as a perspective. The user must specify a unique perspective name.,,,M,3.0,5.0,,This is not currently implemented.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
FALSE,7,4,8.5,,"Process list UI confirguration from metadata, save as a perspective and load again later or delete.",C,"A previously saved perspective is loaded, and the process instance list is rendered accordingly. The original settings can be restored as well by loading a “default” perspective.",,,S,1.0,3.0,,This is not currently implemented.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
FALSE,7,4,8.6,,"Process list UI confirguration from metadata, save as a perspective and load again later or delete.",C,A previously saved perspective can be deleted by the user.,,,XS,0.5,1.0,,This is not currently implemented.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7,
FALSE,7,4,,,BPMN Editing,,"Viewing and editing XML, list / select Call Acitivities from list.",,,S,1.0,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
FALSE,7,4,16.3,,,C,Platform should be designed so that the call activity can be viewed from the same interface as the workflow.,,,M,3.0,5.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
FALSE,7,4,16.4,,,C,Ability to view all of the call activities which are referencing a certain BPMN file/process/sub-process in the editor,,,L,5.0,10.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
FALSE,8,4,16.5,,,C,Ability to view all of the call activities which are referencing a certain DMN file/table in the editor,,,M,3.0,5.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
FALSE,8,4,16.6,,,C,Ability to view all of the call activities which are referencing a certain DMN file/table in the editor,,,M,3.0,5.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1 Month MS ID Component Feature Priority Feature description T-Shirt Size Min Days Max Days Dev Days Brief description of work required Jason Kevin Dan Elizabeth Mike Total Jason Kevin Dan Elizabeth Mike Total
2 TRUE 1 1 15.1.1 API Code bases established using Flask Blueprints A Shift general purpose sections of CR-Connect to new Flask Blueprint (including Workflow Processor, Error handing. API Endpoints) L 5.0 10.0 10 5 5 10 1
3 TRUE 1 1 15.1.3 API Code bases established using Flask Blueprints A Generate a new Status.IM backend application with new Flask lib.. M 3.0 5.0 10 5 5 10 1
4 TRUE 1 1 7.1.1 API Deploy Process A The engine offers an API that deploys a set of BPMN process models. It must be possible to include BPMN files in the API request. XS(P) 0.4 0.8 1 0.5 0.5 1 ADM-D001 1 A
5 TRUE 1 1 7.2 API Deploy Process C Each business process model is assigned to a process group configured in the model itself, which is a logical identifier. XS 0.5 1.0 1 0.5 0.5 1 ADM-D002 1 C
6 TRUE 1 1 7.3 API Deploy Process A When deploying a new process model version, old process instances are still executed with the old process model version(s). XS 0.5 1.0 1 A BPMN Process Model is deployed and process instances using that model are instantiated. later a new version is deployed. The old instances are still running correctly and with the old process model version. 0.5 0.5 1 ADM-D003 1 A
7 TRUE 1 1 6.1 API Instantiate Process A Process Models can be instantiated by API calls to a model-defined endpoint, e.g., the BPMN model defines BudgetApproval as an endpoint which is then exposed via https://localhost:8080/processes/BudgetApproval. Calling this API (no parameters required) will instantiate a process instance of the most current version of this process model. If the request is authenticated, the processInitiator metadata attribute of the process instance is set to the authenticated user. S 1.0 3.0 3 Renaming of endpoints required - but otherwise complete. 1.5 1.5 3 ADM-E001 1 A
8 TRUE 1 1 15.3.1 BPMN.IO Data Refactor-Architect A XL(P) 3.0 6.0 6 This covers the modifications to the BPMN.io open source tooling to allow us valid Data Input and Data Output models with which to work. 6 6 1.8 1
9 TRUE 1 1 16.1 A Ability to create a BPMN workflow editing tool that allows workflows to be designed visually using functionality similar to drag and drop. S 1.0 3.0 3
10 TRUE 1 1 16.2 A Platform should be designed so that the workflow processes can be viewed in various levels of detail. E.g. the ability to zoom in and zoom out to show the correct level of detail. The process can be viewed and any associated subprocesses can be accessed from the same UI including clicking into the underlying python scripts. S 1.0 3.0 3
11 TRUE 2 1 DEV/OPS Deployed Docker Container 1 1 0.5 0.5 1 2
12 FALSE 2 1 DEV/OPS Support postgres Add support for postgres database server and add to the matrix continuous integration build along with mysql and sqlite 1 1 0.5 0.5 1
13 FALSE 2 1 15.1.5 API Static analysis A Get static analysis passing after moving code from cr-connect 1 3 1 1 2 0.5
14 TRUE 2 1 8.1 UI List Process Instances A A list of all process instances is shown to the user in a paginated way. The user can configure how many process instances are shown at once (max. 100 per page). By default, process instance ID, process model name, process instance start date & end date, process state, and process group are displayed in a table ordered descending by start date with 50 process instances on the page. M 3.0 5.0 5 We display this very differently for our current project, organizing process instances into categories, and restricing the system to one process instance per process model for any given "Study" - We'll need to drastically alter this structure. But that will come in a different ticket. 2.5 2.5 5 2.1 ADM-M001 2 A
15 FALSE 2 1 8.3 UI Search Process Instances A The user can search for process instances matching engine-native and process-specific metadata. Following operators are supported: =, !=, <, >, <=, >=, contains. (only engine-native metadata) S 1.0 3.0 4 This is not currently implemented. 2 2 4 ADM-M003 2 A
16 FALSE 2 1 15.7 UI Acceptance testing framework A Write a framework for browser-based acceptance testing to ensure stabliity and prevent regressions in functionality 2 2 NOTE: this does not reference another sheet. 1 1 2 2
17 TRUE 2 1 9.12 API Delete Process Instance A The user can delete the process instance and all associated metadata etc. with it. XS 0.5 1.0 1 This is possible. 0.5 0.5 1 0.6 ADM-S012 2 A
18 TRUE 2 1 9.13 UI List Process Models / Groups A The user can list all deployed Process Models. M 3.0 5.0 5 Is this a duplicate of 8.1? No, seems this is the one that refers to process groups rather than process instances. 2.5 2.5 5 0.5 ADM-S013 2 A
19 TRUE 2 1 7.7 API Process Model CRUD C A user can choose to un-deploy a process model. The engine must check that there are no process instances referencing this model prior to its deletion. If any process instance exists in any state, the un-deployment must not be done. S 1.0 3.0 2 Deploy a Process Model and un-deploy it. Process Model is not visible in the system anymore. Deploy a Process Model, start an instance, terminate this instance. Un-deploy this process model. Un-deployment fails. 1 1 2 1.7 ADM-D007 2 C
20 TRUE 2 1 7 .9.1 API Process Group CRUD This isn't covered in the requirements, but we've found a general need to be abie to manage groups - edit them with descrptions, names, and unique ids, reorder them and such. What about https://www.npmjs.com/package/diagram-js-code-editor ? 2 2 0.5 0.5 1 2 2
21 TRUE 2 1 7.9.2 API Process Instance Pagination 1 1 1 1 2
22 TRUE 2 1 7.9.3 API Process Model Pagination 1 1 0.5 0.5 1
23 TRUE 2 1 7.9.4 UI Process Model & Group UI 1 1 1 1 2
24 TRUE 2 1 7.9.5 UI Support editing DMN 1 1 0.5 0.5 1
25 FALSE 2 1 6.2 API Process Instance, Model and Model Group instantiation to API. A Process Models can be instantiated by API calls to a model-defined endpoint, e.g., the BPMN model defines BudgetApproval as an endpoint which is then exposed via https://localhost:8080/processes/BudgetApproval. Calling this API with respective parameters, which will mapped to the incoming message of the message start event, will instantiate a process instance of the most current version of this process model. If the request is authenticated, the processInitiator metadata attribute of the process instance is set to the authenticated user. S 1.0 3.0 3 We have this endpoint, we need to ability to fire the message rather than start the default process. 3.0 3 ADM-E002 2 A
26 FALSE 2 1 7.6.1 API Error Handling and Resolution A Allow for configuring uncaught error-behavior, i.e., if a task fails or any expression could not be evaluated, and no matching error event is found. Options are: - fault (BPMN standard compliant), - fault+notify Notifications are done via sending emails to configurable email addresses. S 1.0 3.0 2 Depoy a BPMN model without process instance fault behavior configuration and a script task that throws an exception. Instantiate the model and verify that its end state is faulted. Depoy a BPMN model with process instance fault behavior set to fault and a script task that throws an exception. Instantiate the model and verify that its end state is faulted. Depoy a BPMN model with process instance fault+notify behavior set to fault and a script task that throws an exception. Instantiate the model and verify that its end state is faulted, and a notification email is sent. 0.5 0.5 1 ADM-D005a 2 A
27 FALSE 2 1 7.6.2 API Error Handling and Resolution C Allow for configuring uncaught error-behavior, i.e., if a task fails or any expression could not be evaluated, and no matching error event is found. Options are: - suspend, - suspend+notify Notifications are done via sending emails to configurable email addresses. S 1.0 3.0 2 Depoy a BPMN model with process instance fault behavior set to suspend and a script task that throws an exception. Instantiate the model and verify that its state is suspended. Depoy a BPMN model with process instance suspend+notify behavior set to fault and a script task that throws an exception. Instantiate the model and verify that it is suspended, and a notification email is sent. 0.5 0.5 1 ADM-D005b 2 C
28 FALSE 2 1 12.1 Event logging C To better demonstrate the event log, an excerpt could look like this for executing a receive task and a service task: S 1.0 3.0 3 We basically have this already. 1.5 1.5 3 2 C
29 FALSE 2 1 15.2.4 UI Web UI A Create a new Status.IM web application for UI Specific components. M 3.0 5.0 5 2.5 2.5 5 4.5
30 TRUE 2 1 15.6 UI Script editing A Add ability to edit inline script for tasks in new bpmn-js M 1.0 4.0 3 1.5 1.5 3 2.7 2 A
31 FALSE 2 1 15.3.2 SPIFF Data Refactor-implement A XL(P) 7.0 14.0 12 Proper support for Data Input and Data Output mappings. 7.2 4.8 12
32 FALSE 3 2 15.2.2 BPMN Editor, Form Viewer refactor to core library. A Shift BPMN Editors, Form Viewers, etc.. back into the core library. L 5.0 10.0 3 A
33 FALSE 3 2 15.4 Ability to cluster and distribute system to support larger, failure tolerant systems. (Document only!) A We should budget time to assure we can effectively cluster and distribute the system to support larger, failure tolerant systems. M 3.0 5.0 #N/A 1 A
34 FALSE 3 2 10.2 Roles and Permissions A All interactions via the API must be authorized. By default, an administrator group is authorized for all activities only. The portal should hide options for which the user has no permissions. S 1.0 3.0 2 We have a well ecapsulated permission system for the API that can be easily modified and extended. 2 #N/A 1 A
35 FALSE 3 2 10.3 Roles and Permissions A Permissions can be assigned to process instances at run-time. Each process instance has a logical user “processInitiator” which may be assigned permissions for a process instance. S 1.0 3.0 2 This is currently implemented. Process intances have a natural owner. 2 #REF! #REF! #REF!
36 FALSE 3 2 10.4 Roles and Permissions A Permissions can be assigned to the Process Models, which are inherited to all Process Instances, e.g., administering includes termination and changing is allowed for all Process Instances of that Process Model. M 3.0 5.0 4 We don't currently have a concept of assigning control of a process model to a specific user, nore the concept of inheritance. 2 2 #N/A 2 A
37 FALSE 3 2 10.6 Roles and Permissions A If enabled on the server, users can register “anonymously” without requiring administrative intervention and are assigned the “anonymous” group. The server will challenge the client to sign a message to establish ownership of public key, a.k.a. Web3 Sign-In. For a code example see https://pypi.org/project/django-web3-auth/ M 3.0 5.0 4 Integration point - I'm wondering if we want to handle gorups here? Rathr than internally as in 10.1? 4 #N/A 3 A
38 FALSE 3 2 7.1.2 API Deploy Process C The API must be secured via permissions. It must be possible to enter a URL to upload a model in addition to the full xml file previously implemented. XS(P) 0.1 0.3 1 1 ADM-P002 3 A
39 FALSE 3 2 9.1 Inspect Process Instance A User inspects a process instance (process instance model view with activity states and highlight active activities) by clicking on process instance in table view. S 1.0 3.0 3 We have a basic "Navigation" system that can return the current tasks/activities 0.75 2.25 ADM-P003 3 A
40 FALSE 3 2 15.2.3 A Start supporting forms M 3.0 5.0 5 2.25 2.75 #N/A 3 A
41 FALSE 3 2 Messages (avoiding spaghetti) Improve the way we handle messages across workflows. L 5.0 10.0 10 2.5 7.5 #N/A 3 A
42 FALSE 3 2 Navigation Ability to navigate back / view previous steps in a workflow without resetting. S 1.0 3.0 3 1.5 1.5 #N/A 3 C
43 FALSE 3 2 Context (The Study Problem) How do we define the context in which workflows execute - and isolate them to this context. M 3.0 5.0 5 2.5 2.5 3 A
44 FALSE 3 2 User Forms Even a rudamentary form system based on forms.io is going to have some complexity - form builders may represent 20 to 50% of our effort in CR-Connect. L 5.0 10.0 10 5 5 3 A
45 FALSE 4 2 Service Tasks SpiffWorkflow doesn't currently support the Service Task - and will likely become critical for Status - and its more heavy service oriented systems. L 5.0 10.0 10 2.5 7.5 #N/A 3
46 FALSE 4 2 Custom Property Panel Camunda's recent releases have re-vamped their panels in BPMN.io, making them almost useless to us. We need our own (much simpler panels) which we can control and maintain. L 5.0 10.0 10 #N/A 4
47 FALSE 4 2 9.2 Process instance variabe data UI Enhancements. A User can show variable data of this process instance. M 3.0 5.0 This is available, but we need to improve the data model / scope - so this will need some updates. 4
48 FALSE 4 2 15.5 Enhanced script task execution security. A We have investigated and created prototypes of more secure execution environments for running the script tasks. We might look at executing all script tasks in an external and restricuted environment. M 3.0 5.0 Move to Milesone 6 on 06/06. Estimated as 8 Dev Days at that time. 4 A
49 FALSE 4 2 User Data views Viewing data stores and task data in the user interface L 5.0 10.0 #N/A 4
50 FALSE 4 2 6.4 SPIFF Event Logging A Whenever a process instance changes (e.g., activity state changed, variable data updated, …) each change is logged as an event with timestamp, event type, affected object and actor (engine for automated tasks or human actor in case of user tasks). S 1.0 3.0 3 Moving logging into Spiff would give us greater granularity, and allow for a much needed refactor of how we handle logging. 3 #N/A 4 A
51 FALSE 4 2 15.1.4 API Flask Blueprints A Move validation and testing down into SpiffWorkflow. L 5.0 10.0 10 We need to allow extending this validation in custom code to allow for custom task types, alternate user tasks, etc... 2 8 #N/A 4 A
52 FALSE 5 3 7.4 Unit test framework to test Script Tasks without executing process. A Write a unit test framework extension to test scripts in script tasks without executing the process. Specify script task by XPath expression (e.g., //scriptTask[@id=’….’]) XL 10.0 20.0 Unit Tests can be written and executed in Python without instantiating the BPMN process model. #N/A 5 A
53 FALSE 5 3 7.5 Server-side configurationof BPMN models. A Allow server-side configuration by providing a key-value lookup table for staging (e.g., service endpoint mappings, timeouts) that can be queried from Python code (and later in task configurations). Provide a GUI, an API, and a file import and export to manage these values. When deploying a process model, it is checked whether all required configuration values are configured on the server. If not, deployment is aborted. M 3.0 5.0 Deploy a BPMN model referencing a configuration value. Execute it and verify that the value is picked up correctly. Deploy a BPMN model referencing an inexistent configuration value. Deployment fails. #N/A 5 A
54 FALSE 5 3 9.5 Process Instance termination. A The user can terminate a process instance which is moved to terminated state. This feature should be accessible via the process instance list as well as in the process instance detail view. XS 0.5 1.0 A natural part of the above. #N/A 5 A
55 FALSE 5 3 9.7 Process Instance event log UI. A User looks at event log of process instance (click on any timestamp will show process diagram with completed/active/ready activities as at that point in time). In the list of all Process Models, the user can click on a model and open its BPMN representation. L 5.0 10.0 Definitely doable, we currently hide the diagrams completely from end users, so need to implement this. Budgeting time to assure we can generate the SVG on the backend, color code it, and get the UI right. 5 A
56 FALSE 5 3 9.3 Allow user to pause and resume Process Instance. C User suspends/pauses a process instance. All execution of this process instance is suspended. No messages can be received and no events be triggered until the process instance is resumed. S 1.0 3.0 We have something similar but at the wrong level of granularity, so this requires some effort. #N/A 5 C
57 FALSE 5 3 9.4 Aloow user to pause and resume Process Instance. C User resumes process instance. All activities available for execution will be executed and all receive events become active again. XS 0.5 1.0 A natural part of the above. #N/A 5 C
58 FALSE 5 3 9.6 Allow user to change Process Instance data. C User changes process instance data (i.e., variable data). M 3.0 5.0 Nothing like this exists presently. #N/A 5 C
59 FALSE 5 3 9.8 Allow user to rewind Process Instnance. C User rewinds process instance to previous state/timestamp. The timestamp in the past is selected first in the event log. The active item is the jump point to which to rewind to. The instance is restored to this point in time by replaying the event log from start to the selected timestamp. M 3.0 5.0 have the ability to jump back in time to any completed task WITHOUT re-executing any tasks. But I can see use cases for rewinding and replaying, particularly in debugging. So I’m going to estimate this update, but wanted to clarify that some of this is already done. #N/A 5 C
60 FALSE 5 3 11.2 Report Wizard. A The user can open a defined report, which is then displayed with the data being calculated and shown in this report. S 1.0 3.0 Seems like this will fall out of the previous effort, but has it's own concerns. #N/A 5 A
61 FALSE 6 3 11.1 Report Wizard. A Users can create a report by using a Wizard (for table- and crosstable-style reports) based on process instance metadata. Operations supported by this wizard is: - Selection of columns by mapping metadata attributes to them - Filtering records based on metadata - Aggregation of metadata fields (e.g., min, max, sum, mean, median, count) XL 10.0 20.0 This feels very large - I think it connects into our data storage, and requires a strong data model. We should definitely capitalize on some existing report builder and not re-invent the wheel here. #N/A 6 A
62 FALSE 6 3 6.5 Process Model metadata C A process model can define custom metadata that is implemented as a JSON Path on the process instance data. This extracted data should be stored in a dedicated table after each data update for quick access in searches and reports. Metadata can be of different data types. Initially string, datetime, and number should be supported. L 5.0 10.0 This feels like a part of a larger data refactoring effort. I love the JSON Path idea. #N/A 6 C
63 FALSE 6 3 7.8 Process Instance retention time C Set retention time for process instances as part of the BPMN model. The retention time must be evaluated upon deployment. The retention time indicates after which time after completion (states completed, faulted, or terminated) the process instance is automatically removed by the engine. M 3.0 5.0 Deploy a process model with retention set to 5 minutes. Start and complete a process instance. The process instance is automatically deleted after 5 minutes. #N/A 6 C
64 FALSE 6 3 9.9 Manual execution of BPMN activity or event-based gateway while process is suspended. C User manually completes/skips an BPMN activity, which is eligible for execution when the process is in suspended state. M 3.0 5.0 Don't have the ability to do this presently. 6 C
65 FALSE 6 3 9.11 Manual execution of BPMN activity or event-based gateway while process is suspended. C When the process instance is suspended and a BPMN event-based gateway is ready, the user can decide which following event “occurs” to proceed with the process instance. M 3.0 5.0 Many of these items are Medium because they will need to change in SpiffWorkflow and then work their way up throug the API and user interface, so they touch a lot of code. 6
66 FALSE 6 3 Error Handling Session Timeouts, Thoughtful error codes from API. L 5.0 10.0
67 FALSE 7 4 10.8 A Permissions can be assigned low levels of the workflow such as permission to action only certain steps in the process. M 3.0 5.0 Estimate assumes lane level, XL if task level
68 FALSE 7 4 10.1 Roles and Permissions A The engine has a user database, which manages information necessary for identifying users, and their group assignments. It is required that users can be added and deleted, and group assignments be made or revoked. L 5.0 10.0 7 current system relies heavily on UVA's shibboleth/LDAP systems. This is a significant refactor. Perhaps we focus on Keycloke integration to start, and expand out from there, to avoid lots of custom UI code for user management. 3.5 3.5
69 FALSE 7 4 10.5 Roles and Permissions A Permissions can be assigned to the Process Groups, which are inherited to all Process Models and consequently to all Process Instances, e.g., administering includes termination and changing is allowed for all Process Instances of Process Models that are contained in this Process Group. S 1.0 3.0 2 I think this and 10.4 would be completed simultaniously. 1 1
70 FALSE 7 4 10.7 Roles and Permissions A The user management can be configured to be integrated with Keycloak (see keycloak.org). S 1.0 3.0 2 Leaving this small, as I expect it to be coverted in large part by 10.1 2
71 FALSE 7 4 6.3 Timer Start Event C Process Models of the latest process model version starting with a timer start event are instantiated whenever the timer event definition is reached. The processInitiator metadata attribute is set to a “system” user. M 3.0 5.0 We support timer events, but will need to modify our system to handle starting a workflow that contains a timer as a start event.
72 FALSE 7 4 8.2 Process list UI confirguration from metadata, save as a perspective and load again later or delete. C The user can configure which columns are to be shown in the process list. He/she may select from any engine-native and business process-specific metadata available in the system. Upon confirmation, the selected metadata is displayed in columns in the specified order as a table. M 3.0 5.0 This is not currently implemented.
73 FALSE 7 4 8.4 Process list UI confirguration from metadata, save as a perspective and load again later or delete. C The user can save the filters/search criteria and the selected metadata columns as a perspective. The user must specify a unique perspective name. M 3.0 5.0 This is not currently implemented.
74 FALSE 7 4 8.5 Process list UI confirguration from metadata, save as a perspective and load again later or delete. C A previously saved perspective is loaded, and the process instance list is rendered accordingly. The original settings can be restored as well by loading a “default” perspective. S 1.0 3.0 This is not currently implemented.
75 FALSE 7 4 8.6 Process list UI confirguration from metadata, save as a perspective and load again later or delete. C A previously saved perspective can be deleted by the user. XS 0.5 1.0 This is not currently implemented. 7
76 FALSE 7 4 BPMN Editing Viewing and editing XML, list / select Call Acitivities from list. S 1.0 3.0
77 FALSE 7 4 16.3 C Platform should be designed so that the call activity can be viewed from the same interface as the workflow. M 3.0 5.0
78 FALSE 7 4 16.4 C Ability to view all of the call activities which are referencing a certain BPMN file/process/sub-process in the editor L 5.0 10.0
79 FALSE 8 4 16.5 C Ability to view all of the call activities which are referencing a certain DMN file/table in the editor M 3.0 5.0
80 FALSE 8 4 16.6 C Ability to view all of the call activities which are referencing a certain DMN file/table in the editor M 3.0 5.0
88 191.5 392.0 191.0 6.5 4.5 2.0 8.0 0.0 21.0