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synced 2025-03-03 18:40:39 +00:00
* Wedge between InProgressInstances for default view customization * Rename to OnboardingView, stubbed out api in the backend * Flip between InProgressInstances and MyTasks via the backend * WIP * WIP * Basic human task handling * FE lint * Getting ./bin/pyl to pass * Suppress any exceptions during onboarding request * Script to skip onboarding if already started * Getting ./bin/pyl to pass * Better default location * PR feedback * PR feedback * PR feedback - add new endpoint to basic permissions * Fix basic permissions test * Add integration tests * Getting bin_pyl to pass
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44 lines
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<bpmn:definitions xmlns:bpmn="http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL" xmlns:bpmndi="http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/DI" xmlns:dc="http://www.omg.org/spec/DD/20100524/DC" xmlns:di="http://www.omg.org/spec/DD/20100524/DI" id="Definitions_96f6665" targetNamespace="http://bpmn.io/schema/bpmn" exporter="Camunda Modeler" exporterVersion="3.0.0-dev">
<bpmn:process id="Process_109on5e" isExecutable="true">
<bpmn:startEvent id="StartEvent_1">
<bpmn:endEvent id="Event_1w4e3lr">
<bpmn:sequenceFlow id="Flow_01ol0nb" sourceRef="Activity_0907t1z" targetRef="Event_1w4e3lr" />
<bpmn:scriptTask id="Activity_0907t1z" name="change default view">
<bpmn:script>onboarding = {
"type": "default_view",
"value": "my_tasks",
<bpmn:sequenceFlow id="Flow_0025g6c" sourceRef="StartEvent_1" targetRef="Activity_0907t1z" />
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<di:waypoint x="260" y="-70" />
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<di:waypoint x="360" y="-70" />
<di:waypoint x="482" y="-70" />