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synced 2025-03-03 02:20:50 +00:00
* WIP: some initial test code to test out celery w/ burnettk * some cleanup for celery and added base model to put tasks waiting on timers * removed dup bpmn file * some more cleanup and added strategy to queue instructions * some minor code changes w/ burnettk * remove the unused next_task key from api calls since nobody uses it w/ burnettk essweine * added migration for future tasks and added test to make sure we are inserting into it w/ burnettk essweine * ensure future task run at time can be updated w/ burnettk * added table to queue instructions for end user in w/ burnettk * added test to ensure we are storing instructions for end users w/ burnettk * added progress page to display new instructions to user * ignore dup instructions on db insert w/ burnettk * some more updates for celery w/ burnettk * some pyl and test fixes w/ burnettk * fixed tests w/ burnettk * WIP: added in page to show instructions on pi show page w/ burnettk * pi show page is fully using not interstitial now w/ burnettk * fixed broken test w/ burnettk * moved background processing items to own module w/ burnettk * fixed apscheduler start script * updated celery task queue to handle future tasks and upgraded black and set its line-length to match ruff w/ burnettk * added support to run future tasks using countdown w/ burnettk * build image for celery branch w/ burnettk * poet does not exist in the image w/ burnettk * start blocking scheduler should always start the scheduler w/ burnettk * add init and stuff for this branch * make this work not just on my mac * send other args to only * added running status for process instance and use that on fe to go to show page and added additional identifier to locking system to isolate celery workers better w/ burnettk * fixed typing error that typeguard found, not sure why mypy did not w/ burnettk * do not check for no instructions on interstitial page for cypress tests on frontend w/ burnettk * do not queue process instances twice w/ burnettk * removed bad file w/ burnettk * queue tasks using strings to avoid circular imports when attmepting to queue w/ burnettk * only queue imminent new timer events and mock celery * some keyboard shortcut support on frontend and added ability to force run a process instance over the api w/ burnettk * some styles added for the shortcut menu w/ burnettk * pyl w/ burnettk * fixed test w/ burnettk * removed temporary celery script and added support for celery worker in run server locally w/ burnettk * cleaned up migrations w/ burnettk * created new migration to clean up old migrations --------- Co-authored-by: jasquat <jasquat@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: burnettk <burnettk@users.noreply.github.com>
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