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synced 2025-02-21 05:38:10 +00:00
* SpiffWorkflow did not serialize correlations - so they were lost between save and retrieve. * When comparing Correlation Property values - we are storing these values as strings in the database and can't convert them back to integers later, so I'm changing everying everywhere to compare after conversion to a string. Don't feel great about this one. * By using an SQL Alchemy join table, there is a lot of db queries we don't need to write. * A few handy fucntions on db models to make it easier to work with correlations. * Updated tests because I changed some of the BPMN models we were testing against. * Database migration to use the new constraint names with the alternate form of the join table between correlation mesages to instance messages.
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"""empty message
Revision ID: b581ff2351ad
Revises: ac40af4ddef3
Create Date: 2023-02-19 11:19:24.371528
from alembic import op
import sqlalchemy as sa
# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
revision = 'b581ff2351ad'
down_revision = 'ac40af4ddef3'
branch_labels = None
depends_on = None
def upgrade():
# Just some table cleanup so the join table is properly built
op.drop_constraint('message_correlation_message_instance_ibfk_1', 'message_correlation_message_instance', type_="foreignkey")
op.drop_constraint('message_correlation_message_instance_ibfk_2', 'message_correlation_message_instance', type_="foreignkey")
op.drop_index('ix_message_correlation_message_instance_message_correlation_id', table_name='message_correlation_message_instance')
op.drop_index('ix_message_correlation_message_instance_message_instance_id', table_name='message_correlation_message_instance')
op.create_foreign_key(None, 'message_correlation_message_instance', 'message_correlation', ['message_correlation_id'], ['id'])
op.create_foreign_key(None, 'message_correlation_message_instance', 'message_instance', ['message_instance_id'], ['id'])
def downgrade():
# ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
op.drop_index(op.f('ix_message_correlation_property_correlation_key'), table_name='message_correlation_property')
op.create_index('ix_message_correlation_message_instance_message_instance_id', 'message_correlation_message_instance', ['message_instance_id'], unique=False)
op.create_index('ix_message_correlation_message_instance_message_correlation_id', 'message_correlation_message_instance', ['message_correlation_id'], unique=False)
# ### end Alembic commands ###