
71 lines
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import glob
import os
from typing import NoReturn
from lxml import etree
from spiffworkflow_backend import create_app
from spiffworkflow_backend.services.file_system_service import FileSystemService
def find_script_tasks_with_get_current_user(bpmn_file_path: str, root_path: str) -> None:
from spiffworkflow_backend.services.spec_file_service import SpecFileService
with open(bpmn_file_path, "rb") as bpmn_file:
binary_data = bpmn_file.read()
tree = SpecFileService.get_etree_from_xml_bytes(binary_data)
check_script_and_prescript_elements(tree, bpmn_file_path, root_path)
except etree.XMLSyntaxError:
print(f"Error parsing XML in file {bpmn_file_path}. Please check for syntax issues.")
def check_script_and_prescript_elements(tree, bpmn_file_path: str, root_path: str) -> None:
# Define the namespace map to search for elements
nsmap = {
"bpmn": "http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL",
"spiffworkflow": "http://spiffworkflow.org/bpmn/schema/1.0/core",
# Find all script tasks and preScript elements
script_tasks = tree.xpath("//bpmn:scriptTask", namespaces=nsmap)
pre_scripts = tree.xpath("//spiffworkflow:preScript", namespaces=nsmap)
# Check script tasks for get_current_user() calls
for task in script_tasks:
script = task.find("bpmn:script", namespaces=nsmap)
if script is not None and script.text is not None and "get_current_user()" in script.text:
print(f'Found get_current_user() in script task {task.get("id")} of file {bpmn_file_path}')
# Check preScript elements for get_current_user() calls
check_scripts_for_get_current_user(pre_scripts, bpmn_file_path, "preScript", root_path)
post_scripts = tree.xpath("//spiffworkflow:postScript", namespaces=nsmap)
check_scripts_for_get_current_user(post_scripts, bpmn_file_path, "postScript", root_path)
def check_scripts_for_get_current_user(scripts, bpmn_file_path: str, script_type: str, root_path: str) -> None:
for script in scripts:
if script is not None and script.text is not None and "get_current_user()" in script.text:
# Get the parent of the parent to find the actual BPMN element
parent = script.getparent().getparent()
relative_path = os.path.relpath(bpmn_file_path, root_path)
tag_without_namespace = etree.QName(parent.tag).localname
if tag_without_namespace not in ["manualTask", "userTask"]:
f"Found get_current_user() in {script_type} of {tag_without_namespace} "
f'with id {parent.get("id")} in file {relative_path}'
def main() -> NoReturn:
app = create_app()
with app.app_context():
hot_dir = FileSystemService.root_path()
# Search for BPMN files and check for get_current_user() calls in script tasks
bpmn_files = glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(f"{hot_dir}/**/*.bpmn"), recursive=True)
for bpmn_file in bpmn_files:
find_script_tasks_with_get_current_user(bpmn_file, hot_dir)
if __name__ == "__main__":