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synced 2025-02-14 02:17:09 +00:00
031713a61 added new test users for status in keycloak w/ burnettk da25a85b7 added script to add test keycloak users and moved all keycloak stuff to keycloak directory w/ burnettk 74c46c9b4 pin SpiffWorkflow to passing version for CI tests w/ burnettk 3bb4c893f Merge pull request #105 from sartography/feature/avoid_logs_when_call_activity_waiting b8d664381 disabled flake8 forcing comments to avoid all of the useless comments but still enforcing the formatting of comments if they exist w/ burnettk 9be85cac6 show start events in logs as well and added bpmn process identifiers to log table w/ burnettk ab5b1f77f downgrade spiff and upgrade some other stuff b51e1ca59 upgrade certifi to fix security vulnerability 65b9005d4 do not allow overwriting process models and process groups w/ burnettk 70b9ce61c added End Event to simple log view w/ burnettk 1c2fe64f1 pyl w/ burnettk 56de0294a skip failing xml test on windows w/ burnettk 31944bd07 use the correct windows path separator in test file 1e070f87c favor user_input_required over waiting status for process instances w/ burnettk 9ced1b90a fixed broken test w/ burnettk 8ae6929d1 only show milestones for simple log view w/ burnettk b98908fa3 do not resolve entities when parsing xml w/ burnettk ecf8acaf5 do not write to logs when a task is inheriting data from the parent w/ burnettk e81d7b8f5 updated open id url for compose ci acf115c5f pyl 8a0982ea9 fixed cypress tests 399a6ac69 postgres does not have group_concat, and it is stricter about getting back columns when grouping c813209c4 Merge pull request #102 from sartography/feature/waku-fault-message 7e5d4d8ce Merge pull request #101 from sartography/task_data_len 4b0ffb17c Merge branch 'main' of github.com:sartography/spiff-arena ef55abb7a fixed broken test w/ burnettk 9608f65ef Skip refresh steps (#103) 20a48e6ef added tasks table to process instance show page w/ burnettk f071832e0 Merge branch 'main' into feature/waku-fault-message 57249528d run_pyl changes 30132ed09 Fixed failing test a0f9d7e39 stop at call activity as well when getting calling subprocesses by child id w/ burnettk e4ebe4544 Getting ./bin/pyl to pass cf0a78aef Merge branch 'main' into task_data_len 48083b164 Bump the limit to 1mb 202ba2e8c Better impl 5bf49c386 reorder imports c53328523 import order c67872354 unused imports d9a9eeae8 Merge branch 'main' into feature/waku-fault-message e98a4540c POC checking cumulative task data len fe5258780 fixed failing test w/ burnettk d00d28d95 added detailed area to process instance show page w/ burnettk 910311832 set the domain for the token cookies w/ burnettk 3cae7055a a little more cleanup w/ burnettk f756453b3 remove several debug print statements 3180353bb logout works now and queryparams are getting passed correctly on login now 0ee732842 pyl a55b14f53 Merge branch 'main' into feature/waku-fault-message e7ab8f8b8 Cleaned up the message text fa299f412 Precommit 999b19062 mypy 6260af4b6 use the cookie from the frontend w/ burnettk 0e50e71db this can run on localhost with cookies w/ burnettk aa626d743 this somewhat works and sets cookies w/ burnettk 4b5d2d611 debugging cookies w/ burnettk 4f04ed716 updated get_token to actually work b31f04a65 Removed test for email error handler. Added stub for testing system handler process 77e4e017a lint w/ burnettk 38951f4d6 only load file references when needed to avoid unnecessary xml errors w/ burnettk 018bd8d1c save a process model file after running all validations w/ burnettk 9c45eedf1 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into feature/add_some_xml_validations 5804f058e fixed failing tests 8eb4f1ac9 some updates to validate xml when uploading and saving w/ burnettk 63aad8839 pyl 4120deddb Merge branch 'main' into feature/waku-fault-message 1181d4191 Work on System Notification handler d5fe920af handle subprocesses in navigation b1b694982 call proceses through setProcesses to ensure we have up to date value and removed debug logs w/ burnettk 35fb0e130 attempting to use correct ids vs paths for windows w/ burnettk fc580cbba more debug logs w/ burnettk 874d99580 Merge pull request #96 from sartography/feature/fix_docker_script_in_ci ab81e753c added in debug logging for launching call activity editor w/ burnettk ff73d5b0f fixed typeguard tests w/ burnettk 4792c66a3 fixed typeguard tests w/ burnettk b8dda8779 pyl w/ burnettk c16b59044 fix setting the bpmn dir in start scripts w/ burnettk b70ef1796 Update process_models_controller to include `fault_or_suspend_on_exception` and `exception_notification_addresses` for Process Model create/update 39d374341 also show skipped tasks in the simplified log w/ burnettk 94c6f4ccd some updates to test w/ burnettk 2ebb3a14c do not allow sending messages to terminated and suspended process instances w/ burnettk 4cad37bf3 pyl w/ burnettk 2f1a11cd5 actually filter by process initiator w/ burnettk 9565d8548 Merge branch 'main' of github.com:sartography/spiff-arena f1e399c87 highlight tasks even if they are in subprocesses of called activities w/ burnettk 00049fcc5 ensure we are not accidentally using main 9e4b37e7a updated SpiffWorkflow w/ burnettk git-subtree-dir: spiffworkflow-backend git-subtree-split: 031713a61add3cadf7a608732134dd4f15d34668
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bpmn:definitions xmlns:bpmn="http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL" xmlns:bpmndi="http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/DI" xmlns:dc="http://www.omg.org/spec/DD/20100524/DC" xmlns:di="http://www.omg.org/spec/DD/20100524/DI" xmlns:spiffworkflow="http://spiffworkflow.org/bpmn/schema/1.0/core" id="Definitions_96f6665" targetNamespace="http://bpmn.io/schema/bpmn" exporter="Camunda Modeler" exporterVersion="3.0.0-dev">
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<bpmn:correlationPropertyRetrievalExpression messageRef="message_send">
<bpmn:correlationPropertyRetrievalExpression messageRef="message_response">
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<spiffworkflow:messagePayload>{"to": "the_recipient1" }</spiffworkflow:messagePayload>
<bpmn:message id="message_response" name="Message Response">
<spiffworkflow:messagePayload>{"from": {"name": "the_sender"}}</spiffworkflow:messagePayload>
<bpmn:correlationProperty id="correlation_property_one" name="Correlation Property One">
<bpmn:correlationPropertyRetrievalExpression messageRef="message_send">
<bpmn:process id="test_dot_notation" name="Test Dot Notation" isExecutable="true">
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<bpmn:sequenceFlow id="Flow_0dbnzbi" sourceRef="start" targetRef="get_data" />
<bpmn:endEvent id="end" name="End">
<bpmn:sequenceFlow id="Flow_0nt355i" sourceRef="get_data" targetRef="end" />
<bpmn:userTask id="get_data" name="Get Data">
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<spiffworkflow:property name="formUiSchemaFilename" value="ui_schema.json" />
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<di:waypoint x="412" y="230" />
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