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synced 2025-03-01 01:20:45 +00:00
* some basic updates for unauthed endpoints and the start of a test w/ burnettk * added logic to create public access token if appropriate w/ burnettk * updated message_form_show to return the rjs form w/ burnettk * pyl w/ burnettk * WIP: adding public routes to frontend w/ burnettk * added public message form page to start a process instance w/ burnettk * added api endpoint to submit message task data w/ burnettk * allow switching rjsf themes in customform w/ burnettk * we can submit a public message form w/ burnettk * add message start submit to public exclusion list w/ burnettk * run message submit in synchronous mode w/ burnettk * a little refactoring to get ready for submitting unauthed tasks w/ burnettk * created public controller w/ burnettk * added api endpoint to submit additional public forms w/ burnettk * added ability to submit a second form from the public web ui w/ burnettk * some clean up and show markdown confirmation messages w/ burnettk * added support for instructions and added a logout page for public users w/ burnettk * support instructions for end user on the start message event as well w/ burnettk * minor tweaks to public logout page w/ burnettk * pyl w/ burnettk * log unsupported form in custom form w/ burnettk --------- Co-authored-by: jasquat <jasquat@users.noreply.github.com>
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<bpmn:definitions xmlns:bpmn="http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL" xmlns:bpmndi="http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/DI" xmlns:dc="http://www.omg.org/spec/DD/20100524/DC" xmlns:spiffworkflow="http://spiffworkflow.org/bpmn/schema/1.0/core" xmlns:di="http://www.omg.org/spec/DD/20100524/DI" id="Definitions_96f6665" targetNamespace="http://bpmn.io/schema/bpmn" exporter="Camunda Modeler" exporterVersion="3.0.0-dev">
<bpmn:collaboration id="Collaboration_1h79dxi">
<bpmn:participant id="Participant_04cn64m" processRef="Process_message_start_event_with_form_bkmtffv" />
<bpmn:process id="Process_message_start_event_with_form_bkmtffv" isExecutable="true">
<bpmn:endEvent id="EndEvent_1">
<spiffworkflow:instructionsForEndUser>The process instance completed successfully.</spiffworkflow:instructionsForEndUser>
<bpmn:sequenceFlow id="Flow_17db3yp" sourceRef="message_start_event_one" targetRef="script_task_one" />
<bpmn:sequenceFlow id="Flow_12pkbxb" sourceRef="script_task_one" targetRef="EndEvent_1" />
<bpmn:startEvent id="message_start_event_one" name="Message Start Event One" messageRef="[object Object]">
<spiffworkflow:instructionsForEndUser>## Enter your frist name</spiffworkflow:instructionsForEndUser>
<spiffworkflow:guestConfirmation># Thanks
We hear you. Your name is **{{incoming_request['firstName']}}**.</spiffworkflow:guestConfirmation>
<spiffworkflow:property name="formJsonSchemaFilename" value="entry-form-schema.json" />
<spiffworkflow:property name="formUiSchemaFilename" value="entry-form-uischema.json" />
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<bpmn:scriptTask id="script_task_one" name="Script Task One">
<bpmn:script>a = 1</bpmn:script>
<bpmn:message id="Message_1rfi4qj" name="bounty_start">
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<dc:Bounds x="280" y="137" width="100" height="80" />
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<di:waypoint x="280" y="177" />
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<di:waypoint x="380" y="177" />
<di:waypoint x="432" y="177" />