import { format } from 'date-fns'; import { DATE_TIME_FORMAT, DATE_FORMAT } from './config'; import { DEFAULT_PER_PAGE, DEFAULT_PAGE, } from './components/PaginationForTable'; // export const slugifyString = (str: any) => { return str .toLowerCase() .trim() .replace(/[^\w\s-]/g, '') .replace(/[\s_-]+/g, '-') .replace(/^-+/g, '') .replace(/-+$/g, ''); }; export const capitalizeFirstLetter = (string: any) => { return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); }; export const convertDateToSeconds = ( date: any, onChangeFunction: any = null ) => { let dateInSeconds = date; if (date !== null) { let dateInMilliseconds = date; if (typeof date.getTime === 'function') { dateInMilliseconds = date.getTime(); } dateInSeconds = Math.floor(dateInMilliseconds / 1000); } if (onChangeFunction) { onChangeFunction(dateInSeconds); } else { return dateInSeconds; } return null; }; export const convertDateObjectToFormattedString = (dateObject: Date) => { if (dateObject) { return format(dateObject, DATE_FORMAT); } return null; }; export const convertStringToDate = (dateString: string) => { if (dateString) { // add midnight time to the date so it c uses the correct date // after converting to timezone return new Date(`${dateString}T00:10:00`); } return null; }; export const convertSecondsToDateObject = (seconds: number) => { if (seconds) { return new Date(seconds * 1000); } return null; }; export const convertSecondsToFormattedDateTime = (seconds: number) => { const dateObject = convertSecondsToDateObject(seconds); if (dateObject) { return format(dateObject, DATE_TIME_FORMAT); } return null; }; export const convertSecondsToFormattedDateString = (seconds: number) => { const dateObject = convertSecondsToDateObject(seconds); if (dateObject) { return convertDateObjectToFormattedString(dateObject); } return null; }; export const convertDateStringToSeconds = (dateString: string) => { const dateObject = convertStringToDate(dateString); return convertDateToSeconds(dateObject); }; export const objectIsEmpty = (obj: object) => { return Object.keys(obj).length === 0; }; export const getPageInfoFromSearchParams = ( searchParams: any, defaultPerPage: string | number = DEFAULT_PER_PAGE, defaultPage: string | number = DEFAULT_PAGE, paginationQueryParamPrefix: string | null = null ) => { const paginationQueryParamPrefixToUse = paginationQueryParamPrefix ? `${paginationQueryParamPrefix}_` : ''; const page = parseInt( searchParams.get(`${paginationQueryParamPrefixToUse}page`) || defaultPage.toString(), 10 ); const perPage = parseInt( searchParams.get(`${paginationQueryParamPrefixToUse}per_page`) || defaultPerPage.toString(), 10 ); return { page, perPage }; }; // export const makeid = (length: number) => { let result = ''; const characters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; const charactersLength = characters.length; for (let i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength)); } return result; }; export const getProcessModelFullIdentifierFromSearchParams = ( searchParams: any ) => { let processModelFullIdentifier = null; if (searchParams.get('process_model_identifier')) { processModelFullIdentifier = `${searchParams.get( 'process_model_identifier' )}`; } return processModelFullIdentifier; }; // export const truncateString = (text: string, len: number) => { if (text.length > len && text.length > 0) { return `${text.split(' ').slice(0, len).join(' ')} ...`; } return text; }; // Because of limitations in the way openapi defines parameters, we have to modify process models ids // which are basically paths to the models export const modifyProcessModelPath = (path: string) => { return path.replace(/\//g, ':') || ''; }; export const unModifyProcessModelPath = (path: string) => { return path.replace(/:/g, '/') || ''; }; export const getGroupFromModifiedModelId = (modifiedId: string) => { const finalSplitIndex = modifiedId.lastIndexOf(':'); return modifiedId.slice(0, finalSplitIndex); }; export const splitProcessModelId = (processModelId: string) => { return processModelId.split('/'); };