# How to suspend a process | ⚙ How do I get there \| Menu hierarchy | | --- | | Find an **active** Process Instance | --- ## 📔How to guide ### **Step 1: Find the active Process Instance** ```{admonition} Note ⚠ Note that the suspension of a Process Instance is only applicable to active instances. If an instance is not active, it indicates that the process has already been completed, and therefore, it cannot be suspended. ``` In order to locate the active Process Instance, have a look at these pages to find an active instance to suspend. [How to find an Instance assigned to someone else](https://www.notion.so/How-to-find-an-Instance-assigned-to-someone-else-59e45e944655411581d780cf7a010230?pvs=21) [How to find an Instance assigned to myself](https://github.com/sartography/spiff-arena/blob/main/docs/how_to/find_an_Instance_assigned_to_myself.md) ### **Step 2: Locate Icon** ![img|20x21](images/suspend.png) - Next to the Process Instance Id, look for the icon that resembles the icon on the right and select it to initiate the suspension of the process instance. ### **Step 3: Select suspend button** - Click on the suspend button. This action will pause the process instance, granting you the ability to make edits and modifications. When ready the process can be resumed. --- ## **Outcome** | ✅ Success | 🚫 Error | | ------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | | Confirm that the status has changed from ‘user_input_required’ to ‘suspended’ ![suspend_status](images/suspended.png) [Helpful links to guide next step](https://github.com/sartography/spiff-arena/blob/main/docs/how_to/resume_a_process.md) |None|