{ "allowRemoteResourceManagement": true, "policyEnforcementMode": "ENFORCING", "resources": [ { "name": "Default Resource", "type": "urn:bank-api:resources:default", "ownerManagedAccess": false, "attributes": {}, "_id": "0f0c6dcf-9b86-419d-8331-ce6dd1f779a1", "uris": ["/*"] }, { "name": "View Account Resource", "ownerManagedAccess": false, "displayName": "View Account Resource", "attributes": {}, "_id": "6934ad55-cd6a-46d9-8653-7b1966973917", "uris": ["account/{id}"], "scopes": [ { "name": "account:view" } ] } ], "policies": [ { "id": "1cec062d-19dd-4896-9ced-07fe20d68b22", "name": "Default Policy", "description": "A policy that grants access only for users within this realm", "type": "js", "logic": "POSITIVE", "decisionStrategy": "AFFIRMATIVE", "config": { "code": "// by default, grants any permission associated with this policy\n$evaluation.grant();\n" } }, { "id": "2059c4a3-59d4-4a56-bf31-f861141f515c", "name": "Only Bank Teller and Account Owner Policy", "type": "role", "logic": "POSITIVE", "decisionStrategy": "UNANIMOUS", "config": { "roles": "[{\"id\":\"accounts_owner\",\"required\":false},{\"id\":\"bank_teller\",\"required\":false}]" } }, { "id": "570a1e09-25ad-4da6-ab0a-0b77101176f2", "name": "Only Account Owner Policy", "type": "role", "logic": "POSITIVE", "decisionStrategy": "UNANIMOUS", "config": { "roles": "[{\"id\":\"accounts_owner\",\"required\":false}]" } }, { "id": "13494e3d-5e85-43fe-80e9-ab7b6f1191d5", "name": "Default Permission", "description": "A permission that applies to the default resource type", "type": "resource", "logic": "POSITIVE", "decisionStrategy": "UNANIMOUS", "config": { "defaultResourceType": "urn:bank-api:resources:default", "applyPolicies": "[\"Default Policy\"]" } }, { "id": "cf04026c-e44f-401f-92e5-5c330dff2831", "name": "View Account Resource Permission", "type": "resource", "logic": "POSITIVE", "decisionStrategy": "UNANIMOUS", "config": { "resources": "[\"View Account Resource\"]", "applyPolicies": "[\"Only Bank Teller and Account Owner Policy\"]" } }, { "id": "6ce39e54-ffe7-4f4e-b689-d190e63e3b2d", "name": "View Account Scope Permission", "description": "View Account Scope Permission", "type": "scope", "logic": "POSITIVE", "decisionStrategy": "UNANIMOUS", "config": { "scopes": "[\"account:view\"]", "applyPolicies": "[\"Only Account Owner Policy\"]" } } ], "scopes": [ { "id": "326a57f4-c487-4466-8521-d3f0c25c399f", "name": "account:view" } ], "decisionStrategy": "UNANIMOUS" }