import glob from lxml import etree def detect_multiple_incoming_flows(bpmn_file): # Parse the BPMN file try: # actually use SpecFileService.get_etree_from_xml_bytes if we use this in future tree = etree.parse(bpmn_file) # noqa: S320 except etree.XMLSyntaxError as e: print(f"Error parsing {bpmn_file}: {e}") return [] root = tree.getroot() # Namespace dictionary for finding elements ns = {"bpmn": ""} # Find all sequence flows sequence_flows = root.findall(".//bpmn:sequenceFlow", namespaces=ns) # Dictionary to keep track of incoming flows for each target incoming_flows = {} # Iterate through sequence flows and count incoming flows for each target for flow in sequence_flows: target_ref = flow.get("targetRef") if target_ref in incoming_flows: incoming_flows[target_ref] += 1 else: incoming_flows[target_ref] = 1 # Find tasks with multiple incoming flows, excluding gateways tasks_with_multiple_incoming = [] for element, count in incoming_flows.items(): if count > 1: # Check if the element is a task (not a gateway) task_elements = root.findall(f".//*[@id='{element}']", namespaces=ns) if task_elements: task_element = task_elements[0] if not any(tag in task_element.tag for tag in ["Gateway", "Event"]): tasks_with_multiple_incoming.append(element) return tasks_with_multiple_incoming def validate_bpmn_files(): glob_pattern = "**/*.bpmn" # Find all BPMN files matching the glob pattern bpmn_files = glob.glob(glob_pattern, recursive=True) for bpmn_file in bpmn_files: tasks_with_issues = detect_multiple_incoming_flows(bpmn_file) if tasks_with_issues: print(f"Tasks with multiple incoming sequence flows in {bpmn_file}:") for task in tasks_with_issues: print(f" - {task}") # Run the validation validate_bpmn_files()