import { format } from 'date-fns'; import { DATE_FORMAT, PROCESS_STATUSES } from '../../src/config'; import { titleizeString } from '../../src/helpers'; const filterByDate = (fromDate) => { cy.get('#date-picker-start-from').clear(); cy.get('#date-picker-start-from').type(format(fromDate, DATE_FORMAT)); cy.contains('Start date to').click(); // this can sometimes run a couple mintues after the instances are completed // so avoid failing tests for that by setting the time as well cy.get('#time-picker-start-from').clear(); cy.get('#time-picker-start-from').type(format(fromDate, 'HH:mm')); cy.get('#date-picker-end-from').clear(); cy.get('#date-picker-end-from').type(format(fromDate, DATE_FORMAT)); cy.contains('End date to').click(); cy.get('#time-picker-end-from').clear(); cy.get('#time-picker-end-from').type(format(fromDate, 'HH:mm')); }; const updateDmnText = (oldText, newText, elementId = 'wonderful_process') => { // this will break if there are more elements added to the drd cy.get(`g[data-element-id=${elementId}]`).click(); cy.get('.dmn-icon-decision-table').click(); // We used to use the line: // cy.contains(oldText).clear().type(`"${newText}"`); // but it broke when we upgraded dmn-js to v15 so after clearing it could not type in the cell. // Clicking outside the cell seems to allow it to type it in it again so try that. const item = cy.contains(oldText); item.clear(); cy.contains('Process Model File:').click(); item.type(`"${newText}"`); // wait for a little bit for the xml to get set before saving // FIXME: gray out save button or add spinner while xml is loading cy.wait(500); cy.getBySel('process-model-file-save-button').click(); }; const updateBpmnPythonScript = (pythonScript, elementId = 'process_script') => { cy.get(`g[data-element-id=${elementId}]`).click(); cy.contains(/^Script$/).click(); cy.get('textarea[name="pythonScript_bpmn:script"]').clear(); cy.get('textarea[name="pythonScript_bpmn:script"]').type(pythonScript); // wait for a little bit for the xml to get set before saving cy.wait(500); cy.getBySel('process-model-file-save-button').click(); }; // NOTE: anytime the status dropdown box is clicked on, click off of it // by going to a completely different element like the page header. const clickOnHeaderToMakeSureMultiSelectComponentStateIsStable = () => { cy.contains('All Process Instances').click(); }; // const updateBpmnPythonScriptWithMonaco = ( // pythonScript, // elementId = 'process_script' // ) => { // cy.get(`g[data-element-id=${elementId}]`).click(); // // sometimes, we click on the script task and panel doesn't update to include script task stuff. not sure why. // cy.contains(/^Script$/).click(); // cy.contains('Launch Editor').click(); // // sometimes, Loading... appears for more than 4 seconds. not sure why. // cy.contains('Loading...').should('not.exist'); // // // the delay 30 is because, at some point, monaco started automatically // // adding a second double quote when we type a double quote. when it does // // that, there is a race condition where it sometimes gets in more text // // before the second double quote appears because the robot is typing faster // // than a human being could, so we artificially slow it down to make it more // // human. // cy.get('.monaco-editor textarea:first').click(); // cy.get('.monaco-editor textarea:first').focused(); // change subject to currently focused element // cy.get('.monaco-editor textarea:first').clear(); // // long delay to ensure cypress isn't competing with monaco auto complete stuff // cy.get('.monaco-editor textarea:first').type(pythonScript, { delay: 120 }); // // cy.contains('Close').click(); // // wait for a little bit for the xml to get set before saving // cy.wait(500); // cy.contains('Save').click(); // }; describe('process-instances', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.login(); cy.navigateToProcessModel( 'Acceptance Tests Group One', 'Acceptance Tests Model 1', ); }); afterEach(() => { cy.logout(); }); it('can create a new instance and can modify', () => { const originalDmnOutputForKevin = 'Very wonderful'; const newDmnOutputForKevin = 'The new wonderful'; const acceptanceTestOneDisplayName = 'Acceptance Tests Model 1'; const originalPythonScript = 'person = "Kevin"'; const newPythonScript = 'person = "Dan"'; const dmnFile = 'awesome_decision.dmn'; const bpmnFile = 'process_model_one.bpmn'; cy.contains(originalDmnOutputForKevin).should('not.exist'); cy.runPrimaryBpmnFile(); const processModelFiles = 'process-model-files'; // Change dmn cy.getBySel(processModelFiles).click(); cy.getBySel(`edit-file-${dmnFile.replace('.', '-')}`).click(); updateDmnText(originalDmnOutputForKevin, newDmnOutputForKevin); cy.contains(acceptanceTestOneDisplayName).click(); cy.runPrimaryBpmnFile(); cy.getBySel(processModelFiles).click(); cy.getBySel(`edit-file-${dmnFile.replace('.', '-')}`).click(); updateDmnText(newDmnOutputForKevin, originalDmnOutputForKevin); cy.contains(acceptanceTestOneDisplayName).click(); cy.runPrimaryBpmnFile(); // Change bpmn cy.getBySel(processModelFiles).click(); cy.getBySel(`edit-file-${bpmnFile.replace('.', '-')}`).click(); cy.contains(`Process Model File: ${bpmnFile}`); updateBpmnPythonScript(newPythonScript); cy.contains(acceptanceTestOneDisplayName).click(); cy.runPrimaryBpmnFile(); cy.getBySel(processModelFiles).click(); cy.getBySel(`edit-file-${bpmnFile.replace('.', '-')}`).click(); updateBpmnPythonScript(originalPythonScript); cy.contains(acceptanceTestOneDisplayName).click(); cy.runPrimaryBpmnFile(); }); // it('can create a new instance and can modify with monaco text editor', () => { // // leave off the ending double quote since manco adds it // const originalPythonScript = 'person = "Kevin'; // const newPythonScript = 'person = "Mike'; // // const bpmnFile = 'process_model_one.bpmn'; // // // Change bpmn // cy.getBySel('process-model-files').click(); // cy.getBySel(`edit-file-${bpmnFile.replace('.', '-')}`).click(); // cy.contains(`Process Model File: ${bpmnFile}`); // updateBpmnPythonScriptWithMonaco(newPythonScript); // cy.contains('acceptance-tests-model-1').click(); // cy.runPrimaryBpmnFile(); // // cy.getBySel('process-model-files').click(); // cy.getBySel(`edit-file-${bpmnFile.replace('.', '-')}`).click(); // cy.contains(`Process Model File: ${bpmnFile}`); // updateBpmnPythonScriptWithMonaco(originalPythonScript); // cy.contains('acceptance-tests-model-1').click(); // cy.runPrimaryBpmnFile(); // }); it('can paginate items', () => { // make sure we have some process instances cy.runPrimaryBpmnFile(); cy.runPrimaryBpmnFile(); cy.runPrimaryBpmnFile(); cy.runPrimaryBpmnFile(); cy.runPrimaryBpmnFile(); cy.getBySel('process-instance-list-link').click(); cy.basicPaginationTest(); }); it('can display logs', () => { // make sure we have some process instances cy.runPrimaryBpmnFile(); cy.getBySel('process-instance-list-link').click(); cy.getBySel('process-instance-show-link-id').first().click(); cy.contains('Events').click(); cy.contains('process_model_one'); cy.contains('task_completed'); cy.basicPaginationTest(undefined, 'pagination-options-events'); }); it('can filter', () => { cy.visit('/process-instances/all'); cy.contains('All Process Instances'); cy.get('.process-instance-list-row-variant-all'); cy.assertAtLeastOneItemInPaginatedResults(); cy.getBySel('filter-section-expand-toggle').click(); const statusSelect = '#process-instance-status-select'; PROCESS_STATUSES.forEach((processStatus) => { if (!['all', 'waiting'].includes(processStatus)) { cy.get(statusSelect).click(); cy.get(statusSelect).contains(titleizeString(processStatus)).click(); clickOnHeaderToMakeSureMultiSelectComponentStateIsStable(); // make sure that there is 1 status item selected in the multiselect cy.get(`${statusSelect} .cds--tag`).contains('1'); cy.assertAtLeastOneItemInPaginatedResults(); cy.getBySel(`process-instance-status-${processStatus}`); // we tried 500 as well to try to make this work consistently cy.wait(1000); // there should really only be one, but in CI there are sometimes more clickOnHeaderToMakeSureMultiSelectComponentStateIsStable(); cy.get('div[aria-label="Clear all selected items"]:first').click(); cy.get('div[aria-label="Clear all selected items"]').should( 'not.exist', ); clickOnHeaderToMakeSureMultiSelectComponentStateIsStable(); } }); const date = new Date(); date.setHours(date.getHours() - 1); filterByDate(date); cy.assertAtLeastOneItemInPaginatedResults(); date.setHours(date.getHours() + 26); filterByDate(date); cy.assertNoItemInPaginatedResults(); }); });