# Find an Instance assigned to myself | ⚙ How do I get there \| Menu Hierarchy | | -------------------------------------- | | Process Instances > For me | --- ## 📔How to guide ## **Step 1: Go to 'Process Instance' tab** - To find a specific process instance, you can access the Process Instance tab. ## **Step 2: Browse list** - Look for the option labeled "For me" and select it. This will provide you with a list of User Tasks assigned to you. ## **Step 3: Select Instance** - Select the associated entry from list. - *Apply a filter if the Instance can not easily be located*. --- ## *🌱Alternative* If the Instance can not be find by searhing the list, follow these steps to search for the id [How to find an Instance assigned to someone else](https://github.com/sartography/spiff-arena/blob/main/docs/how_to/find_an_Instance_assigned_to_someone_else.md)