declare const window: Window & typeof globalThis; const { port, hostname } = window.location; let protocol = 'https'; declare global { interface SpiffworkflowFrontendJsenvObject { [key: string]: string; } interface Window { spiffworkflowFrontendJsenv: SpiffworkflowFrontendJsenvObject; } } let spiffEnvironment = ''; let appRoutingStrategy = 'subdomain_based'; let backendBaseUrl = null; let documentationUrl = null; if ('spiffworkflowFrontendJsenv' in window) { if ('APP_ROUTING_STRATEGY' in window.spiffworkflowFrontendJsenv) { appRoutingStrategy = window.spiffworkflowFrontendJsenv.APP_ROUTING_STRATEGY; } if ('ENVIRONMENT_IDENTIFIER' in window.spiffworkflowFrontendJsenv) { spiffEnvironment = window.spiffworkflowFrontendJsenv.ENVIRONMENT_IDENTIFIER; } if ('BACKEND_BASE_URL' in window.spiffworkflowFrontendJsenv) { backendBaseUrl = window.spiffworkflowFrontendJsenv.BACKEND_BASE_URL; } if ('DOCUMENTATION_URL' in window.spiffworkflowFrontendJsenv) { documentationUrl = window.spiffworkflowFrontendJsenv.DOCUMENTATION_URL; } } if (!backendBaseUrl) { let hostAndPortAndPathPrefix; if (appRoutingStrategy === 'subdomain_based') { hostAndPortAndPathPrefix = `api.${hostname}`; } else if (appRoutingStrategy === 'path_based') { hostAndPortAndPathPrefix = `${hostname}/api`; } else { throw new Error(`Invalid app routing strategy: ${appRoutingStrategy}`); } if (/^\d+\./.test(hostname) || hostname === 'localhost') { let serverPort = 7000; if (!Number.isNaN(Number(port))) { serverPort = Number(port) - 1; } hostAndPortAndPathPrefix = `${hostname}:${serverPort}`; protocol = 'http'; if (spiffEnvironment === '') { // using destructuring on an array where we only want the first element // seems super confusing for non-javascript devs to read so let's NOT do that. // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring spiffEnvironment = hostname.split('.')[0]; } } backendBaseUrl = `${protocol}://${hostAndPortAndPathPrefix}/v1.0`; } if (!backendBaseUrl.endsWith('/v1.0')) { backendBaseUrl += '/v1.0'; } const BACKEND_BASE_URL = backendBaseUrl; const DOCUMENTATION_URL = documentationUrl; const PROCESS_STATUSES = [ 'complete', 'error', 'not_started', 'running', 'suspended', 'terminated', 'user_input_required', 'waiting', ]; // with time: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss let generalDateFormat = 'yyyy-MM-dd'; if ( 'spiffworkflowFrontendJsenv' in window && 'DATE_FORMAT' in window.spiffworkflowFrontendJsenv ) { generalDateFormat = window.spiffworkflowFrontendJsenv.DATE_FORMAT; } const splitDateFormat = generalDateFormat.split('-'); // const supportedDateFormatTypes = { yyyy: '2024', MM: '01', MMM: 'Jan', MMMM: 'January', dd: '01', }; const unsupportedFormatTypes = splitDateFormat.filter( (x) => !Object.keys(supportedDateFormatTypes).includes(x), ); const formattedSupportedDateTypes: string[] = []; Object.entries(supportedDateFormatTypes).forEach(([key, value]) => { formattedSupportedDateTypes.push(`${key}: ${value}`); }); if (unsupportedFormatTypes.length > 0) { throw new Error( `Given SPIFFWORKFLOW_FRONTEND_RUNTIME_CONFIG_DATE_FORMAT is not supported. Given: ${generalDateFormat} with invalid options: ${unsupportedFormatTypes.join( ', ', )}. Valid options are: ${formattedSupportedDateTypes.join(', ')}`, ); } const carbonDateFormat = generalDateFormat .replace(/\byyyy\b/, 'Y') .replace(/\bMM\b/, 'm') .replace(/\bMMM\b/, 'M') .replace(/\bMMMM\b/, 'F') .replace(/\bdd\b/, 'd'); const DATE_TIME_FORMAT = `${generalDateFormat} HH:mm:ss`; const TIME_FORMAT_HOURS_MINUTES = 'HH:mm'; const DATE_FORMAT = generalDateFormat; const DATE_FORMAT_CARBON = carbonDateFormat; const DATE_FORMAT_FOR_DISPLAY = generalDateFormat.toLowerCase(); const DATE_RANGE_DELIMITER = ':::'; const SPIFF_ENVIRONMENT = spiffEnvironment; export { DATE_TIME_FORMAT, TIME_FORMAT_HOURS_MINUTES, DATE_FORMAT, DATE_FORMAT_CARBON, DATE_FORMAT_FOR_DISPLAY, DATE_RANGE_DELIMITER, BACKEND_BASE_URL, DOCUMENTATION_URL, PROCESS_STATUSES, SPIFF_ENVIRONMENT, };