# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2007 Samuel Abels # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA import logging import json from ..task import TaskState from ..exceptions import WorkflowException from .base import TaskSpec from ..operators import valueof, Attrib, PathAttrib from ..util.deep_merge import DeepMerge logger = logging.getLogger('spiff') def _eval_args(args, my_task): """Parses args and evaluates any Attrib entries""" results = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, Attrib) or isinstance(arg, PathAttrib): results.append(valueof(my_task, arg)) else: results.append(arg) return results def _eval_kwargs(kwargs, my_task): """Parses kwargs and evaluates any Attrib entries""" results = {} for kwarg, value in list(kwargs.items()): if isinstance(value, Attrib) or isinstance(value, PathAttrib): results[kwarg] = valueof(my_task, value) else: results[kwarg] = value return results def Serializable(o, my_task): """Make sure an object is JSON-serializable Use this to return errors and other info that does not need to be deserialized or does not contain important app data. Best for returning error info and such""" if isinstance(o, (str, dict, int)): return o else: try: json.dumps(o) return o except Exception: logger.debug("Got a non-serilizeable object: %s" % o, extra=my_task.log_info()) return o.__repr__() class Celery(TaskSpec): """This class implements a celeryd task that is sent to the celery queue for completion.""" def __init__(self, wf_spec, name, call, call_args=None, result_key=None, merge_results=False, **kwargs): """Constructor. The args/kwargs arguments support Attrib classes in the parameters for delayed evaluation of inputs until run-time. Example usage: task = Celery(wfspec, 'MyTask', 'celery.call', call_args=['hello', 'world', Attrib('number')], any_param=Attrib('result')) For serialization, the celery task_id is stored in internal_data, but the celery async call is only stored as an attr of the task (since it is not always serializable). When deserialized, the async_call attr is reset in the _start call. :type wf_spec: WorkflowSpec :param wf_spec: A reference to the workflow specification. :type name: str :param name: The name of the task spec. :type call: str :param call: The name of the celery task that needs to be called. :type call_args: list :param call_args: args to pass to celery task. :type result_key: str :param result_key: The key to use to store the results of the call in task.internal_data. If None, then dicts are expanded into internal_data and values are stored in 'result'. :type merge_results: bool :param merge_results: merge the results in instead of overwriting existing fields. :type kwargs: dict :param kwargs: kwargs to pass to celery task. """ try: from celery.app import default_app except ImportError: raise Exception("Unable to import python-celery imports.") assert wf_spec is not None assert name is not None assert call is not None TaskSpec.__init__(self, wf_spec, name, **kwargs) self.description = kwargs.pop('description', '') self.call = call or [] self.args = call_args or {} self.merge_results = merge_results skip = 'data', 'defines', 'pre_assign', 'post_assign', 'lock' self.kwargs = dict(i for i in list(kwargs.items()) if i[0] not in skip) self.result_key = result_key def _send_call(self, my_task): """Sends Celery asynchronous call and stores async call information for retrieval laster""" args, kwargs = None, None if self.args: args = _eval_args(self.args, my_task) if self.kwargs: kwargs = _eval_kwargs(self.kwargs, my_task) logger.debug(f"{self.name} (task id {my_task.id}) calling {self.call}", extra=my_task.log_info()) async_call = default_app.send_task(self.call, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) my_task._set_internal_data(task_id=async_call.task_id) my_task.async_call = async_call logger.debug(f"'{self.call}' called: {my_task.async_call.task_id}", extra=my_task.log_info()) def _restart(self, my_task): """ Abort celery task and retry it""" if not my_task._has_state(TaskState.WAITING): raise WorkflowException(my_task, "Cannot refire a task that is not" "in WAITING state") # Check state of existing call and abort it (save history) if my_task._get_internal_data('task_id') is not None: if not hasattr(my_task, 'async_call'): task_id = my_task._get_internal_data('task_id') my_task.async_call = default_app.AsyncResult(task_id) my_task.deserialized = True my_task.async_call.state # manually refresh async_call = my_task.async_call if async_call.state == 'FAILED': pass elif async_call.state in ['RETRY', 'PENDING', 'STARTED']: async_call.revoke() logger.info( f"Celery task '{async_call.state}' was in {async_call} state and was revoked", extra=my_task.log_info() ) elif async_call.state == 'SUCCESS': logger.warning(f"Celery task '{async_call}' succeeded, but a refire was requested", extra=my_task.log_info() ) self._clear_celery_task_data(my_task) # Retrigger return self._start(my_task) def _clear_celery_task_data(self, my_task): """ Clear celery task data """ # Save history if 'task_id' in my_task.internal_data: # Save history for diagnostics/forensics history = my_task._get_internal_data('task_history', []) history.append(my_task._get_internal_data('task_id')) del my_task.internal_data['task_id'] my_task._set_internal_data(task_history=history) if 'task_state' in my_task.internal_data: del my_task.internal_data['task_state'] if 'error' in my_task.internal_data: del my_task.internal_data['error'] if hasattr(my_task, 'async_call'): delattr(my_task, 'async_call') if hasattr(my_task, 'deserialized'): delattr(my_task, 'deserialized') def _start(self, my_task, force=False): """Returns False when successfully fired, True otherwise""" # Deserialize async call if necessary if not hasattr(my_task, 'async_call') and \ my_task._get_internal_data('task_id') is not None: task_id = my_task._get_internal_data('task_id') my_task.async_call = default_app.AsyncResult(task_id) my_task.deserialized = True logger.debug(f"Reanimate AsyncCall {task_id}", extra=my_task.log_info()) # Make the call if not already done if not hasattr(my_task, 'async_call'): self._send_call(my_task) # Get call status (and manually refresh if deserialized) if getattr(my_task, "deserialized", False): my_task.async_call.state # must manually refresh if deserialized if my_task.async_call.state == 'FAILURE': logger.debug( f"Async Call for task '{my_task.get_name()}' failed: {my_task.async_call.info}", extra=my_task.log_info() ) info = {} info['traceback'] = my_task.async_call.traceback info['info'] = Serializable(my_task.async_call.info, my_task) info['state'] = my_task.async_call.state my_task._set_internal_data(task_state=info) elif my_task.async_call.state == 'RETRY': info = {} info['traceback'] = my_task.async_call.traceback info['info'] = Serializable(my_task.async_call.info, my_task) info['state'] = my_task.async_call.state my_task._set_internal_data(task_state=info) elif my_task.async_call.ready(): result = my_task.async_call.result if isinstance(result, Exception): logger.warning(f"Celery call {self.call} failed: {result}", extra=my_task.log_info()) my_task._set_internal_data(error=Serializable(result, my_task)) return False logger.debug(f"Completed celery call {self.call} with result={result}", extra=my_task.log_info()) # Format result if self.result_key: data = {self.result_key: result} else: if isinstance(result, dict): data = result else: data = {'result': result} # Load formatted result into internal_data if self.merge_results: DeepMerge.merge(my_task.internal_data, data) else: my_task.set_data(**data) return True else: logger.debug( f"async_call.ready()={my_task.async_call.ready()}. TryFire for '{my_task.get_name()}' returning False", extra=my_task.log_info() ) return False def _update_hook(self, my_task): if not self._start(my_task): if not my_task._has_state(TaskState.WAITING): my_task._set_state(TaskState.WAITING) return super(Celery, self)._update_hook(my_task) def serialize(self, serializer): return serializer.serialize_celery(self) @classmethod def deserialize(self, serializer, wf_spec, s_state): spec = serializer.deserialize_celery(wf_spec, s_state) return spec