from functools import partial from uuid import UUID from datetime import datetime, timedelta from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.specs.BpmnProcessSpec import BpmnDataSpecification from .dictionary import DictionaryConverter from import SignalEventDefinition, MessageEventDefinition, NoneEventDefinition from import TimerEventDefinition, CycleTimerEventDefinition, TerminateEventDefinition from import ErrorEventDefinition, EscalationEventDefinition, CancelEventDefinition from import CorrelationProperty, NamedEventDefinition from ..specs.BpmnSpecMixin import BpmnSpecMixin, SequenceFlow from ...operators import Attrib, PathAttrib class BpmnDataConverter(DictionaryConverter): """ The default converter for task and workflow data. It allows some commonly used python objects to be converted to a form that can be serialized with JSOM It also serves as a simple example for anyone who needs custom data serialization. If you have custom objects or python objects not included here in your workflow/task data, then you should replace or extend this with one that can handle the contents of your workflow. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.register(UUID, lambda v: { 'value': str(v) }, lambda v: UUID(v['value'])) self.register(datetime, lambda v: { 'value': v.isoformat() }, lambda v: datetime.fromisoformat(v['value'])) self.register(timedelta, lambda v: { 'days': v.days, 'seconds': v.seconds }, lambda v: timedelta(**v)) def convert(self, obj): self.clean(obj) return super().convert(obj) def clean(self, obj): # This removes functions and other callables from task data. # By default we don't want to serialize these if isinstance(obj, dict): items = [ (k, v) for k, v in obj.items() ] for key, value in items: if callable(value): del obj[key] class BpmnDataSpecificationConverter: @staticmethod def to_dict(data_spec): return { 'name':, 'description': data_spec.description } @staticmethod def from_dict(dct): return BpmnDataSpecification(**dct) class BpmnTaskSpecConverter(DictionaryConverter): """ This the base Task Spec Converter. It contains methods for parsing generic and BPMN task spec attributes. If you have extended any of the the BPMN tasks with custom functionality, you'll need to implement a converter for those task spec types. You'll need to implement the `to_dict` and `from_dict` methods on any inheriting classes. The default task spec converters are in `task_converters`; the `camunda` and `dmn` serialization packages contain other examples. """ def __init__(self, spec_class, data_converter, typename=None): """The default task spec converter. This will generally be registered with a workflow spec converter. Task specs can contain arbitrary data, though none of the default BPMN tasks do. We may remove this functionality in the future. Therefore, the data_converter can be `None`; if this is the case, task spec attributes that can contain arbitrary data will be ignored. :param spec_class: the class defining the task type :param data_converter: a converter for custom data (can be None) :param typename: an optional typename for the object registration """ super().__init__() self.spec_class = spec_class self.data_converter = data_converter self.typename = typename if typename is not None else spec_class.__name__ event_definitions = [ NoneEventDefinition, CancelEventDefinition, TerminateEventDefinition, SignalEventDefinition, MessageEventDefinition, ErrorEventDefinition, EscalationEventDefinition, TimerEventDefinition, CycleTimerEventDefinition ] for event_definition in event_definitions: self.register( event_definition, self.event_definition_to_dict, partial(self.event_defintion_from_dict, event_definition) ) self.register(SequenceFlow, self.sequence_flow_to_dict, self.sequence_flow_from_dict) self.register(Attrib, self.attrib_to_dict, partial(self.attrib_from_dict, Attrib)) self.register(PathAttrib, self.attrib_to_dict, partial(self.attrib_from_dict, PathAttrib)) self.register(BpmnDataSpecification, BpmnDataSpecificationConverter.to_dict, BpmnDataSpecificationConverter.from_dict) def to_dict(self, spec): """ The convert method that will be called when a Task Spec Converter is registered with a Workflow Spec Converter. """ raise NotImplementedError def from_dict(self, dct): """ The restore method that will be called when a Task Spec Converter is registered with a Workflow Spec Converter. """ raise NotImplementedError def get_default_attributes(self, spec): """Extracts the default Spiff attributes from a task spec. :param spec: the task spec to be converted Returns: a dictionary of standard task spec attributes """ dct = { 'id':, 'name':, 'description': spec.description, 'manual': spec.manual, 'internal': spec.internal, 'lookahead': spec.lookahead, 'inputs': [ for task in spec.inputs], 'outputs': [ for task in spec.outputs], } # This stuff is also all defined in the base task spec, but can contain data, so we need # our data serializer. I think we should try to get this stuff out of the base task spec. if self.data_converter is not None: dct['data'] = self.data_converter.convert( dct['defines'] = self.data_converter.convert(spec.defines) dct['pre_assign'] = self.data_converter.convert(spec.pre_assign) dct['post_assign'] = self.data_converter.convert(spec.post_assign) return dct def get_bpmn_attributes(self, spec): """Extracts the attributes added by the `BpmnSpecMixin` class. :param spec: the task spec to be converted Returns: a dictionary of BPMN task spec attributes """ return { 'lane': spec.lane, 'documentation': spec.documentation, 'loopTask': spec.loopTask, 'position': spec.position, 'outgoing_sequence_flows': dict( (k, self.convert(v)) for k, v in spec.outgoing_sequence_flows.items() ), 'outgoing_sequence_flows_by_id': dict( (k, self.convert(v)) for k, v in spec.outgoing_sequence_flows_by_id.items() ), 'data_input_associations': [ self.convert(obj) for obj in spec.data_input_associations ], 'data_output_associations': [ self.convert(obj) for obj in spec.data_output_associations ], } def get_join_attributes(self, spec): """Extracts attributes for task specs that inherit from `Join`. :param spec: the task spec to be converted Returns: a dictionary of `Join` task spec attributes """ return { 'split_task': spec.split_task, 'threshold': spec.threshold, 'cancel': spec.cancel_remaining, } def get_subworkflow_attributes(self, spec): """Extracts attributes for task specs that inherit from `SubWorkflowTask`. :param spec: the task spec to be converted Returns: a dictionary of subworkflow task spec attributes """ return {'spec': spec.spec} def task_spec_from_dict(self, dct): """ Creates a task spec based on the supplied dictionary. It handles setting the default task spec attributes as well as attributes added by `BpmnSpecMixin`. :param dct: the dictionary to create the task spec from Returns: a restored task spec """ internal = dct.pop('internal') inputs = dct.pop('inputs') outputs = dct.pop('outputs') spec = self.spec_class(**dct) spec.internal = internal spec.inputs = inputs spec.outputs = outputs = dct['id'] if self.data_converter is not None: = self.data_converter.restore(dct.get('data', {})) spec.defines = self.data_converter.restore(dct.get('defines', {})) spec.pre_assign = self.data_converter.restore(dct.get('pre_assign', {})) spec.post_assign = self.data_converter.restore(dct.get('post_assign', {})) if isinstance(spec, BpmnSpecMixin): spec.documentation = dct.pop('documentation', None) spec.lane = dct.pop('lane', None) spec.loopTask = dct.pop('loopTask', False) spec.outgoing_sequence_flows = self.restore(dct.pop('outgoing_sequence_flows', {})) spec.outgoing_sequence_flows_by_id = self.restore(dct.pop('outgoing_sequence_flows_by_id', {})) spec.data_input_associations = self.restore(dct.pop('data_input_associations', [])) spec.data_output_associations = self.restore(dct.pop('data_output_associations', [])) return spec def event_definition_to_dict(self, event_definition): """ Converts an BPMN event definition to a dict. It will not typically be called directly, but via `convert` and will convert any event type supported by Spiff. :param event_definition: the event_definition to be converted. Returns: a dictionary representation of an event definition """ dct = {'internal': event_definition.internal, 'external': event_definition.external} if isinstance(event_definition, NamedEventDefinition): dct['name'] = if isinstance(event_definition, MessageEventDefinition): dct['correlation_properties'] = [prop.__dict__ for prop in event_definition.correlation_properties] if isinstance(event_definition, TimerEventDefinition): dct['label'] = event_definition.label dct['dateTime'] = event_definition.dateTime if isinstance(event_definition, CycleTimerEventDefinition): dct['label'] = event_definition.label dct['cycle_definition'] = event_definition.cycle_definition if isinstance(event_definition, ErrorEventDefinition): dct['error_code'] = event_definition.error_code if isinstance(event_definition, EscalationEventDefinition): dct['escalation_code'] = event_definition.escalation_code return dct def event_defintion_from_dict(self, definition_class, dct): """Restores an event definition. It will not typically be called directly, but via `restore` and will restore any BPMN event type supporred by Spiff. :param definition_class: the class that will be used to create the object :param dct: the event definition attributes Returns: an `EventDefinition` object """ internal, external = dct.pop('internal'), dct.pop('external') if 'correlation_properties' in dct: dct['correlation_properties'] = [CorrelationProperty(**prop) for prop in dct['correlation_properties']] event_definition = definition_class(**dct) event_definition.internal = internal event_definition.external = external return event_definition def sequence_flow_to_dict(self, flow): return { 'id':, 'name':, 'documentation': flow.documentation, 'target_task_spec': } def sequence_flow_from_dict(self, dct): return SequenceFlow(**dct) def attrib_to_dict(self, attrib): return { 'name': } def attrib_from_dict(self, attrib_class, dct): return attrib_class(dct['name']) class BpmnWorkflowSpecConverter(DictionaryConverter): """ This is the base converter for a BPMN workflow spec. It will register converters for the task spec types contained in the workflow, as well as the workflow spec class itself. This class can be extended if you implement a custom workflow spec type. See the converter in `workflow_spec_converter` for an example. """ def __init__(self, spec_class, task_spec_converters, data_converter=None): """ Converter for a BPMN workflow spec class. The `to_dict` and `from_dict` methods of the given task spec converter classes will be registered, so that they can be restored automatically. The data_converter applied to task *spec* data, not task data, and may be `None`. See `BpmnTaskSpecConverter` for more discussion. :param spec_class: the workflow spec class :param task_spec_converters: a list of `BpmnTaskSpecConverter` classes :param data_converter: an optional data converter """ super().__init__() self.spec_class = spec_class self.data_converter = data_converter self.register(spec_class, self.to_dict, self.from_dict) for converter in task_spec_converters: self.register(converter.spec_class, converter.to_dict, converter.from_dict, converter.typename) self.register(BpmnDataSpecification, BpmnDataSpecificationConverter.to_dict, BpmnDataSpecificationConverter.from_dict) def to_dict(self, spec): """ The convert method that will be called when a Workflow Spec Converter is registered with a Workflow Converter. """ raise NotImplementedError def from_dict(self, dct): """ The restore method that will be called when a Workflow Spec Converter is registered with a Workflow Converter. """ raise NotImplementedError