# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from builtins import str from builtins import hex from builtins import range from builtins import object # Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Hampton # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA from collections import deque import json from ...task import TaskState from ...specs.Subworkflow import SubWorkflow from ...serializer.base import Serializer from ..workflow import BpmnWorkflow class UnrecoverableWorkflowChange(Exception): """ This is thrown if the workflow cannot be restored because the workflow spec has changed, and the identified transitions no longer exist. """ pass class _RouteNode(object): """ Private helper class """ def __init__(self, task_spec, outgoing_route_node=None): self.task_spec = task_spec self.outgoing = [outgoing_route_node] if outgoing_route_node else [] self.state = None def get_outgoing_by_spec(self, task_spec): m = [r for r in self.outgoing if r.task_spec == task_spec] return m[0] if m else None def to_list(self): result = [] n = self while n.outgoing: assert len( n.outgoing) == 1, "to_list(..) cannot be called after a merge" result.append(n.task_spec) n = n.outgoing[0] result.append(n.task_spec) return result def contains(self, other_route): if isinstance(other_route, list): return self.to_list()[0:len(other_route)] == other_route # This only works before merging assert len(other_route.outgoing) <= 1,\ "contains(..) cannot be called after a merge" assert len(self.outgoing) <= 1,\ "contains(..) cannot be called after a merge" if other_route.task_spec == self.task_spec: if other_route.outgoing and self.outgoing: return self.outgoing[0].contains(other_route.outgoing[0]) elif self.outgoing: return True elif not other_route.outgoing: return True return False class _BpmnProcessSpecState(object): """ Private helper class """ def __init__(self, spec): self.spec = spec self.route = None def get_path_to_transition(self, transition, state, workflow_parents, taken_routes=None): # find a route passing through each task: route = [self.spec.start] route_to_parent_complete = None for task_name in workflow_parents: route = self._breadth_first_task_search(str(task_name), route) if route is None: raise UnrecoverableWorkflowChange( 'No path found for route \'%s\'' % transition) route_to_parent_complete = route + [route[-1].outputs[0]] route = route + [route[-1].spec.start] route = self._breadth_first_transition_search( transition, route, taken_routes=taken_routes) if route is None: raise UnrecoverableWorkflowChange( 'No path found for route \'%s\'' % transition) outgoing_route_node = None for spec in reversed(route): outgoing_route_node = _RouteNode(spec, outgoing_route_node) outgoing_route_node.state = state return outgoing_route_node, route_to_parent_complete def add_route(self, outgoing_route_node): if self.route: self._merge_routes(self.route, outgoing_route_node) else: self.route = outgoing_route_node def dump(self): print(self.get_dump()) def get_dump(self): def recursive_dump(route_node, indent, verbose=False): task_spec = route_node.task_spec dump = '%s (%s:%s)' % ( task_spec.name, task_spec.__class__.__name__, hex(id(task_spec))) + '\n' if verbose: if task_spec.inputs: dump += indent + '- IN: ' + \ ','.join(['%s (%s)' % (t.name, hex(id(t))) for t in task_spec.inputs]) + '\n' if task_spec.outputs: dump += indent + '- OUT: ' + \ ','.join(['%s (%s)' % (t.name, hex(id(t))) for t in task_spec.outputs]) + '\n' for i, t in enumerate(route_node.outgoing): dump += indent + ' --> ' + \ recursive_dump( t, indent + ( ' | ' if i + 1 < len(route_node.outgoing) else ' ')) return dump dump = recursive_dump(self.route, '') return dump def go(self, workflow): leaf_tasks = [] self._go(workflow.task_tree.children[0], self.route, leaf_tasks) for task in sorted( leaf_tasks, key=lambda t: 0 if getattr( t, '_bpmn_load_target_state', TaskState.READY) == TaskState.READY else 1): task.task_spec._update(task) task._inherit_data() if hasattr(task, '_bpmn_load_target_state'): delattr(task, '_bpmn_load_target_state') def _go(self, task, route_node, leaf_tasks): assert task.task_spec == route_node.task_spec if not route_node.outgoing: assert route_node.state is not None setattr(task, '_bpmn_load_target_state', route_node.state) leaf_tasks.append(task) else: if not task._is_finished(): if (issubclass(task.task_spec.__class__, SubWorkflow) and task.task_spec.spec.start in [o.task_spec for o in route_node.outgoing]): self._go_in_to_subworkflow( task, [n.task_spec for n in route_node.outgoing]) else: self._complete_task_silent( task, [n.task_spec for n in route_node.outgoing]) for n in route_node.outgoing: matching_child = [ t for t in task.children if t.task_spec == n.task_spec] assert len(matching_child) == 1 self._go(matching_child[0], n, leaf_tasks) def _complete_task_silent(self, task, target_children_specs): # This method simulates the completing of a task, but without hooks # being called, and targeting a specific subset of the children if task._is_finished(): return task._set_state(TaskState.COMPLETED) task.children = [] for task_spec in target_children_specs: task._add_child(task_spec) def _go_in_to_subworkflow(self, my_task, target_children_specs): # This method simulates the entering of a subworkflow, but without # hooks being called, and targeting a specific subset of the entry # tasks in the subworkflow. It creates the new workflow instance and # merges it in to the tree This is based on # SubWorkflow._on_ready_before_hook(..) if my_task._is_finished(): return subworkflow = my_task.task_spec._create_subworkflow(my_task) subworkflow.completed_event.connect( my_task.task_spec._on_subworkflow_completed, my_task) # Create the children (these are the tasks that follow the subworkflow, # on completion: my_task.children = [] my_task._sync_children(my_task.task_spec.outputs, TaskState.FUTURE) for t in my_task.children: t.task_spec._predict(t) # Integrate the tree of the subworkflow into the tree of this workflow. for child in subworkflow.task_tree.children: if child.task_spec in target_children_specs: my_task.children.insert(0, child) child.parent = my_task my_task._set_internal_data(subworkflow=subworkflow) my_task._set_state(TaskState.COMPLETED) def _merge_routes(self, target, src): assert target.task_spec == src.task_spec for out_route in src.outgoing: target_out_route = target.get_outgoing_by_spec(out_route.task_spec) if target_out_route: self._merge_routes(target_out_route, out_route) else: target.outgoing.append(out_route) def _breadth_first_transition_search(self, transition_id, starting_route, taken_routes=None): return self._breadth_first_search(starting_route, transition_id=transition_id, taken_routes=taken_routes) def _breadth_first_task_search(self, task_name, starting_route): return self._breadth_first_search(starting_route, task_name=task_name) def _breadth_first_search(self, starting_route, task_name=None, transition_id=None, taken_routes=None): q = deque() done = set() q.append(starting_route) while q: route = q.popleft() if not route[-1] == starting_route[-1]: if task_name and route[-1].name == task_name: return route if (transition_id and hasattr(route[-1], 'has_outgoing_sequence_flow') and route[-1].has_outgoing_sequence_flow(transition_id)): spec = route[-1].get_outgoing_sequence_flow_by_id( transition_id).target_task_spec if taken_routes: final_route = route + [spec] for taken in taken_routes: t = taken.to_list() if not isinstance( taken, list) else taken if final_route[0:len(t)] == t: spec = None break if spec: route.append(spec) return route for child in route[-1].outputs: new_route = route + [child] if len(new_route) > 10000: raise ValueError("Maximum looping limit exceeded " "searching for path to % s" % (task_name or transition_id)) new_route_r = tuple(new_route) if new_route_r not in done: done.add(new_route_r) q.append(new_route) return None class CompactWorkflowSerializer(Serializer): """ This class provides an implementation of serialize_workflow and deserialize_workflow that produces a compact representation of the workflow state, that can be stored in a database column or reasonably small size. It records ONLY enough information to identify the transition leading in to each WAITING or READY state, along with the state of that task. This is generally enough to resurrect a running BPMN workflow instance, with some limitations. Limitations: 1. The compact representation does not include any workflow or task data. It is the responsibility of the calling application to record whatever data is relevant to it, and set it on the restored workflow. 2. The restoring process will not produce exactly the same workflow tree - it finds the SHORTEST route to the saved READY and WAITING tasks, not the route that was actually taken. This means that the tree cannot be interrogated for historical information about the workflow. However, the workflow does follow the same logic paths as would have been followed by the original workflow. """ STATE_SPEC_VERSION = 1 def serialize_workflow_spec(self, wf_spec, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError( "The CompactWorkflowSerializer only supports " " workflow serialization.") def deserialize_workflow_spec(self, s_state, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError( "The CompactWorkflowSerializer only supports " "workflow serialization.") def serialize_workflow(self, workflow, include_spec=False, **kwargs): """ :param workflow: the workflow instance to serialize :param include_spec: Always set to False (The CompactWorkflowSerializer only supports workflow serialization) """ if include_spec: raise NotImplementedError( 'Including the spec serialization with the workflow state ' 'is not implemented.') return self._get_workflow_state(workflow) def deserialize_workflow(self, s_state, workflow_spec=None, read_only=False, **kwargs): """ :param s_state: the state of the workflow as returned by serialize_workflow :param workflow_spec: the Workflow Spec of the workflow (CompactWorkflowSerializer only supports workflow serialization) :param read_only: (Optional) True if the workflow should be restored in READ ONLY mode NB: Additional kwargs passed to the deserialize_workflow method will be passed to the new_workflow method. """ if workflow_spec is None: raise NotImplementedError( 'Including the spec serialization with the workflow state is ' ' not implemented. A \'workflow_spec\' must ' 'be provided.') workflow = self.new_workflow( workflow_spec, read_only=read_only, **kwargs) self._restore_workflow_state(workflow, s_state) return workflow def new_workflow(self, workflow_spec, read_only=False, **kwargs): """ Create a new workflow instance from the given spec and arguments. :param workflow_spec: the workflow spec to use :param read_only: this should be in read only mode :param kwargs: Any extra kwargs passed to the deserialize_workflow method will be passed through here """ return BpmnWorkflow(workflow_spec, read_only=read_only, **kwargs) def _get_workflow_state(self, workflow): active_tasks = workflow.get_tasks(state=(TaskState.READY | TaskState.WAITING)) states = [] for task in active_tasks: parent_task_spec = task.parent.task_spec transition = parent_task_spec.get_outgoing_sequence_flow_by_spec( task.task_spec).id w = task.workflow workflow_parents = [] while w.outer_workflow and w.outer_workflow != w: workflow_parents.append(w.name) w = w.outer_workflow state = ("W" if task.state == TaskState.WAITING else "R") states.append( [transition, list(reversed(workflow_parents)), state]) compacted_states = [] for state in sorted(states, key=lambda s: ",".join([s[0], s[2], (':'.join(s[1]))])): if state[-1] == 'R': state.pop() if state[-1] == []: state.pop() if len(state) == 1: state = state[0] compacted_states.append(state) state_list = compacted_states + [self.STATE_SPEC_VERSION] state_s = json.dumps(state_list)[1:-1] return state_s def _restore_workflow_state(self, workflow, state): state_list = json.loads('[' + state + ']') self._check_spec_version(state_list[-1]) s = _BpmnProcessSpecState(workflow.spec) routes = [] for state in state_list[:-1]: if isinstance(state, str) or type(state).__name__ == 'str': state = [str(state)] transition = state[0] workflow_parents = state[1] if len(state) > 1 else [] state = (TaskState.WAITING if len(state) > 2 and state[2] == 'W' else TaskState.READY) route, route_to_parent_complete = s.get_path_to_transition( transition, state, workflow_parents) routes.append( (route, route_to_parent_complete, transition, state, workflow_parents)) retry = True retry_count = 0 while (retry): if retry_count > 100: raise ValueError( 'Maximum retry limit exceeded searching for unique paths') retry = False for i in range(len(routes)): (route, route_to_parent_complete, transition, state, workflow_parents) = routes[i] for j in range(len(routes)): if i == j: continue other_route = routes[j][0] route_to_parent_complete = routes[j][1] if route.contains(other_route) or ( route_to_parent_complete and route.contains( route_to_parent_complete)): taken_routes = [r for r in routes if r[0] != route] taken_routes = [r for r in [r[0] for r in taken_routes] + [r[1] for r in taken_routes] if r] (route, route_to_parent_complete) = s.get_path_to_transition( transition, state, workflow_parents, taken_routes=taken_routes) for r in taken_routes: assert not route.contains(r) routes[ i] = (route, route_to_parent_complete, transition, state, workflow_parents) retry = True retry_count += 1 break if retry: break for r in routes: s.add_route(r[0]) workflow._busy_with_restore = True try: if len(state_list) <= 1: workflow.cancel(success=True) return s.go(workflow) finally: workflow._busy_with_restore = False def _check_spec_version(self, v): # We only have one version right now: assert v == self.STATE_SPEC_VERSION