/* eslint-disable */ const { defineConfig } = require('cypress'); const { rm } = require('fs/promises'); // yes use video compression in CI, where we will set the env var so we upload to cypress dashboard const useVideoCompression = !!process.env.CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY; // https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/2522 const deleteVideosOnSuccess = (on) => { const filesToDelete = []; on('after:spec', (_spec, results) => { if (results.stats.failures === 0 && results.video) { filesToDelete.push(results.video); } }); on('after:run', async () => { if (filesToDelete.length) { console.log( 'after:run hook: Deleting %d video(s) from successful specs', filesToDelete.length ); await Promise.all(filesToDelete.map((videoFile) => rm(videoFile))); } }); }; let spiffWorkflowFrontendUrl = `http://localhost:${ process.env.SPIFFWORKFLOW_FRONTEND_PORT || 7001 }`; if (process.env.SPIFFWORKFLOW_FRONTEND_URL) { spiffWorkflowFrontendUrl = process.env.SPIFFWORKFLOW_FRONTEND_URL; } const cypressConfig = { projectId: 'crax1q', defaultCommandTimeout: 20000, chromeWebSecurity: false, e2e: { baseUrl: spiffWorkflowFrontendUrl, setupNodeEvents(on, config) { deleteVideosOnSuccess(on); require('@cypress/grep/src/plugin')(config); return config; }, }, // this scrolls away from the elements for some reason with carbon when set to top // https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/2353 // https://docs.cypress.io/guides/core-concepts/interacting-with-elements#Scrolling scrollBehavior: 'center', }; if (!process.env.CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY) { // since it's slow cypressConfig.videoCompression = false; } module.exports = defineConfig(cypressConfig);