import { ListGroup } from '@bpmn-io/properties-panel'; import { is, isAny } from 'bpmn-js/lib/util/ModelUtil'; import scriptGroup, { SCRIPT_TYPE } from './SpiffScriptGroup'; import { ServiceTaskParameterArray, ServiceTaskOperatorSelect, ServiceTaskResultTextInput, } from './SpiffExtensionServiceProperties'; import {OPTION_TYPE, SpiffExtensionSelect} from './SpiffExtensionSelect'; import {SpiffExtensionLaunchButton} from './SpiffExtensionLaunchButton'; import {SpiffExtensionTextArea} from './SpiffExtensionTextArea'; const LOW_PRIORITY = 500; export default function ExtensionsPropertiesProvider( propertiesPanel, translate, moddle, commandStack, elementRegistry, ) { this.getGroups = function (element) { return function (groups) { if (is(element, 'bpmn:ScriptTask')) { groups.push( createScriptGroup(element, translate, moddle, commandStack) ); } else if ( isAny(element, ['bpmn:Task', 'bpmn:CallActivity', 'bpmn:SubProcess']) ) { groups.push(preScriptPostScriptGroup(element, translate, moddle, commandStack)); } if (is(element, 'bpmn:UserTask')) { groups.push(createUserGroup(element, translate, moddle, commandStack)); } if (is(element, 'bpmn:BusinessRuleTask')) { groups.push( createBusinessRuleGroup(element, translate, moddle, commandStack) ); } if ( isAny(element, [ 'bpmn:ManualTask', 'bpmn:UserTask', 'bpmn:ServiceTask', 'bpmn:EndEvent', 'bpmn:ScriptTask', 'bpmn:IntermediateCatchEvent', ]) ) { groups.push( createUserInstructionsGroup(element, translate, moddle, commandStack) ); } if (is(element, 'bpmn:ServiceTask')) { groups.push( createServiceGroup(element, translate, moddle, commandStack) ); } return groups; }; }; propertiesPanel.registerProvider(LOW_PRIORITY, this); } ExtensionsPropertiesProvider.$inject = [ 'propertiesPanel', 'translate', 'moddle', 'commandStack', 'elementRegistry', ]; /** * Adds a group to the properties panel for the script task that allows you * to set the script. * @param element * @param translate * @returns The components to add to the properties panel. */ function createScriptGroup(element, translate, moddle, commandStack) { return { id: 'spiff_script', label: translate('Script'), entries: scriptGroup({ element, moddle, scriptType: SCRIPT_TYPE.bpmn, label: 'Script', description: 'Code to execute.', translate, commandStack, }), }; } /** * Adds a section to the properties' panel for NON-Script tasks, so that * you can define a pre-script and a post-script for modifying data as it comes and out. * @param element * @param translate * @param moddle For altering the underlying XML File. * @returns The components to add to the properties panel. */ function preScriptPostScriptGroup(element, translate, moddle, commandStack) { return { id: 'spiff_pre_post_scripts', label: translate('Pre/Post Scripts'), entries: [ ...scriptGroup({ element, moddle, commandStack, translate, scriptType: SCRIPT_TYPE.pre, label: 'Pre-Script', description: 'code to execute prior to this task.', }), ...scriptGroup({ element, moddle, commandStack, translate, scriptType:, label: 'Post-Script', description: 'code to execute after this task.', }), ], }; } /** * Create a group on the main panel with a select box (for choosing the Data Object to connect) * @param element * @param translate * @param moddle * @returns entries */ function createUserGroup(element, translate, moddle, commandStack) { return { id: 'user_task_properties', label: translate('Web Form (with Json Schemas)'), entries: [ { element, moddle, commandStack, component: SpiffExtensionSelect, optionType: OPTION_TYPE.json_files, name: 'formJsonSchemaFilename', label: translate('JSON Schema Filename'), description: translate('Form Description (RSJF)'), }, { component: SpiffExtensionLaunchButton, element, name: 'formJsonSchemaFilename', label: translate('Launch Editor'), event: 'spiff.file.edit', description: translate('Edit the form description'), }, { element, moddle, commandStack, component: SpiffExtensionSelect, optionType: OPTION_TYPE.json_files, label: translate('UI Schema Filename'), event: 'spiff.file.edit', description: translate('Rules for displaying the form. (RSJF Schema)'), name: 'formUiSchemaFilename', }, { component: SpiffExtensionLaunchButton, element, name: 'formUiSchemaFilename', label: translate('Launch Editor'), event: 'spiff.file.edit', description: translate('Edit the form schema'), }, ], }; } /** * Select and launch for Business Rules * * @param element * @param translate * @param moddle * @param commandStack * @returns {{entries: [{moddle, component: ((function(*): preact.VNode)|*), name: string, description, label, commandStack, element},{component: ((function(*): preact.VNode)|*), name: string, description, label, event: string, element}], id: string, label}} */ function createBusinessRuleGroup(element, translate, moddle, commandStack) { return { id: 'business_rule_properties', label: translate('Business Rule Properties'), entries: [ { element, moddle, commandStack, component: SpiffExtensionSelect, optionType: OPTION_TYPE.dmn_files, name: 'spiffworkflow:calledDecisionId', label: translate('Select Decision Table'), description: translate('Select a decision table from the list'), }, { element, component: SpiffExtensionLaunchButton, name: 'spiffworkflow:calledDecisionId', label: translate('Launch Editor'), event: 'spiff.dmn.edit', description: translate('Modify the Decision Table'), }, ], }; } /** * Create a group on the main panel with a text box (for choosing the information to display to the user) * @param element * @param translate * @param moddle * @returns entries */ function createUserInstructionsGroup ( element, translate, moddle, commandStack ) { return { id: 'instructions', label: translate('Instructions'), entries: [ { element, moddle, commandStack, component: SpiffExtensionTextArea, name: 'spiffworkflow:instructionsForEndUser', label: 'Instructions', description: 'Displayed above user forms or when this task is executing.', }, { element, moddle, commandStack, component: SpiffExtensionLaunchButton, name: 'spiffworkflow:instructionsForEndUser', label: translate('Launch Editor'), event: 'spiff.markdown.edit', listenEvent: 'spiff.markdown.update', description: translate('Edit the form schema'), } ], }; } /** * Create a group on the main panel with a text box (for choosing the dmn to connect) * @param element * @param translate * @param moddle * @returns entries */ function createServiceGroup(element, translate, moddle, commandStack) { return { id: 'service_task_properties', label: translate('Spiffworkflow Service Properties'), entries: [ { element, moddle, commandStack, component: ServiceTaskOperatorSelect, translate, }, { element, moddle, commandStack, component: ServiceTaskResultTextInput, translate, }, { id: 'serviceTaskParameters', label: translate('Parameters'), component: ListGroup, ...ServiceTaskParameterArray({ element, moddle, translate, commandStack }), }, ], }; }