Implementing Custom Tasks ========================= Introduction ------------ In this second tutorial, we are going to implement our own task, and use serialization and deserialization to store and restore it. If you haven't already, you should complete the first :doc:`../tutorial/index`. We are also assuming that you are familiar with the :doc:`../../concepts`. Implementing the custom task ---------------------------- The first step is to create a :class:`SpiffWorkflow.specs.TaskSpec` that fires the rocket:: from SpiffWorkflow.specs import Simple class NuclearStrike(Simple): def _on_complete_hook(self, my_task): print("Rocket sent!") Save this file as ````. Now, before we are ready to define the workflow using XML or JSON, we will also have extend the serializer to let SpiffWorkflow know how to represent your NuclearStrike first. Preparing a serializer ---------------------- Before we can use JSON to specify a workflow, we first need to teach SpiffWorkflow what our custom `NuclearChoice` looks like in JSON. We do this by extending the :mod:`SpiffWorkflow.serializer.json.JSONSerializer`. .. literalinclude:: We save the serializer as ````. We also need to update ```` as follows: We also implement the deserializer: .. literalinclude:: That is all! You are now ready to create the specification from JSON. Creating a workflow specification (using JSON) ---------------------------------------------- Now we can use the NuclearStrike in the workflow specification in JSON. Note that this specification is the same as in our first tutorial, except that it references our class `strike.NuclearStrike`. .. literalinclude:: nuclear.json Using the custom serializer and task ------------------------------------ Here we use our brand new serializer in practice: .. literalinclude::