#!/usr/bin/env bash function error_handler() { echo >&2 "Exited with BAD EXIT CODE '${2}' in ${0} script at line: ${1}." exit "$2" } trap 'error_handler ${LINENO} $?' ERR set -o errtrace -o errexit -o nounset -o pipefail function log_info() { echo "BOOT SERVER IN DOCKER ($(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")): $1" } # example command: # SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_PERMISSIONS_FILE_NAME=example.yml SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_DATABASE_TYPE=sqlite SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_ENV=local_docker SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_RUN_BACKGROUND_SCHEDULER_IN_CREATE_APP=true FLASK_DEBUG=0 FLASK_SESSION_SECRET_KEY=HEY SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_BPMN_SPEC_ABSOLUTE_DIR="${HOME}/projects/github/sartography/sample-process-models/" ./bin/boot_server_in_docker export FLASK_APP=/app/src/spiffworkflow_backend if [[ -z "${FLASK_DEBUG:-}" ]]; then export FLASK_DEBUG=0 fi if [[ "${SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_WAIT_FOR_DB_TO_BE_READY:-}" == "true" ]]; then echo 'Waiting for db to be ready...' poetry run python ./bin/wait_for_db_to_be_ready.py fi if [[ "${SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_DOWNGRADE_DB:-}" == "true" ]]; then echo 'Downgrading database...' poetry run flask db downgrade fi if [[ "${SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_UPGRADE_DB:-}" == "true" ]]; then echo 'Upgrading database...' poetry run flask db upgrade fi if [[ -z "${GUNICORN_LOG_LEVEL:-}" ]]; then GUNICORN_LOG_LEVEL=debug fi if [[ -z "${GUNICORN_TIMEOUT_SECONDS:-}" ]]; then GUNICORN_TIMEOUT_SECONDS=90 fi port="${SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_PORT:-}" if [[ -z "$port" ]]; then port=7000 fi additional_args="" app_root="${SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_APPLICATION_ROOT:-}" if [[ -n "$app_root" ]] && [[ "${app_root}" != "/" ]]; then echo >&2 "ERROR: SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_APPLICATION_ROOT has been set. This variable has been renamed to SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_WSGI_PATH_PREFIX. Please use that instead." exit 1 fi path_prefix="${SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_WSGI_PATH_PREFIX:-}" if [[ -n "$path_prefix" ]] && [[ "${path_prefix}" != "/" ]]; then if ! grep -E '^/' <<<"${path_prefix}"; then echo >&2 "ERROR: SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_WSGI_PATH_PREFIX must start with a '/'. '$SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_WSGI_PATH_PREFIX' was used instead." exit 1 fi additional_args="${additional_args} -e SCRIPT_NAME=${path_prefix}" fi # HACK: if loading fixtures for acceptance tests when we do not need multiple workers # it causes issues with attempting to add duplicate data to the db worker_count=4 if [[ "${SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_LOAD_FIXTURE_DATA:-}" == "true" ]]; then worker_count=1 fi if [[ -z "${SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_GIT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH:-}" ]]; then if [[ -n "${SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_GIT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY:-}" ]]; then export SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_GIT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH=$(mktemp /tmp/ssh_private_key.XXXXXX) chmod 600 "${SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_GIT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH}" echo "${SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_GIT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}" >"${SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_GIT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH}" fi fi if [[ -n "${SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_GIT_CLONE_PROCESS_MODELS:-}" ]]; then ./bin/clone_process_models fi # ensure that the Process Models Directory is initialized as a git repo log_info "Running git init" git init "${SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_BPMN_SPEC_ABSOLUTE_DIR}" git config --global --add safe.directory "${SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_BPMN_SPEC_ABSOLUTE_DIR}" if [[ -z "${SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_THREADS_PER_WORKER:-}" ]]; then # default to 3 * 2 = 6 threads per worker # you may want to configure threads_to_use_per_core based on whether your workload is more cpu intensive or more I/O intensive: # cpu heavy, make it smaller # I/O heavy, make it larger threads_to_use_per_core=3 # https://stackoverflow.com/a/55423170/6090676 # if we had access to python (i'm not sure i want to run another python script here), # we could do something like this (on linux) to get the number of cores available to this process and a better estimate of a # reasonable num_cores_multiple_for_threads # if hasattr(os, 'sched_getaffinity') # number_of_available_cores = os.sched_getaffinity(0) # BUT the python solution isn't even as portable as this one, which is mostly posix compliant and works on linux/mac/freebsd. num_cores_multiple_for_threads=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN 2>/dev/null || getconf NPROCESSORS_ONLN 2>/dev/null || echo 1) SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_THREADS_PER_WORKER=$((threads_to_use_per_core * num_cores_multiple_for_threads)) export SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_THREADS_PER_WORKER fi # # VersionOneThree and the process_instance_file_data db => filesystem migration have run on all necessary environments, # so commenting out run_all.py. # one day we might have another blocking-style data migration that we want to complete before the app boots. # in that case, probably update run_all.py to not run VersionOneThree and filesystem migration, but instead the new function. # we also might want to build a db-backed system to let other non-api containers know when this long-running migration is # happening (somewhat like schema migrations (storing versions in a db table) to handle data migrations), # so it could poll some table and not start its work until the database is fully migrated. # log_info "Running data migrations" # poetry run python ./bin/data_migrations/run_all.py ##### DO THIS right before starting the server if [[ "${SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_RUN_DATA_SETUP:-}" != "false" ]]; then if [[ -z "${SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_FAIL_ON_INVALID_PROCESS_MODELS:-}" ]]; then export SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_FAIL_ON_INVALID_PROCESS_MODELS=false fi poetry run python bin/save_all_bpmn.py fi # --worker-class is not strictly necessary, since setting threads will automatically set the worker class to gthread, but meh log_info "Starting gunicorn server" export IS_GUNICORN="true" # THIS MUST BE THE LAST COMMAND! exec poetry run gunicorn ${additional_args} \ --bind "$port" \ --preload \ --worker-class "gthread" \ --workers="$worker_count" \ --threads "$SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_THREADS_PER_WORKER" \ --limit-request-line 8192 \ --timeout "$GUNICORN_TIMEOUT_SECONDS" \ --capture-output \ --access-logfile '-' \ --log-level "$GUNICORN_LOG_LEVEL" wsgi:app