#!/usr/bin/env bash function error_handler() { >&2 echo "Exited with BAD EXIT CODE '${2}' in ${0} script at line: ${1}." exit "$2" } trap 'error_handler ${LINENO} $?' ERR set -o errtrace -o errexit -o nounset -o pipefail run_ci="false" if grep -qE -- "--ci\>" <<<"$@" ; then run_ci="true" fi rm -rf _build/html sphinx_command="sphinx-autobuild" if [[ "$run_ci" == "true" ]]; then sphinx_command="sphinx-build" fi #>> sphinx-build --help 2>&1 | grep -E '^ +\-[aWn]\>' # -a write all files (default: only write new and changed # -j N build in parallel with N processes where possible # -n nit-picky mode, warn about all missing references # -W turn warnings into errors "$sphinx_command" . _build/html -W -a -n -j auto