Parallel gateways are powerful BPMN elements that split a process flow into multiple independent flows, allowing for the simultaneous execution of tasks, and later merging these flows to ensure coordination before moving forward.
1.**Parallel Gateway (Split)**: After the start event, the gateway divides the main flow into two separate paths, enabling tasks to be processed in parallel.
2.**Sequence Flow 1: Script Task [y = 1]**: Assigns the value `1` to variable `y`. This script task initializes variable `y` and demonstrates setting a simple variable in one branch of the parallel flow.
3.**Sequence Flow 2: Script Task [z = 2]**: Similar to the first script task, this operation assigns the value `2` to variable `z`. It functions concurrently with the first script task, demonstrating the capability of the BPMN model to handle multiple operations at the same time.
4.**Parallel Gateway (Merge)**: This merging gateway reunites the divergent paths after independent task completion, ensuring all parallel processes are complete before moving forward. It acts as a critical checkpoint in the process to synchronize and consolidate data from multiple sources, ensuring that no task moves forward until all parallel tasks have concluded.
5.**Script Task [x = y + z]**: Computes the sum of `y` and `z` and assigns it to variable `x`.
- **Script**: `x = y + z`
- This script task demonstrates the aggregation or combination of results from parallel tasks, highlighting how data from independent branches can be combined.