# You can modify the permissions by creating your owm permissions file and setting it here. See [example.yml](../src/spiffworkflow_backend/config/permissions/example.yml)
Checkout [the default.py config file](./src/spiffworkflow_backend/config/default.py) for more options you can specify here as needed.
## Step 3 - Run Configuration
Configure your Run configuration with the following settings:
* select Flask Server as the run type
* set the target to: spiffworkflow_backend
* set the port to 7000 (-p 7000)
## Step 4 - Code Formatting
We are using [Black](https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) for code formatting.
To avoid the madness of having Black enforce one style, and your editor enforcing another, you should follow [the directions outlined here](https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/integrations/editors.html#pycharm-intellij-idea).