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import os
2022-12-06 15:31:03 -05:00
import shutil
import subprocess # noqa we need the subprocess module to safely run the git commands
import uuid
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union
from flask import current_app
2022-12-06 15:31:03 -05:00
from flask import g
2022-11-18 16:45:44 -05:00
from spiffworkflow_backend.config import ConfigurationError
from spiffworkflow_backend.models.process_model import ProcessModelInfo
from spiffworkflow_backend.services.file_system_service import FileSystemService
class MissingGitConfigsError(Exception):
class InvalidGitWebhookBodyError(Exception):
class GitCloneUrlMismatchError(Exception):
class GitCommandError(Exception):
# TOOD: check for the existence of git and configs on bootup if publishing is enabled
class GitService:
def get_current_revision(cls) -> str:
bpmn_spec_absolute_dir = current_app.config["BPMN_SPEC_ABSOLUTE_DIR"]
# The value includes a carriage return character at the end, so we don't grab the last character
with FileSystemService.cd(bpmn_spec_absolute_dir):
return cls.run_shell_command_to_get_stdout(
["git", "rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD"]
def get_instance_file_contents_for_revision(
cls, process_model: ProcessModelInfo, revision: str
) -> str:
bpmn_spec_absolute_dir = current_app.config["BPMN_SPEC_ABSOLUTE_DIR"]
process_model_relative_path = FileSystemService.process_model_relative_path(
with FileSystemService.cd(bpmn_spec_absolute_dir):
shell_command = [
return cls.run_shell_command_to_get_stdout(shell_command)
def commit(cls, message: str, repo_path: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
repo_path_to_use = repo_path
if repo_path is None:
repo_path_to_use = current_app.config["BPMN_SPEC_ABSOLUTE_DIR"]
if repo_path_to_use is None:
raise ConfigurationError("BPMN_SPEC_ABSOLUTE_DIR config must be set")
git_username = ""
git_email = ""
if current_app.config["GIT_USERNAME"] and current_app.config["GIT_USER_EMAIL"]:
git_username = current_app.config["GIT_USERNAME"]
git_email = current_app.config["GIT_USER_EMAIL"]
shell_command_path = os.path.join(
current_app.root_path, "..", "..", "bin", "git_commit_bpmn_models_repo"
shell_command = [
return cls.run_shell_command_to_get_stdout(shell_command)
def check_for_configs(cls) -> None:
if current_app.config["GIT_BRANCH_TO_PUBLISH_TO"] is None:
raise MissingGitConfigsError(
"Missing config for GIT_BRANCH_TO_PUBLISH_TO. "
"This is required for publishing process models"
if current_app.config["GIT_CLONE_URL_FOR_PUBLISHING"] is None:
raise MissingGitConfigsError(
"Missing config for GIT_CLONE_URL_FOR_PUBLISHING. "
"This is required for publishing process models"
def run_shell_command_as_boolean(cls, command: list[str]) -> bool:
# we know result will be a bool here
result: bool = cls.run_shell_command(command, return_success_state=True) # type: ignore
return result
def run_shell_command_to_get_stdout(cls, command: list[str]) -> str:
# we know result will be a CompletedProcess here
result: subprocess.CompletedProcess[bytes] = cls.run_shell_command(
command, return_success_state=False
) # type: ignore
return result.stdout.decode("utf-8")
def run_shell_command(
cls, command: list[str], return_success_state: bool = False
) -> Union[subprocess.CompletedProcess[bytes], bool]:
# this is fine since we pass the commands directly
result = subprocess.run(command, check=False, capture_output=True) # noqa
if return_success_state:
return result.returncode == 0
if result.returncode != 0:
stdout = result.stdout.decode("utf-8")
stderr = result.stderr.decode("utf-8")
raise GitCommandError(
f"Failed to execute git command: {command} "
f"Stdout: {stdout} "
f"Stderr: {stderr} "
return result
# only supports github right now
def handle_web_hook(cls, webhook: dict) -> bool:
if "repository" not in webhook or "clone_url" not in webhook["repository"]:
raise InvalidGitWebhookBodyError(
f"Cannot find required keys of 'repository:clone_url' from webhook body: {webhook}"
clone_url = webhook["repository"]["clone_url"]
if clone_url != current_app.config["GIT_CLONE_URL_FOR_PUBLISHING"]:
raise GitCloneUrlMismatchError(
f"Configured clone url does not match clone url from webhook: {clone_url}"
if "ref" not in webhook:
raise InvalidGitWebhookBodyError(
f"Could not find the 'ref' arg in the webhook boy: {webhook}"
if current_app.config["GIT_BRANCH"] is None:
raise MissingGitConfigsError(
"Missing config for GIT_BRANCH. "
"This is required for updating the repository as a result of the webhook"
ref = webhook["ref"]
git_branch = current_app.config["GIT_BRANCH"]
if ref != f"refs/heads/{git_branch}":
return False
with FileSystemService.cd(current_app.config["BPMN_SPEC_ABSOLUTE_DIR"]):
cls.run_shell_command(["git", "pull"])
return True
2022-12-06 15:31:03 -05:00
def publish(cls, process_model_id: str, branch_to_update: str) -> str:
2022-12-06 15:31:03 -05:00
source_process_model_root = FileSystemService.root_path()
source_process_model_path = os.path.join(
source_process_model_root, process_model_id
unique_hex = uuid.uuid4().hex
clone_dir = f"sample-process-models.{unique_hex}"
2022-12-06 15:31:03 -05:00
# clone new instance of sample-process-models, checkout branch_to_update
2022-12-08 17:12:19 -05:00
# we are adding a guid to this so the flake8 issue has been mitigated
destination_process_root = f"/tmp/{clone_dir}" # noqa
git_clone_url = current_app.config["GIT_CLONE_URL_FOR_PUBLISHING"].replace(
cmd = ["git", "clone", git_clone_url, destination_process_root]
with FileSystemService.cd(destination_process_root):
# create publish branch from branch_to_update
cls.run_shell_command(["git", "checkout", branch_to_update])
branch_to_pull_request = f"publish-{process_model_id}"
# check if branch exists and checkout appropriately
command = [
if cls.run_shell_command_as_boolean(command):
cls.run_shell_command(["git", "checkout", branch_to_pull_request])
cls.run_shell_command(["git", "checkout", "-b", branch_to_pull_request])
# copy files from process model into the new publish branch
destination_process_model_path = os.path.join(
destination_process_root, process_model_id
if os.path.exists(destination_process_model_path):
shutil.copytree(source_process_model_path, destination_process_model_path)
# add and commit files to branch_to_pull_request, then push
commit_message = (
f"Request to publish changes to {process_model_id}, "
f"from {g.user.username} on {current_app.config['ENV_IDENTIFIER']}"
cls.commit(commit_message, destination_process_root)
2022-12-09 17:30:14 -05:00
["git", "push", "--set-upstream", "origin", branch_to_pull_request]
# build url for github page to open PR
git_remote = cls.run_shell_command_to_get_stdout(
["git", "config", "--get", "remote.origin.url"]
remote_url = git_remote.strip().replace(".git", "")
pr_url = f"{remote_url}/compare/{branch_to_update}...{branch_to_pull_request}?expand=1"
# try to clean up
if os.path.exists(destination_process_root):
return pr_url