{ "title": "Example Schema", "type": "object", "required":["numericRange1","numericRange5"], "properties": { "numericRange1": { "type": "object", "title": "Numeric Range 1", "minimum" : 100, "maximum" : 1000, "properties": { "min": { "type": "number", "title": "Minimum Value 1" }, "max": { "type": "number", "title": "Maximum Value 1" } } }, "numericRange2": { "type": "object", "title": "Numeric Range 2 with no minimum", "maximum" : 100000, "properties": { "min": { "type": "number", "title": "Minimum Value 2", "default" : 0 }, "max": { "type": "number", "title": "Maximum Value 2", "default" : 100000 } } }, "numericRange3": { "type": "object", "title": "Numeric Range 3 with no maximum", "minimum" : 0, "properties": { "min": { "type": "number", "title": "Minimum Value 3", "default" : 1 }, "max": { "type": "number", "title": "Maximum Value 3", "default" : 8000 } } }, "numericRange4": { "type": "object", "title": "Numeric Range 4 with no minimum and maximum", "properties": { "min": { "type": "number", "title": "Minimum Value 4", "default" : 0 }, "max": { "type": "number", "title": "Maximum Value 4", "default" : 500 } } }, "numericRange5": { "type": "object", "title": "Numeric Range 5 Required with no minimum and maximum", "properties": { "min": { "type": "number", "title": "Minimum Value 5", "default" : 0 }, "max": { "type": "number", "title": "Maximum Value 5", "default" : 1000 } } } } }