Name of the process - Raise New Demand Request for a new role Process Goal - To get the Ok and allocate budget Trigger - Project/Team needs additional resources Actors - Project/Team Lead, PeopleOps (Talents), PPG, Finance Customer - Project/Team Lead, PeopleOps (Talents) Steps and decision points - Data objects - Budget, Job set up, Hiring tracker? Systems/Environment - Discord, Gmail, GSheets StartEvent_1 Activity_01q5dpz Activity_05le46k Gateway_0p1je1q Event_1q5ru5w Gateway_0vx8ert Gateway_1kjnfkv Activity_04br6zd Activity_01s409k Event_1s7mkb4 Gateway_0lp2zpm Event_12tt6fj Activity_0k9a0ig Activity_0ccreb4 Gateway_1knvwer Activity_1s8cqyx Activity_0fti0ck Gateway_0tbhhcu Activity_0tt12kf Activity_0zszjko Activity_04g7yt8 Event_0oq9zql Activity_0r6vrbj Activity_0l321bl Gateway_1b71oa5 Event_0rdiba5 Activity_19l3gvc Event_0nsgsrg Gateway_1351pq0 Activity_14fif5h Activity_1ev8jqe Gateway_05470yw Gateway_1fwx97f Gateway_0hinb32 Activity_1p2lpzp Activity_0ergkw1 Gateway_00jqg2l Activity_0wixni2 Gateway_0cc1hv7 Gateway_1ekhkw0 Activity_04vn7fi Gateway_048v9pt Event_13q1vss Gateway_13qrb2t Flow_0mbb848 Flow_0mbb848 Flow_1xzon4n Flow_1gv2lwc Flow_063e64y Flow_1ipb2ul DataObjectReference_070iy0o Property_0k9d4mr Flow_1h3jhfh Flow_0zuq97m Flow_0zuq97m Flow_1gv2lwc Flow_0kbeg7p Flow_1i36ixt Flow_1h3jhfh Flow_08ibll4 Flow_1gomedz Flow_0kbeg7p Flow_1xzon4n Flow_0u8b1bp Flow_1ycah0o Flow_063e64y Flow_12jcy0s Flow_05vx5kf Flow_1ys3cnu Flow_1ipb2ul Flow_12jcy0s Flow_1ys3cnu Flow_1qq3kdd Flow_1qq3kdd Flow_0u8b1bp Flow_0vw379z Flow_0jxiatt Flow_0jxiatt Flow_1vlcgag DataObjectReference_121t04r Property_03rbcs2 Flow_1vlcgag Flow_15nd9jo Flow_1lwl38s Flow_1i36ixt Flow_15nd9jo Flow_1uuuo21 Flow_1uuuo21 Flow_0u9k2wx DataObjectReference_0xcmasa Property_0y6hbzd Flow_0u9k2wx Flow_12l93mc Flow_02cfnmj Flow_12bnhp1 Flow_1lrlyxt Flow_1gomedz Flow_12l93mc Flow_0abm17b Flow_16a0k1f Flow_0abm17b Flow_1a9l3sk Flow_02cfnmj Flow_13f8ymo Flow_0itxg12 Flow_12bnhp1 Flow_1lwl38s Flow_00caqxg Flow_16a0k1f Flow_1a9l3sk Flow_00caqxg Flow_07pgdrb Flow_1gh4783 Flow_1tcl8gp Flow_1gh4783 Flow_1fo2dlv Flow_07pgdrb Flow_11drtok Flow_11drtok Flow_1fo2dlv Flow_1tcl8gp Flow_1lrlyxt Flow_13f8ymo Flow_00jc60j Flow_00jc60j Flow_1tqdap1 Flow_1tqdap1 Flow_0itxg12 Flow_0rmu9sk Flow_0rmu9sk Flow_1o7b28m DataObjectReference_01nw8vg Property_0ep2361 Flow_1o7b28m Flow_1xkna4j Flow_1xkna4j Flow_0wnbaub DataObjectReference_1exack9 Property_0ask7iq Flow_0wnbaub Flow_1u0q2rc Flow_1u0q2rc Flow_0hxcj9i Flow_08ibll4 Flow_0hxcj9i Flow_00knfbl Name of the process - Raise New Demand Request Process Goal - To collect and review all purchase requests and prepare them for the procurement steps. Trigger - Purchase need has been identified by a Core Contributor. Customer - Service Units and Core Contributors Actors - Core Contributor, Team/Project Lead (Budget Owner), Systems/Environment - Data objects - Process Description - WIP Flow_00knfbl Flow_0hkgrae DataObjectReference_12mlx1l Property_1tme8sr Flow_0hkgrae Flow_19pg9kb Flow_19pg9kb Flow_05vx5kf Flow_1v49p3v Flow_1v49p3v Flow_0qo0ea7 Flow_1ycah0o Flow_0qo0ea7 Flow_0vw379z Orgdata from BBHR, Categories from a DB Compensation rate range Levels, Function TBD