Flow_06zwcm5 Flow_044fuvx Flow_0xja4pk my_department == "none" The process instance completed successfully. Please contact Head of the {{ department_name }} Department : {{head_of_department}} Flow_0xipol4 The process instance completed successfully. Please contact the Head of the Administration Department: {{head_of_department}} Flow_1rukd42 Flow_044fuvx Flow_0xipol4 DataStoreReference_0zaapt8 Property_0qffirv head_of_department = departments(department_name,"Head") Flow_0xja4pk Flow_1rukd42 DataStoreReference_0zaapt8 Property_1btfyhh head_of_department = departments("Administration","Head") Flow_1d0ppvp Flow_1d0ppvp Flow_05yi2j2 DataStoreReference_0zaapt8 departments = { "departments" : { "department_list" : [ { "label": "None of the List", "value": "none" }, { "label": "Human Resources", "value": "hr" }, { "label": "Finance", "value": "finance" }, { "label": "Marketing", "value": "marketing" }, { "label": "Information Technology", "value": "it" }, { "label": "Administration", "value": "admin" }, { "label": "Sales", "value": "sales" } ] }, "department_heads" : None, "Human Resources" : { "Head" : "Emily Johnson" }, "Finance" : { "Head" : "William Jones" }, "Marketing" : { "Head" : "Mia Thomas" }, "Information Technology" : { "Head" : "Ava Anderson" }, "Administration" : { "Head" : "Matthew Young" }, "Sales" : { "Head" : "Sophia Wilson" } } Flow_05yi2j2 Flow_012i40t DataStoreReference_0zaapt8 Property_0xchz0v departmentlist = departments("departments","department_list") # Get Department Label temp_department_name = [x["label"] for x in departmentlist if x["value"] == my_department] department_name = temp_department_name[0] del(temp_department_name) Flow_012i40t Flow_06zwcm5