Environment - Vendor portal, Mailbox, etc. CorrelationProperty_Submit_Invoice Submit_the_invoice Gateway_validation_successful_question_mark Event_15y55nw Gateway_1lbghql Event_0x83ruk Event_0m3ri6v Gateway_1l4tz4i Event_1usbnt0 Event_0lhkxwc Event_1b58a3z Activity_0faln91 Event_0rwxlca Activity_07oyzdx Gateway_05ov5p5 Activity_0p88elm Gateway_1717c0p Activity_104xpp8 Activity_175j3o7 Event_176ch98 Delete_File Gateway_0dqj39f Event_1vi3um1 SubProcess_Data_validation_rules Event_invoice_validation_failed Gateway_0wk5se9 Activity_show_errors Activity_1colhao Activity_1u89kok Event_1r3yh2kx Activity_0rae8g6 Activity_1ucvkk4 Activity_1kgaqpf Waku_Message_Pending_Payment Activity_0gkpa9s Activity_0gkejaj Event_169on0z Activity_10p5t0r Activity_0twki30 Activity_1864qj2 Activity_0fq1nb4 Activity_06b32ar Activity_1t8wi0r Gateway_06i3we9 Event_09q0ym0 Activity_0cdgqi0 Gateway_1ytq6m7 Activity_11stdua Event_1lh7308 not(svc_is_invoice_submit_pass) not(isMatch) not(isInvoiceApproved) not(isInvoiceApproved) Flow_17vkjgc Flow_02moyg7 Flow_1ck27i7 Flow_1x4rtop Flow_05ffq52 Flow_02moyg7 Flow_1ck27i7 DataObjectReference_0bymrvr Flow_1avkxpe Flow_18i6dlo Flow_1d7sgm2 invoice_date_obj = datetime.strptime(invoice.dueDate, '%Y-%m-%d') local_date_time_obj = datetime.strptime(local_date_str, '%Y-%m-%d') if invoice_date_obj > local_date_time_obj: svc_is_due_date_after = True else: svc_is_due_date_after = False # Add date of invoice invoice["invoiceDate"] = local_date_str ld = str(local_date_time_obj) ido = str(invoice_date_obj) del local_date_time_obj del invoice_date_obj del datetime Flow_04odmtl {"invoice.contributorName": "Harmeet"} { "isNameNum": false, "invoice.contributorName": "Harmeet" } Flow_1avkxpe Flow_0mvmd06 svc_is_num_in_name = False for c in invoice.contributorName: if c.isdigit(): svc_is_num_in_name = True break del c Flow_0mvmd06 Flow_0wp2mcf # Check if there are more than two decimal places invoiceAmount_str = str(invoice.invoiceAmount) d = decimal.Decimal(invoiceAmount_str) d_cnt = d.as_tuple().exponent # Get number of decimal places svc_decimal_cnt = abs(d_cnt) #Delete unneeded variables del d del d_cnt del decimal Submit_Involce_Validation Flow_1d7sgm2 Flow_0tzjowk Flow_0wp2mcf Flow_18i6dlo Flow_0tzjowk Flow_04odmtl # Set Invoice Status if svc_is_invoice_submit_pass: invoice["invoiceStatus"] = "Awaiting approval" else: invoice["invoiceStatus"] = "Invoice validation failed" Process milestone should update the process metadata field “milestone reached” Flow_05ffq52 Flow_13ng1f4 Flow_1pefcgv Flow_061sv6t Flow_17vkjgc {{ submitInvoiceValidationMessage }} **Please fix when resubmitting.** Flow_13ng1f4 Flow_18cic3h whichSubject = "Currency" addNew = False Flow_0bipj9q Flow_061sv6t find_user = current_user["username"] isCurrentUser = True Flow_1vxagrf Flow_0bipj9q DataObjectReference_05liqvr Flow_1vxagrf Process milestone should update the process metadata field “milestone reached” Flow_04fl87d Flow_1ex5hfx Flow_1c5u447 Flow_1gohkts Flow_16bw9hx Flow_16bw9hx Flow_0kngdw4 Flow_1gohkts Flow_04ccp12 Flow_00kky3k Flow_15pzvrr Flow_18xvx8w Flow_0bfs2xe # Set Timer Check isApprovalTimer = False __________________________________________________________________________ _**Submitted by:**_ {{ invoice.contributorName }} _**Submiiter Id:**_ {{ invoice.contributorId }} _**Invoice Id:**_ {{ invoice.invoiceId }} _**Amount:**_ {{ invoice.invoiceAmount_str }} _**Submitted on:**_ {{ invoiceDate }} _**Due Date:**_ {{ invoice.dueDate}} __________________________________________________________________________ Flow_0lfqk0y Flow_09r1s5r __________________________________________________________________________ _**Submitted by:**_ {{ invoice.contributorName }} _**Submiiter Id:**_ {{ invoice.contributorId }} _**Invoice Id:**_ {{ invoice.invoiceId }} _**Amount:**_ {{ invoice.invoiceAmount_str }} _**Due Date:**_ {{ invoice.dueDate}} __________________________________________________________________________ Flow_1ds4s8o Flow_1whkgq0 Flow_1v8dszb Flow_1w4cqkv # Set Timer Check isApprovalTimer = True Flow_1w4cqkv Flow_09r1s5r Flow_1qf14hx Flow_1l74eab Flow_00kky3k Flow_0h96w9j Flow_1jfb24q Flow_0h96w9j Flow_1fvtcqt Flow_0c0c9mw Flow_1x00zm0 Flow_15pzvrr # Store Team Lead comments elsewhere and clear form comments if isApprovalTimer: invoice["commentsProjectLead"] = "No action taken within allotted time" approvalComment = "" invoice["isProjectLeadApprove"] = False isInvoiceApproved = False # Set Invoice Status invoice["invoiceStatus"] = "Rejected" else: invoice["commentsProjectLead"] = approvalComment approvalComment = "" invoice["isProjectLeadApprove"] = isInvoiceApproved # Set Invoice Status invoice["invoiceStatus"] = "Approved" Flow_1qf14hx Flow_1x00zm0 timedelta(seconds=1) Flow_1whkgq0 Flow_02v6lr2 invoice.commentsFinance = approvalComment approvalComment = "" # Set Invoice Status if isInvoiceApproved: invoice["invoiceStatus"] = "Approved by Finance Team" invoice["isFinanceApprove"] = True else: invoice["invoiceStatus"] = "Rejected by Finance Team" invoice["isFinanceApprove"] = False Flow_02v6lr2 Flow_1l74eab timedelta(seconds=1) __________________________________________________________________________ _**Submitted by:**_ {{ invoice.contributorName }} _**Submitter Id:**_ {{ invoice.contributorId }} _**Invoice Id:**_ {{ invoice.invoiceId }} _**Amount:**_ {{ invoice.invoiceAmount_str }} _**Submitted on:**_ {{ invoice.invoiceDate }} _**Due Date:**_ {{ invoice.dueDate}} __________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for your invoice submission. Updates on the progress of your submission will be sent to you on the Status app. Please click Submit below to return to the Home page. __________________________________________________________________________ Flow_06amgv2 Flow_0z51hpb Flow_14glsqd Flow_0hev3yn Flow_1s2as7o Flow_0hyvwku Flow_0o94g4u Flow_02o270g Flow_0o94g4u Flow_0a9w301 Flow_1s2as7o Flow_0hyvwku invoice_file_name = invoice.contributorName + "_" + str(invoice.invoiceId) + ".pdf" Flow_0hev3yn Flow_02o270g Flow_0dhpy0v Flow_14glsqd Flow_0a9w301 Flow_0cj1m0h del(filesAccept) Flow_0z51hpb Flow_06mfxze Flow_1xvt99y Flow_1xvt99y Flow_0dhpy0v timedelta(seconds=1) Flow_0bfs2xe Flow_0c0c9mw DataObjectReference_1wclgyx Flow_14x1v12 Flow_0k8m0l1 Flow_1bnxkd6 Flow_01i59kw Flow_1bnxkd6 Flow_01i59kw Flow_14x1v12 Flow_0k8m0l1 # Set which message and check if there are Project Lead and/or Finance comments if isApprovalTimer: task_id = "waku_no_team_lead_response" else: if isMatch: len_finance_comments = len(invoice["commentsFinance"].strip()) len_project_lead_comments = 0 task_id = "waku_invoice_rejected_ismatch" else: len_project_lead_comments = len(invoice["commentsProjectLead"].strip()) if invoice["isProjectLeadApprove"]: len_finance_comments = len(invoice["commentsFinance"].strip()) task_id = "waku_invoice_rejected_not_ismatch_pl_approve" else: task_id = "waku_invoice_rejected_not_ismatch_not_pl_approve" # Set Message should not be set isSetMessage = True # Set Time Zone time_zone = current_user_extras["time_zone"] # Set Time Format time_format = current_user_extras["time_format"] # Set Date Format date_format = current_user_extras["date_format"] Flow_0kngdw4 Flow_0lfqk0y Flow_0dvboik Flow_0y37dgj # Set who for find find_user = userKeycloak isCurrentUser = False Flow_0bv17h4 Flow_1jor3kc Flow_0re50gq Flow_0y37dgj # Set Waku message variables task_id = "waku_notify_project_lead" isSetMessage = True Flow_0cl4jmz Flow_0re50gq Flow_1jor3kc Flow_0cl4jmz # Set Project Lead Info project_lead_info = {} project_lead_info["full_name"] = userFullName project_lead_info["first_name"] = userFirstName project_lead_info["email"] = userEmail project_lead_info["time_zone"] = userTimeZone project_lead_info["time_format"] = userTimeFormat project_lead_info["date_format"] = userDateFormat project_lead_info["status_key"] = userStatusKey # Move to pre-script of Waku Message # Set Time Zone time_zone = project_lead_info["time_zone"] # Set Time Format time_format = project_lead_info["time_format"] # Set Date Format time_format = project_lead_info["date_format"] del(userFullName) del(userFirstName) del(userEmail) del(userTimeZone) del(userTimeFormat) del(userDateFormat) del(userStatusKey) Flow_0dvboik Flow_01ki4jt userBambooId_str = current_user_extras["bamboo_supervisor_api_id"] # Set who for find find_user = userKeycloak isCurrentUser = False Flow_01ki4jt Flow_0bv17h4 Flow_18xvx8w Flow_04ccp12 Flow_1ds4s8o DataObjectReference_0x2dn5o Flow_11zkgke # Set Task Id task_id = "waku_notify_finance" # Set Message should not be set isSetMessage = True isInvoiceApproved = "" Flow_0u8sn4c Flow_0n3djvs Flow_0lr2fpj Flow_0n3djvs Flow_0lr2fpj Flow_11zkgke Flow_1ale8a2 # Get Finance Group Members finance_members_start = get_group_members("Finance Team") finance_members = finance_members_start # Removed all but Sasha for demo for member in finance_members: if member != "alex": finance_members.remove(member) # Set who for find find_user = 'alex' isCurrentUser = False # Set Project Lead Timer Check to False to determine which message to send later isApprovalTimer = False Flow_1ale8a2 Flow_1gfeknb Flow_1gfeknb Flow_0u8sn4c # Set Project Lead Info finance_info = {} finance_info["full_name"] = userFullName finance_info["first_name"] = userFirstName finance_info["email"] = userEmail finance_info["time_zone"] = userTimeZone finance_info["time_format"] = userTimeFormat finance_info["date_format"] = userDateFormat finance_info["status_key"] = userStatusKey # Move to pre-script of Waku Message # Set Time Zone time_zone = finance_info["time_zone"] # Set Time Format time_format = finance_info["time_format"] # Set Date Format time_format = finance_info["date_format"] del(userFullName) del(userFirstName) del(userEmail) del(userTimeZone) del(userTimeFormat) del(userDateFormat) del(userStatusKey) # Set Invoice Status to Approved and Pending Payment invoice["invoiceStatus"] = "Approved and Pending Payment" Flow_1fvtcqt Flow_1jfb24q DataObjectReference_0br9o6c Flow_1j5eznh # Check for Finance comments len_finance_comments = len(invoice["commentsFinance"].strip()) # Set Task Id and Project Lead comments length if isMatch: task_id = "waku_payment_pending_ismatch" len_project_lead_comments = 0 else: task_id = "waku_payment_pending_not_ismatch" len_project_lead_comments = len(invoice["commentsProjectLead"].strip()) # Set Message in Call Activity isSetMessage = True # Set Time Zone timezone = current_user_extras["time_zone"] Flow_1j5eznh Flow_1w7kqay Flow_1buk0a2 Flow_1w7kqay Flow_1buk0a2 Flow_0cj1m0h Flow_04fl87d DataObjectReference_1ykzuco Flow_1yktpsd Flow_17xbb2s Flow_0j4xxzp Flow_17xbb2s # Set Task List task_id = "waku_invoice_submitted" # Set Message should be generated isSetMessage = True # Set Time Zone time_zone = current_user_extras["time_zone"] # Set Time Format time_format = current_user_extras["time_format"] # Set Date Format time_format = current_user_extras["date_format"] Flow_1yktpsd Flow_0j4xxzp Flow_1ex5hfx Flow_1c5u447 Flow_1sc1v4y Invoice_Approval_Check Flow_1m8uxeg Flow_04do8x7 Flow_02g4qn2 Flow_0nxzc38 annual_salary_str = resp_BambooPayRate["amount"] annual_salary = float(annual_salary_str) Flow_0xtzqkg Flow_1m8uxeg invoice_amount = invoice.invoiceAmount Flow_04do8x7 Flow_0nxzc38 Flow_0xtzqkg Flow_1sc1v4y Flow_02g4qn2 Flow_06mfxze timedelta(seconds=1000) Flow_1v8dszb timedelta(minutes=3) curCode = invoice.invoiceCurrency curAmount = invoice.invoiceAmount isCurTest = False invoice.invoiceAmount_str = curAmount_str Flow_1x4rtop Flow_06amgv2 Flow_18cic3h Flow_1pefcgv # CLear Contributor Name if contains number if svc_is_num_in_name: invoice["contributorName"] = None # Clear Invoice Anount if more than 2 decimals if svc_decimal_cnt > 2: invoice["invoiceAmount"] = None # Clear Invocie Due Date if before Today's Date if not(svc_is_due_date_after): invoice["dueDate"] = None Flow_0pwvb62 Flow_0pwvb62 Flow_0z8ory2 Flow_0z8ory2 Flow_1hebd4s invoice = {} # no numbers in contributor name validation if " Number in contributor name" in ValidationChoices: invoice["contributorName"] = "Harmee5 Singh" else: invoice["contributorName"] = "Harmeet Singh" # Invoice amount number of decimals validation if " Too many decimals in invoice amount" in ValidationChoices: if scenarioChoices == "Correct invoice amount": invoice["invoiceAmount"] = 10000.001 else: invoice["invoiceAmount"] = 10001.001 else: if scenarioChoices == "Correct invoice amount": invoice["invoiceAmount"] = 10000.00 else: invoice["invoiceAmount"] = 10001.00 # Due date validation if " Due date before today's date" in ValidationChoices: invoice["dueDate"] = "2021-12-12" else: invoice["dueDate"] = "2022-12-12" # Set remainder of form fields invoice["contributorId"] = 12 invoice["invoiceId"] = 1234 invoice["invoiceCurrency"] = "AUD" Flow_1hebd4s DataObjectReference_1g4gzsx topica_one topica_one { "topica_one": "Invoice successfully submitted" }