Flow_15c4wm3 Flow_15c4wm3 Flow_1195zgn Flow_1czgyj5 ## Call The Real Chuck Norris **First Name:** {{ firstName }} **Last Name:** {{ lastName }} **Telephone:** {{ telephone_all }} . Flow_0kdjagb Flow_12yxktn Flow_1195zgn Flow_1vfw75z # Get lenth of phone number entered tel_len = len(telephone) # Determine if the US country code was entered or not if tel_len == 11: country_code = telephone[0] area_code_strt = 1 else: country_code = "1" area_code_strt = 0 # Set where phone number starts phone_strt = area_code_strt + 3 # Get area code area_code = "(" + telephone[area_code_strt:area_code_strt+3] + ")" # Get phone number phone_before_hyphen = telephone[phone_strt:phone_strt+3] phone_after_hyphen = telephone[phone_strt+3:] phone_number_all = phone_before_hyphen + "-" + phone_after_hyphen telephone_all = country_code + " " + area_code + " " + phone_number_all del(country_code) del(area_code) del(phone_number_all) del(phone_strt) del(area_code_strt) del(phone_before_hyphen) del(phone_after_hyphen) del(tel_len) Analyze_Telephone_Number Flow_1vfw75z Flow_0z9399c Flow_0z9399c Flow_0z3tg6l Flow_0gbomzh isRealChuckNorris Flow_0z3tg6l Flow_0kdjagb Flow_0r7plsj whichNumber == "Chuck's Personal Number" ##. Call Chuck's Fan Club **First Name:** {{ firstName }} **Last Name:** {{ lastName }} **Telephone:** {{ telephone_all }} Flow_0r7plsj Flow_1yshk2s Flow_0gbomzh Flow_07urdvu Flow_0u5kd7m whichNumber == "Some Other Chuck Norris" Flow_0q4rvgc Flow_0gr5f0w Flow_12yxktn Flow_1yshk2s Flow_1czgyj5 ## Call Some Other Chuck **First Name:** {{ firstName }} **Last Name:** {{ lastName }} **Telephone:** {{ telephone_all }} Flow_0u5kd7m Flow_0q4rvgc ## Call Some Other Chuck Norris **First Name:** {{ firstName }} **Last Name:** {{ lastName }}. **Telephone:** {{ telephone_all }} Flow_07urdvu Flow_0gr5f0w