Flow_0r83yf6 Flow_0j098m4 Flow_0r83yf6 Flow_0aamiwc Flow_0j92704 Flow_0hbuzjk Flow_0hbuzjk Flow_0j098m4 Flow_114lue4 proceed Flow_0fr3b32 Flow_114lue4 Flow_1mtk1pt Here's your answers for Questions Set 1 1. What is the capital of France? {{capital_of_france}} 2. Which river is the longest in the world? {{longest_river}} 3. What is the tallest mountain in the world? {{tallest_mountain}} 4. Which desert is the largest in the world? {{largest_dessert}} Flow_0aamiwc Flow_0j92704 Here's your answers for Questions Set 2 1. In what year did Christopher Columbus reach the America? {{america_discovered_in}} 2. What is the chemical symbol for water? {{symbol_of_water}} 3. Which planet is known as the 'Red Planet'? {{red_planet}} 4. Who was the first president of the United States? {{first_president_of_usa}} Flow_1mtk1pt Flow_0fr3b32