{ "firstName": { "ui:autofocus": true, "ui:emptyValue": "", "ui:placeholder": "ui:emptyValue causes this field to always be valid despite being required", "ui:autocomplete": "family-name", "ui:enableMarkdownInDescription": true, "ui:description": "Make text **bold** or *italic*. Take a look at other options [here](https://probablyup.com/markdown-to-jsx/).", "ui:help": "This is help text for text field" }, "address": { "ui:widget": "textarea", "ui:help": "Enter the address", "ui:placeholder": "Enter your Address here" }, "check1": { "ui:help": "Help text for check box 1", "ui:placeholder": "test place holder" }, "check2": { "ui:tooltip": "Default set to false", "ui:help": "Help text for check box 2" }, "check3": { "ui:tooltip": "Default set to true", "ui:help": "Help text for check box 3" }, "driving": { "ui:widget": "radio", "ui:options": { "inline": false }, "ui:help": "Click on Yes if you are a good driver!", "ui:placeholder": "Test Place Holder" }, "delivery_date": { "ui:widget": "date", "ui:help": "Specify the preferred delivery date for this service/product", "ui:placeholder": "delivery date" }, "delivery_date_range": { "ui:widget": "date-range", "ui:help": "Specify the preferred delivery date for this service/product" } }