Process description can be found here **Name of the process** - Raise New Demand Request **Process Goal** - To collect and review all purchase requests and prepare them for the procurement steps. **Trigger** - Purchase need has been identified by a Core Contributor. **Customer** - Service Units and Core Contributors **Actors** - Core Contributor, Budget Owner, PPG, PeopleOps, Legal, Infra, Security Gateway_0db4fvw Activity_08xl52p Activity_1jpqpoa Event_0jmnbvc Event_1k7puc2 Event_1nftgle Event_0x47qrd Gateway_0dj673n Activity_0vw59pd Gateway_0qbf3s9 Activity_0biwdi7 Gateway_01nq66f Event_0shanpw Event_1yd9gir Activity_1s89fmw Gateway_01hote2 Event_06pat97 Gateway_0tzllzw Activity_01u6nii Event_1fa9h89 Gateway_0zvodob Event_13lh9kk Event_0k3nkra Gateway_126t0we Gateway_11sgdfq Event_0ikppnh Activity_1np0do0 Activity_1o9jqsv Event_0j50gfu Event_19mu5m7 Gateway_0msst2a Activity_0zszjko Gateway_1gweofr Event_1cr1eqa Event_1vfzphm Event_16opsk7 Event_0jdy2uk Gateway_0xu2jtl Activity_1a6qnty Event_00zhnxu Gateway_0vdntex Activity_0rhqmwe Event_1fsb3by Activity_05nr3wb Gateway_1je3z9i Activity_16i7dp7 Event_1sbi4xu Event_1k3zz2f Event_0kh2b9q Event_0eu64qs Event_1300gad Gateway_1gcwukc Activity_1iohamu Event_12tt6fj Activity_1nfb31d Event_0436zos Event_1px9xcd Activity_14fif5h Activity_0uhfy9l Gateway_05470yw Gateway_14xgyev Gateway_0nujbwj Event_0gxfpvb Activity_0bghij1 Gateway_02ug3cs Activity_0j7pkyk Event_1eos1zo Gateway_1qwn7ei Event_0daj31x Event_1si6b3g Event_06bnz9o StartEvent_1 Gateway_17sf14l Activity_18am0at Activity_000swbl Activity_18a4ocw Activity_1itequ5 Gateway_078fn3y Event_0xklgk1 Activity_10nldyr Gateway_1btvqy5 Event_15dhedu Activity_0tt12kf Gateway_0tlgsqb Activity_108eq0l Submit_Validate_New_Demand_Request-Sub_Process Activity_1fz0bsz Activity_18x1o1c This is the documentation of the Start Event for this process model. Flow_0mbb848 Flow_0l3u381 Flow_0mbb848 Flow_1a7xig3 Flow_1lfn8yz Data Object metadata - tbd Flow_1ygiuii DataObjectReference_0hsw7aa Flow_0kp20kp Flow_1ygiuii Flow_18p0io0 Flow_1cnzdsg Flow_0kp20kp Flow_0xnbnkt Flow_01n63u0 Flow_18p0io0 Flow_0m9l1ah Flow_090tycz Flow_12883no Flow_0de6bzm Flow_13jmp2u Flow_0m9l1ah Flow_12883no Flow_1c8vykc Flow_0xnbnkt not(isReview) not(isProceed) Category = Software & Licences All requests where Category <> Software & Licences, <> Travel, <> Compensation Get Form Data Call Activity is used for getting required data for User Tasks. **Figma - New Demand request (Procurement) - SUBMIT**, **Fields details** - Flow_1lfn8yz Flow_0ss3jdh Flow_0ss3jdh Flow_1ypq7k8 Flow_0jhh37r Flow_0pp3u64 Flow_07gw03w Flow_0t362kd Flow_05ic75w Flow_05ic75w Flow_1oy9au5 Flow_1scd576 Flow_045xngq Flow_14yedff Flow_0exx013 Flow_1oy9au5 Flow_14yedff Flow_01jh6p6 Flow_01jh6p6 Flow_1xjgn6s Flow_0exx013 Flow_1xjgn6s Flow_1scd576 Flow_045xngq Flow_1fd34jl Flow_1fd34jl Flow_07gw03w Flow_0t362kd isReview = True For every item TBD with Jason TODAY >=TODAY Flow_1spwsg1 Flow_1a7xig3 Flow_1pxvx6b Flow_1igpbkd Flow_1igpbkd Flow_0vr9sdg a=1 Flow_0vr9sdg Flow_1pxvx6b Flow_0pp3u64 Flow_0n4fh0y Flow_1spwsg1 Flow_001a5wn Flow_0n4fh0y Flow_1ac8bib Flow_1ac8bib Flow_0ledpg2 Flow_0l3u381 Flow_0ledpg2 Flow_001a5wn Flow_0vw379z Flow_0vw379z Flow_0ja4xhr Flow_1o4dqco To send message through Waku. Message - Flow_1o4dqco Flow_1n2v5zg DataObjectReference_1aq4lbg Message - Flow_147yu0h Flow_03j2gbu DataObjectReference_0sb6bga Flow_03j2gbu Message - Flow_034ez5t Flow_0en7ium DataObjectReference_1taxigb Flow_0en7ium Flow_1jdyoqm Flow_1b386ou **Figma - New Demand request (Procurement) - SUBMIT**, **Fields details** - Flow_0h80bf3 Flow_0u9k2wx DataObjectReference_0x2nl9m Thank you! Please ensure that you have enough budget for the demand, and if needed, submit the **budget increase request** via **TypeForm** - Flow_0u9k2wx Flow_0rvr5e7 Flow_0rvr5e7 Flow_12bnhp1 Flow_1cnzdsg Flow_1jdyoqm Defined in the Call Activity - Define Approval strategy Flow_1b386ou Flow_034ez5t Flow_0p6nx7g Flow_0v2k6c7 Flow_1m2ww6f Flow_0ivtxme Milestone Flow_0p6nx7g Flow_0v2k6c7 Message - Flow_0y86qqu Flow_1hwl8ai DataObjectReference_1ufw9hg Flow_0ivtxme Flow_05fojyk Flow_0y86qqu Message - Flow_0xvqu1v Flow_0xb76li DataObjectReference_1kr8dbu Flow_1tt575s Flow_1kcfinc DataObjectReference_17naorg Flow_1naganq Message - Flow_1jp7aqy Flow_1naganq DataObjectReference_0njly5v Milestone Flow_1hwl8ai Flow_1tt575s Flow_1kcfinc Flow_09acpla Flow_01n63u0 Flow_0a5yhak Message - Flow_06c3yw6 Flow_1v5wz1m DataObjectReference_1ry26yk Flow_1v5wz1m Flow_0a5yhak Flow_1jp7aqy Flow_09acpla Flow_06c3yw6 **Figma - New Demand request (Procurement) - SUBMIT**, **Fields details** - Flow_0x3kydh Flow_06b6udn DataObjectReference_0hqgpr1 Flow_06b6udn Flow_1c8vykc Flow_0piw09v Flow_01bm90f Flow_1usc8it Milestone Flow_1usc8it Flow_1dfe7tm Flow_0piw09v Flow_1vkub7h Milestone Flow_0xb76li Flow_0x3kydh Flow_1m2ww6f Flow_08ncsz1 Flow_0xvqu1v Flow_01bm90f Flow_1tv52b2 Flow_1tv52b2 Flow_09rjnac Flow_0uom6d1 Flow_0gkfwdb Flow_01s6egz DataObjectReference_1jvxl8y Message - Flow_0uom6d1 Flow_1lb55um DataObjectReference_18h2v8d Milestone Flow_1lb55um Flow_0gkfwdb Flow_01s6egz Flow_090tycz Flow_03jbh71 Flow_0330dfz Flow_0330dfz Flow_1q7pvvi Flow_03jbh71 Flow_1aru6o6 Flow_1q7pvvi Flow_0cxeosr Flow_0m40xna Flow_1vkub7h Flow_1aru6o6 Flow_0neybmy Flow_0hz6t2a Flow_0703ixn Message - Flow_0hz6t2a Flow_0703ixn DataObjectReference_1rmnnq1 Message - Flow_0m40xna Flow_08m2qn8 DataObjectReference_00agpt8 Milestone Flow_08m2qn8 Flow_0eky761 Flow_0eky761 Flow_141l9mf DataObjectReference_1d8wbw6 Flow_1pa3da4 Flow_1dfe7tm Flow_10eey19 Flow_0cmpmkk Flow_1pa3da4 Flow_141l9mf Flow_1iyosbm Flow_0de6bzm Flow_19miqjt Flow_1iyosbm Flow_0cmpmkk Flow_19miqjt Flow_0neybmy Message - Flow_0tes3fg Flow_03lmij7 DataObjectReference_036sqbp Flow_03bcido Flow_13jmp2u Flow_0k897q2 **Figma - New Demand request (Procurement) - SUBMIT**, **Fields details** - Flow_11nhsst Flow_03bcido DataObjectReference_0a1iy5x Message - Flow_0upm08q Flow_0boeaof DataObjectReference_10yrt4u Flow_0boeaof Milestone Flow_03lmij7 Flow_11nhsst Flow_0k897q2 Flow_0upm08q Flow_10eey19 Flow_0m2l5ke Flow_0tes3fg Milestone Flow_1n2v5zg Flow_0h80bf3 Flow_12bnhp1 Flow_147yu0h Flow_0m2l5ke Flow_0cxeosr Flow_09rjnac Flow_08ncsz1 Flow_05fojyk Flow_0ja4xhr Flow_1ypq7k8 Flow_0jhh37r Orgdata from BBHR, Categories from a DB, Currencies from Xero + Currency conversion same as BO form TO be designed T&C review TypeForm