{ "admin": false, "description": "Sourcing & Category management, Vendor Contract & Service Agreements, Vendor Lifecycle management and Procurement", "display_name": "07 - Manage Procurement", "display_order": 6, "process_groups": [ { "admin": false, "description": "Vendor onboarding, Vendor MD maintenance, Vendor Off-boarding and Vendors Performance Evaluation & Vendors Complaints", "display_name": "7.3 - Vendor Lifecycle Management", "display_order": 5, "id": "manage-procurement/vendor-lifecycle-management", "process_groups": [ { "admin": false, "description": "", "display_name": "7.3.1 - Vendor onboarding", "display_order": 5, "id": "manage-procurement/vendor-lifecycle-management/vendor-onboarding", "process_groups": [], "process_models": [], "sort_index": "7.3.1 - Vendor onboarding" }, { "admin": false, "description": "Vendor MD creation, Vendor MD change and Vendor MD block", "display_name": "7.3.2 - Vendor MD maintenance", "display_order": 5, "id": "manage-procurement/vendor-lifecycle-management/vendor-md-maintenance", "process_groups": [], "process_models": [], "sort_index": "7.3.2 - Vendor MD maintenance" }, { "admin": false, "description": "", "display_name": "7.3.3 - Vendor Off-boarding", "display_order": 5, "id": "manage-procurement/vendor-lifecycle-management/vendor-off-boarding", "process_groups": [], "process_models": [], "sort_index": "7.3.3 - Vendor Off-boarding" }, { "admin": false, "description": "", "display_name": "7.3.4 - Vendors Performance Evaluation & Vendors Complaints", "display_order": 5, "id": "manage-procurement/vendor-lifecycle-management/vendors-performance-evaluation-vendors-complaints", "process_groups": [], "process_models": [], "sort_index": "7.3.4 - Vendors Performance Evaluation & Vendors Complaints" } ], "process_models": [], "sort_index": "7.3 - Vendor Lifecycle Management" }, { "admin": false, "description": "Procurement", "display_name": "Procurement", "display_order": 18, "id": "manage-procurement/procurement", "process_groups": [ { "admin": false, "description": "Vendor Invoice management", "display_name": "Vendor Invoice management", "display_order": 18, "id": "manage-procurement/procurement/vendor-invoice-management", "process_groups": [], "process_models": [ { "description": "Invoice Approval", "display_name": "Invoice Approval", "display_order": 0, "exception_notification_addresses": [], "fault_or_suspend_on_exception": "fault", "files": [], "id": "manage-procurement/procurement/vendor-invoice-management/invoice-approval", "is_review": false, "primary_file_name": "cc-invoice-approval-process-v2.bpmn", "primary_process_id": "Process_cc_invoice_approval_process_v2_a", "process_group": "manage-procurement/procurement/vendor-invoice-management", "sort_index": "manage-procurement/procurement/vendor-invoice-management/invoice-approval" } ], "sort_index": "Vendor Invoice management" }, { "admin": false, "description": "", "display_name": "7.4.2 - Purchase Orders Management", "display_order": 5, "id": "manage-procurement/procurement/purchase-orders-management", "process_groups": [], "process_models": [], "sort_index": "7.4.2 - Purchase Orders Management" }, { "admin": false, "description": "", "display_name": "7.4.1 - Requisition Order Management", "display_order": 5, "id": "manage-procurement/procurement/requisition-order-management", "process_groups": [], "process_models": [], "sort_index": "7.4.1 - Requisition Order Management" }, { "admin": false, "description": "", "display_name": "7.4.5 - Core Contributor Invoice Management", "display_order": 5, "id": "manage-procurement/procurement/core-contributor-invoice-management", "process_groups": [], "process_models": [], "sort_index": "7.4.5 - Core Contributor Invoice Management" }, { "admin": false, "description": "", "display_name": "7.4.3 - Goods or Services Receipt", "display_order": 5, "id": "manage-procurement/procurement/goods-or-services-receipt", "process_groups": [], "process_models": [], "sort_index": "7.4.3 - Goods or Services Receipt" } ], "process_models": [], "sort_index": "Procurement" }, { "admin": false, "description": "Analyse Needs, Markets & Costs & Vendors and Select & Certify Vendors", "display_name": "7.1 - Sourcing&Category management", "display_order": 5, "id": "manage-procurement/sourcing-category-management", "process_groups": [ { "admin": false, "description": "", "display_name": "7.1.2 - Select & Certify Vendors", "display_order": 5, "id": "manage-procurement/sourcing-category-management/select-certify-vendors", "process_groups": [], "process_models": [], "sort_index": "7.1.2 - Select & Certify Vendors" }, { "admin": false, "description": "", "display_name": "7.1.1 - Analyse Needs, Markets & Costs & Vendors", "display_order": 5, "id": "manage-procurement/sourcing-category-management/analyse-needs-markets-costs-vendors", "process_groups": [], "process_models": [], "sort_index": "7.1.1 - Analyse Needs, Markets & Costs & Vendors" } ], "process_models": [], "sort_index": "7.1 - Sourcing&Category management" }, { "admin": false, "description": "Contract negotiation, Contract review and approvals, Signing and Archiving contracts, Post-closing management (monitoring) and Manage templates and documents storage", "display_name": "7.2 - Vendor Contract & Service Agreements", "display_order": 5, "id": "manage-procurement/vendor-contract-service-agreements", "process_groups": [ { "admin": false, "description": "", "display_name": "7.2.1 - Contract negotiation", "display_order": 5, "id": "manage-procurement/vendor-contract-service-agreements/contract-negotiation", "process_groups": [], "process_models": [], "sort_index": "7.2.1 - Contract negotiation" }, { "admin": false, "description": "", "display_name": "7.2.3 - Signing and Archiving contracts", "display_order": 5, "id": "manage-procurement/vendor-contract-service-agreements/signing-and-archiving-contracts", "process_groups": [], "process_models": [], "sort_index": "7.2.3 - Signing and Archiving contracts" }, { "admin": false, "description": "", "display_name": "7.2.2 - Contract review and approvals", "display_order": 5, "id": "manage-procurement/vendor-contract-service-agreements/contract-review-and-approvals", "process_groups": [], "process_models": [], "sort_index": "7.2.2 - Contract review and approvals" }, { "admin": false, "description": "", "display_name": "7.2.4 - Post-closing management (monitoring)", "display_order": 5, "id": "manage-procurement/vendor-contract-service-agreements/post-closing-management-monitoring", "process_groups": [], "process_models": [], "sort_index": "7.2.4 - Post-closing management (monitoring)" }, { "admin": false, "description": "", "display_name": "7.2.5 - Manage templates and documents storage", "display_order": 5, "id": "manage-procurement/vendor-contract-service-agreements/manage-templates-and-documents-storage", "process_groups": [], "process_models": [], "sort_index": "7.2.5 - Manage templates and documents storage" } ], "process_models": [], "sort_index": "7.2 - Vendor Contract & Service Agreements" } ], "process_models": [] }