Name of the process - Raise New Demand Request Process Goal - To collect and review all purchase requests and prepare them for the procurement steps. Trigger - Purchase need has been identified by a Core Contributor. Customer - Service Units and Core Contributors Actors - Core Contributor, Team/Project Lead (Budget Owner), Systems/Environment - Data objects - Process Description - WIP Name of the process - Raise Travel Request Process Goal - Get approval for the traveling and expenses associated Trigger - Event date is approaching/an event has been identified Actors - Core Contributor, Project/Team Lead, PeopleOps Partner, Finance manager Customer - Core Contributor, PeopleOps partner Steps and decision points - Data objects - New Demand Request, Budget Systems/Environment - Spiff, BBHR, StatusApp, GSheets? Event_1t6m3yh Activity_0q98cm9 Gateway_1j55qwu Activity_0zszjko Event_1s3p42s Event_1w5tu4w Event_1b4cvmw Activity_0r84cpb Event_05wvlyg StartEvent_1 Activity_0rfep3p Gateway_14j5ul9 Activity_05le46k Gateway_0iwcrxf Gateway_0kqyhb0 Activity_04uftwi Activity_0jhske2 Activity_0fid0s2 Activity_1fvwi9n Activity_18vuhhf Activity_0yi6n6n Activity_1dfvwgx Activity_1v4rxu0 Activity_0tt12kf Event_0mcmk2b Event_0scax7o Activity_1i8r1i2 Gateway_1g0fyse Gateway_1xs01k4 Event_14t9kgu Gateway_1k61xs7 Event_12tt6fj Activity_0moag4v Gateway_05470yw Activity_14fif5h Activity_0klocsj Event_0ry9118 Event_04utv09 Activity_057tit8 Event_1a63r3x Gateway_1d1z27s Event_1oyx0u3 Flow_0mbb848 Flow_0v7se5y Flow_0v7se5y Flow_17tshyf Flow_17tshyf Flow_02l4yqt Flow_0xw1gem Flow_1ipb2ul DataObjectReference_070iy0o Flow_1ipb2ul Flow_0hpzx53 Flow_0sn1b3k Flow_1ydkj7x Flow_1yd4u6b Flow_1ggeeyf Flow_0mw61by Flow_15jbopb Flow_0mcrbva Flow_008xbhz Flow_11q18td Flow_1qb7cb6 Flow_1yd4u6b Flow_15jbopb Flow_0sn1b3k Flow_0mcrbva Flow_0hpzx53 Flow_0mw61by Flow_1ydkj7x Flow_008xbhz Flow_1ggeeyf Flow_11q18td Flow_1svl4e2 Flow_02l4yqt DataObjectReference_08v14vn Flow_0b5yksq Flow_0ck5jwb Flow_1svl4e2 Flow_1qb7cb6 Flow_16xbljt to consolidate info for Approver Flow_0smwz5e Flow_0cznde0 DataObjectReference_1fmxy5c Flow_15mb4wr Flow_0vw379z Flow_0cznde0 Flow_15mb4wr Flow_07lq3en Flow_0jxiatt Flow_0irl5s5 check messages section here - Flow_0xqd7t2 Flow_0jxiatt DataObjectReference_0leto91 Flow_0u9k2wx Flow_0xxa78z Flow_0xxa78z Flow_12bnhp1 Flow_0b5yksq Flow_1j54ncr Flow_0irl5s5 Flow_0u9k2wx DataObjectReference_0yzc2w4 check messages section here - Flow_0p8pykp Flow_07lq3en DataObjectReference_0muynhw Flow_12bnhp1 Flow_0p8pykp Flow_1j54ncr Flow_0te1qzm Flow_0vw379z Flow_16bq3s4 Flow_0xqd7t2 Flow_0mjxdwu check messages section here - Flow_0wa76lf Flow_0mjxdwu DataObjectReference_1xbeykt check messages section here - Flow_0pyprx1 Flow_0wnumhn DataObjectReference_11lhxd6 Flow_0wnumhn Flow_10nexen Flow_0hkgrae Flow_0j8pv5q Flow_1s2ql8h Flow_0ck5jwb Flow_10nexen Flow_0hkgrae DataObjectReference_0rdxajs Flow_0evmlil Flow_0j8pv5q Flow_0wa76lf Flow_1s2ql8h Flow_13dojnu Flow_0te1qzm Flow_0qjvcfe Flow_0pyprx1 check messages section here - Flow_13dojnu Flow_0evmlil DataObjectReference_1pw850e Flow_16xbljt Flow_0smwz5e Flow_0xw1gem Flow_16bq3s4 Flow_0qjvcfe Flow_0mbb848 Orgdata from BBHR, Categories from a DB, Currencies from Xero Typeform