StartEvent_1 Event_1trufij Activity_16i73bo Activity_0cyvzt6 Activity_1pnq1wu Activity_0c713ei Activity_090f7jd Flow_0yw759m Flow_0a3x6nr ## HR Instructions Sign in to BambooHR as your user with HR-level access. Establish an account username for the new employee that will be used across systems, including Keycloak sign in. Enter user into system, and then submit this task so that the administrators can add the user to Keycloak, etc. Flow_0yw759m Flow_15ce5it Flow_15ce5it Flow_13vk83w Flow_13vk83w Flow_1c4e0ex Flow_052ydyl Flow_0a3x6nr Flow_1c4e0ex Flow_052ydyl